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Everything posted by IgorZ

  1. KAS 1.2 on KSP 1.6.1 should work just fine. The mods that need legacy KAS parts will break. I'm working on a patch (will suggest it into the Pathfinder repository). However, the full pipes support will not be implemented. Only the flex hose and sockets on the parts like TrailerHitch.
  2. You may want to read this Wiki. Could you please be more specific?
  3. KAS v1.3 is not compatible with KSP 1.6.1. FlexOTube may work till KAS v1.1. Also, you can install KAS v1.3 and then download and add the legacy parts manually.
  4. There is a word. It's here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26347979. If you cannot read the post, don't worry! Simply wait a bit (or a lot, it doesn't depend on me in this case).
  5. LogConsole v1.1 (April 23rd, 2019): [Enhancement] Show quick filter string in the dialog title. [Change] KSP 1.7 compatibility.
  6. 1.13 (April 23rd, 2019): [Change] KSP 1.7 compatibility.
  7. 1.11 (April 23rd, 2019) [Change] KSP 1.7 compatibility.
  8. Honestly, I have no idea how it can be addressed at all. The missied types thing is about KSP, C# and Unity. It's not related to the mod, which is not loaded in this case. Try raising this issue on the KSP bug tracker. Given you can provide a clear case, they may choose to act. A note unrelated to my suggestion of addressing it via KSP bug tracker. I'd argue that this error is supposed to throw only once. Every time you try to get a type, which is not known to the runtime domain, you must get an exception. It's perfectly fine to me, as a C# programmer. If your code may end up not finding a type, it must stop requesting it after the first failure. If it didn't, then there will be an error each time it tries.
  9. KAS v1.3 1.3 (April 21st, 2019): [Change] KSP 1.7 compatibility. [Fix #263] Missing files trying to compile locally. [Fix #264] It's seems that KAS v1.2 do not support KSP v1.7. For now only GitHub and Spacedock are updated. CurseForge and CKAN will need extra couple of days. It's a common process issue when a new major version is released, no need to worry.
  10. It is actually related. The pistons are added via code. If code fails, then the socket model is all you get. And the code does fail in 1.7. It's funny how unfortunately the dates matched. I could fix all these 1.7 issues easily... if I wasn't out of country for a long trip. For all who are concerned: I'm back on April 21, that's the likely date to have the fix.
  11. KAS can be downloaded from GitHub, CurseForge and Spacedock. All three sources allow downloading old versions. Afaik, even CKAN allows it. Keep in mind that old parts are not supported since KSP 1.5.
  12. The .craft files are explicitly excluded from the upgrade process. Only save games are upgraded. And if you want to prevent the upgrade, simply delete or rename "COMP_*" file s in the patch folder. If you want to exclude only some parts, you'll need to edit those files. Simple change like removing a specific patch shouldn't be a big issue, the file syntax is very obvious in this sense.
  13. It seems they've changed the upgrade pipeline in 1.7. I'm on a trip for 1-2 weeks, so no fixes should be expected before Apr 22nd. I'd guess that downgrading to 1.6 may work for some players. No guarantees though.
  14. Thank you for doing this investigation! I've updated the archive, so let's see if CKAN will handle it.
  15. ATTENTION to the legacy part users. READ THE RELEASE NOTES!!! 1.2 (Apr 8th, 2019): [Change] ATTENTION! The legacy parts are not provided in this version!!! Read Wiki for more details. [Enhancement] Add French localization. [Enhancement] Add Portuguese localization. [Enhancement #260] Add a setting to control the couple state on link. [Change] Major update to the basic renderer module to increase UX experience. [Fix #236] Support action groups in winches. [Fix #252] NRE when entering the vessel from EVA. [Fix #255] KAS link throws when loading save file. [Fix #258] Connectors break on entering the physics bubble. [Fix #260] Add a setting to control the couple state on link.
  16. I've seen some of such issues during my unrelated tests too. It's good you've provided a clear case for it. I've created a bug. Will take a look at it once KAS is finally released.
  17. As long as you don't use the legacy parts, it's safe to simply ignore this message. The legacy parts are known to not work good, but they are not supported and will be deprecated soon anyway. You can easily distinguish them by suffix "LEGACY" in the name.
  18. There are plans, but the parts will not be in the next version. For now, no ETA on when it can happen. I'm going to spend some time on KIS now. When feasible, you can use regular winches to attach to a ground locked pylon. If not feasible (like for ships), then the legacy parts is your best bet, sorry.
  19. KSPDev Utils v1.2 1.2 (April 2nd, 2019): [Fix] Implement "breadth first search" approach as stated in the description. It was DFS before: Hierarchy.FindTransformInChildren. [Fix] Properly handle the base class when gathering persistent field attributes: ConfigUtils.BasePersistentFieldAttribute. [Enhancement] Add extension method to update transform from PosAndRot object: Extensions.PosAndRotExtensions. [Enhancement] Add module to check preconditions: ProcessingUtils.Preconditions. [Enhancement] Add module to check arguents: ProcessingUtils.ArgumentGuard. [Enhancement] Add safe method to immediately destroy an object: Hierarchy.SafeDestory. [Enhancement] Add attribute for persistent field with custom protos: ConfigUtils.PersistentCustomFieldAttribute. [Enhancement] Add class to configure a part config patch: ConfigUtils.ConfigNodePatch. [Enhancement] Add module to handle part config patches: ConfigUtils.PartNodePatcher.
  20. In the current implementation only kerbals can move and attach parts. You still can add ModuleKISPickup to other parts to increase mass and distance limits.
  21. It seems you connected the vessels in undocked mode (see TJ-1 part menu). This mode should be used with care since when the scene reloads, the vessels can move significantly relative to each other. As a result, the link may not be restored due to the constraints. In you example the docking port was placed too far from rover, so the length constraint was violated.
  22. Could you please have it tested in KSP 1.6.1 and KIS 1.18? Sorry, but the legacy versions are not maintained.
  23. Next version teaser. Any guesses what was the affected mod? HINT: If you're a patron, then you know the exact answer.
  24. LocalizationTool v1.8 1.8 (March 25h, 2019): [Change] Add localizations to the missed strings in the mod. [Enhancement] Add standby dialog for the action that can take much time to complete. [Enhancement] Add RU localization. [Enhancement] Support "global strings". They can be used multiple times across the mod. [Enhancement #12] Properly handle color values. [Enhancement #13] Exclude the stock localization tags from the exported files. [Enhancement #14] Add ability to switch the current game language in runtime.
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