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Everything posted by IgorZ

  1. In case of you've upgraded to KSP 1.8.0 and figured KIS is now broken, then yes - it is broken. Given my busy schedule in the next 2 weeks, I cannot give any reasonable ETA for it to be fixed. As usual, I'll do my best. P.S. In case of you're curious about the details. Skip it, if you're not.
  2. 280L is what this container could hold if it was real. If you don't like physics, you can always adjust your universe via the part's config file. "The thing" is not a 1m cube, it's about 0.6m cube. FYI: a normal kerbal is only 0.75m tall, so figure the scale.
  3. I'd really love to! Alas, I don't have capacity for that When I get back from work and have my 2 hours of personal daily time, I have to choose: code a new staff (like developing KISv2, fixes to KAS, or improvements to EVS) or make a better docs for KIS/KAS. For now my focus is heavily shifted towards the new stuff. If you want to change this trend, consider joining my Patreon. We're almost 50% done on a way of shifting focus towards the KIS docs. TL; DR; They were removed. Not permanently, but ETA on when they will return is not set. Fore more details try searching this thread. It was explained couple of times.
  4. First official KISv2 UI design mockup demo: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kisv2-very-first-30127242
  5. In the KIS settings file enable debug mode, then in flight you'll be able to spawn any part from the inventory. This is more safer way to restore lost stuff. itemDebug = true
  6. Not in this version. There was a code change pending to support UI scale, but that effort was abandoned in favor of KISv2. The next major version will work fine with UI scale.
  7. I assume you really read it, but simply forgot what was said in the very first paragraph of that page.
  8. Well, the contracts system is a rather complicated thing. To not refresh whole university on each frame they had to implement a lot of optimizations in the game. As a result, sometimes KIS interferes with it. E.g. a known behavior is failing a contract when placing contract part into inventory. I can only speculate what could go wrong in your case. May be they start tracking all matching vessels that are launched after the contract start? This would be a good optimization (no need to scan all the vessels in the game), but it would disallow completion of the contract by constructing a vessel EVA. When a vessel is separated, the separated "half" gets a "vessel type", basing on the parts list in it. I may guess, that by adding more parts in flight you make the related code to come to a wrong conclusion. In general, it's better to avoid using KIS for completing contracts.
  9. Can you reproduce it on the stock parts? I'm not sure, but does Breaking Ground have inflatable parts? I.e. parts with variable number of seats.
  10. Whish very likely means you don't have this part in the game. We need the logs.
  11. You may observe weird behavior on load. Up to explosion. Surface attachments were more or less stable in KSP 1.3, but then more and more people started to report issues.
  12. First of all, I do not recommend attaching anything to the ground. In the latest version of KSP it became very unstable. And no, the parts won't merge.
  13. From the game's perspective what was created via KIS is "debris" unless there is a command control module attached to the part. It's of out of KIS control (not even KAS!). Either adjust your game settings to persist debris between saves, or attach a control module to the pylons. If you don't like the mod, you're free to stop using it. This kind of statements motivates noone.
  14. Copy is never an option (not to mention it's illegal from the game's terms of service). Whatever code Squad team made, they made it for their own use-case. KIS/KAS case is different. So, "duplicating the logic" will be "implementing own solution" anyway. I'm not saying it's completely not feasible, but it would take tremendous amount of efforts. Which at this moment I cannot invest into the mod (and it's not a strong "no" to the idea). I don't think Squad team should spend their time on third-party mods, even if those mods are popular. I'm pretty sure Squad team thinks the same, and it's a fair position. They have their vision on the game and this vision seems right (see at the popularity of this game over the years!). If one day they decide to implement own version of KIS/KAS in the core game, it would be my best day Before it happen, we have what we have. It could. Or it could not I cannot answer without thorough investigation, and my focus is currently on KIS v2 Beta preparation.
  15. Well, you're actually right! Thru all these years CCK and MM were listed as recommended in CKAN config!!! Thank you, for bringing it to my attention. I'll get it fixed. @Treikan I owe you an apologize. Indeed, it was a problem with the mod that it doesn't require the dependent mods. On the other hand, why not listening to the recommendations?
  16. This guess is totally wrong. All parts created by KIS are vessels, otherwise the game would not be able to deal with them. Even when you see a lone part (say, pylon) it's a standalone vessel from the game's perspective. Too bad. I hoped you can give useful information on how we can solve this years-old problem... The root of the problem is actually well known. It's about how the the vessels positioning works. The "surface" is a dynamic thing in KSP. What was at the game save is not what will be at the load of this saved state. When game loads the state, it repositions all the vessels in the scene to put them on surface. If vessel is rigidly attached to a fixed point, this process cannot be accomplished. So, now you're gambling: the vessel can end up on the surface (good), below it (kaboom or jump up), or above it (welcome "hanging" objects). The hanging objects have a nasty side effect: they fall thru terrain on time warp since the game assumes they are in "fly" situation. The main output from this: never attach vessels to a fixed position! I loved the static attach feature in the game (used it many times in the old carrier games), but today it simply unsafe. The only reason why I've left this feature in KIS is because I started working on KIS v2, leaving v1 in a maintenance state. I think there may be some hacks to get it around. In the worst case, the whole repositioning logic can be duplicated to align the attached object on load! Never spent enough time to investigate it though. The inertia hack looks promising and easy to implement, but my guts tell there will be nasty edge cases. Thus, investigation and test are needed.
  17. What "this problem" can be for a vessel created in VAB? We're talking about pylons being attached to the surface in flight. Have you tried to launch a lone pylon from VAB to ensure it never explodes when attached to the surface, say, on Duna? I wonder how you did that. And could you please elaborate what exactly is this "status" that exists for the other vessels but not for the vessels, created by KIS? Preferably, in terms of code components.
  18. I can only confirm what @DStaal said. This problem was existing from the beginning of KIS mod, but with earlier game versions it was less probable. Now, with all the updates, it's almost guaranteed that an attached part will eventually explode. So, the best suggestion is to not use this feature and don't count on it in the base building. The only stable solution till now is assigning an incredibly huge inertia to the part. Such part won't be attached to the surface, but it is almost impossible to move it (afaik, that's exactly what MKS ground tether does). However, before integrating this solution into KIS, an extensive testing and researching must be done. Not gonna happen in KIS v1.
  19. With the right installation, KIS is no more broken I doubt describing every possible way how it can break is helpful. But if you're curious, read the Wiki, it explains typical issues with KIS . If you don't observe any of them, then your KIS is likely working fine. Missing ModuleManager is the most common problem, that was your case.
  20. Well, as I guessed - you have wrong installation of the mods. Both KIS and KAS require dependent mods to work: CCK and ModuleManager. They are absent in your setup. Please, read the installation instructions carefully in this thread OP. Even better, install CKAN and get the mods from there, this way you won't need to care about dependencies. I highly encourage you to read this Wiki. Even though it was made for KIS, the typical problems, described there, are applicable to KAS too. Not to mention KIS in your game is broken too, and fixing it will be your next task anyway
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