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Everything posted by IgorZ

  1. The old KAS approach to hotkeys will not be repeated. However, there is an issue pending to support action groups. You'll be able to use them to achieve what you need. I was thinking about upgrading Winch GUI to allow the same, but this improvement was put on hold for now.
  2. Indeed. It looks weird. Are you using the stock parts only? Can you make a short video and attach the logs from this video (here is how to get them)? Can you reproduce the issue on a pristine game?
  3. @Atlas Gaming I see the others have already answered your question. Just wanted to acknowledge it. KIS doesn't provide any crewed or science parts. However, it does add seat inventories to every crewed part in the game. That said, if the science lab had at least one crew seat, then there will be an inventory added. It cannot affect the science functionality of the part though.
  4. I didn't say I'm not going to address it. And I haven't promised to drop whatever I do right now to address this issue as soon as possible, which you probably expected to hear. Anyways, thank you for reporting the issue.
  5. What I see in the video is "bouncing". The harpoons hit the asteroid and bounce back instead of making a rigid joint. What makes you think they actually attached and then detached? I see no evidence on the video. PhysX joint dampening is not what can help here. Any other form of "dampening" would be artificial. I'm not saying it's not possible, it's just not (and never was) implemented. The bare Unity physics gives what you observe. The distant (a.k.a. "cable") joints by design cannot damper rotations around any axis. They can only damper the linear oscillations, given there is a constant force (e.g. gravity) applied. Indeed, there is no reason for it to not be fixed. Does it mean everything that can be fixed will be fixed? There is no reason to believe so. I'd say, it's a highly subjective conclusion, but, indeed, there are people who use KAS only for this.
  6. So, the only real problem I see here is that the ejected harpoons have not attached to the asteroid and bounced back. Obviously, the harpoon logic is broken (but it won't be fixed). Everything else you see is an expected behavior of a physical object on cable in zero-G. KAS winches were always working like this on orbit. Btw, the normal pattern is ejecting and hocking to the asteroid (that is broken). When you need to detach, you either go EVA or use "Unplug" remote command and loose harpoon. In real life you'd also loose the cable
  7. @Redacted, Harpoons are not implemented in the new KAS yet, and old KAS is not maintained anymore. Moreover, the next version of KAS won't have the legacy parts. However, the problem may be still relevant when I start om the new implementation. Could you please make a short video to demonstrate it? @infinite_monkey Could you please make a demo video?
  8. @Espatie, @Foxxonius Augustus Have you tried using `TweakScale`? If all you need is another diameter, it should work fine.
  9. Are you sure you're using the new KAS winch, not the legacy one? Their models look very similar. In order to use "Y" key you need to stay close to the dropped connector, it must glow with cyan color, and there must be a caption saying you can hit "Y". If everything of these is satisfied, but you still cannot perform the action, please attach the logs and couple for screenshots. See how to find the right logs here.
  10. @William516, @sharpspoonful, In case of KAS you may trust @Tonka Crash, who is an advanced user of this mod. And if it's not enough, I can assure you myself that KAS v1.1 works fine with KSP 1.6.1, even though it complains about incompatible version. Btw, it was stated earlier in this forum thread
  11. It's already implemented. "ModuleKISItem" module allows setting the part volume. However, for some reason, modders around the globe don't use this module to properly define their parts volume
  12. Feel free to suggest a reliable algorithm of "breaking down" an arbitrary part into the compact parts. If the suggestion is physical enough, it may be implemented For the start, let's break down S6-3600, LV-T30 and OX-4W. Which one will have what volume and why? Random values from the sky don't count, there must be a formula applicable to any part in the game.
  13. Try adding the part on the vessel, then drag-drop from it into container instead of dragging from the editor panel. Does it help? Some part models are designed in the retracted state, this makes them insanely large when calculating volume.
  14. 1.12 (March 8th, 2019): [Fix #19] Compatibility with ReStock mod.
  15. KIS doesn't have "head gear". What you're using is probably "Kerbal Props" mod parts. If they don't work right, try reaching the author.
  16. You're the man! With the debug menu which will be released in the next version guessing will become much easier. However, keep in mind that the maximum length of the TJ parts is limited by the kerbal reach distance. If the target is too distant to aim it, then no go
  17. @MaximumThrust, @Tonka Crash I've created a bug. @Tyko Thanks for the info. However, the problem is in the new models for spotLight1 & spotLight2 parts. Even though they are not named in the list of refactored parts, they were actually refactored. And the lighting animation is not compatible with the old approach. It may be more complicated to fix it than simply whitelisting an asset.
  18. It was announced in the last release. You may activate kis_physical_containers.cfg patch to have all the containers fixed so that they become realistic with relation to their outer volume. For the kerbals backpack I choose the largest backpack that can be found on market today - it's110L If you take a look at it, you'd notice it's about of the jetpack size. For the other KIS containers a simple math were used to find the maximum internal volume given their geometry and size. For the common EVA work you only need like 50L. It's enough to have one tank of EVA fuel and couple of tools. Too large size of the seat inventory is the most common reason why people try to use it as a regular cargo space.
  19. I was resistant to this idea at some moment. But now when I played with physically realistic kerbals backpack size, I've changed my mind. I think I'll add cargo space into the pods in some next version. 300L per seat looks realistic, given kerbals "pocket" is only 110L.
  20. This issue look more relevant to be logged against the Restock mod. If you provide logs I may check and suggest what's wrong, but I doubt the solution is on the surface light's side. I briefly checked the Restock description, it doesn't seem they ever did anything to the lights.
  21. Correct. I usually update this setting via MM patch, stored in another folder. This way the setting won't be overwritten when upgrading to a new version. Here is my debug patch: @KISConfig:BEFORE[KIS] { %Global { %itemDebug = true } %Debug { %partAlignToolKey = &K } %EvaPickup { %maxDistance = 30 %grabMaxMass = 100 } }
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