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Everything posted by BF2_Pilot

  1. I have already shared my aircraft carrier,LOL https://kerbalx.com/BF2_Pilot/Aircraft-carrier-CV9
  2. We edit the cfg and this is the testing result.The picture is for CN 125MM APFSDS .Using HEAT-FS can make more damage after pierced the armor. Now you can kill the tank from the side with only one shoot but if you can't pierce the armor in the front ,you may be not able to kill the tank(in fact you can pierce the green areas easily)
  3. Sorry,I know this problem.Now this mod is WIP, and i am busy solve the problems of missiles,then i will try to fix the bug of tank armor.Thank you!
  4. It's not in our plan but maybe we will make the MG turrents for tanks. As long as i finish the Chinese tank 99A ,i think i will think about Russia or America ground forces' tanks
  5. Hi, I am glad to see you in this topic. Could you give me some advice on how to make a ballistic missile with BDA ? It seems that the missile will lose control over 36000M
  6. 3DMAX,Unity and so on...In fact the models are almost made by my teammates.
  7. Emmm i am sorry but i have to tell you these two missiles have no textures in fact.After all ,this mod is not complete.Please forgive us for our fault.
  8. oh sorry , i think there is something wrong . Thank you for your reporting.
  9. Hey guys , there is something new for you https://spacedock.info/mod/1646/KerbalField --------------------------------English CN: (China) Newly added: Chinese Navy 100MM compact naval gun (France) LS6 gliding guided bomb PGZ-07 double 35 anti-aircraft cannon PL8 air to air missile PLZ05 artillery turret (new muzzle effect) 346B AESA radar Improvement: Refine the ZBL08 turret 99A2 tank turret replacement map, cannon tube increased skin (new muzzle effect) H/PJ-38 replacement of new muzzle EU: (Europe) (incomplete version) Newly added: Meteor air to air missile Mika air to air missile (infrared type) Weekes air machine gun RU: (Russia) Newly added: D30 122MM grenade artillery (new muzzle effect) GSH301 aircraft cannon (gun body) RVV-AE-PD long-range air to air missile UPK-23 gun pod Improvement: Re - adjusted the model of VA-111 storm torpedo US: (United States) Improvement: CROWS 12.7MM weapon station model reset, adding smoke bombs. ------------------------------------Chinese CN:(中国) 新增: 中国海军100MM紧凑型舰炮(法国) LS6滑翔制导炸弹 PGZ-07双35高炮 PL8空空导弹 PLZ05榴弹炮炮塔(新炮口效果) 346B相控阵雷达 改进: 细化了ZBL08炮塔 99A2坦克的炮塔更换贴图,炮管增加蒙皮(新炮口效果) H/PJ-38更换新炮口效果 EU:(欧洲)(并不完善版本) 新增: 流星空空导弹 米卡空空导弹(红外型) 威克斯航空机枪 RU:(俄罗斯) 新增: D30 122MM榴弹炮(新炮口效果) GSH301航炮(炮身) RVV-AE-PD远程空空导弹 UPK-23航炮吊舱 改进: 重新调整了VA-111暴风雪鱼雷的模型 US:(美国) 改进: CROWS 12.7MM武器站模型重置,添加烟雾弹
  10. Hi guys! Your R77M-PD is here. We remade some parts and balanced some missiles recently.The next version will look a little different. Still waiting for the BDA for KSP 1.4.X
  11. Waiting for more photos. And it seems that the missile can't controlled itself when the alt is over 36000M.
  12. I think i like it.I will make this missile instead of R-77. Welcome to a new epoch of Meteor and RVV-AE-PD.
  13. We are testing the SARH missiles like HQ-2 and HQ-12 for China part.But we haven't got the best testing results so far.As long as we finish them, you will see some new SARH missiles in the game.Keep waiting,lol.
  14. Emmm,we will add some Russia missile like R73 ,R77 and so on But i think we may add something special like 9K720(SS-26) first.
  15. No,i have tried before.Each one can reduce 40%
  16. Haha ,I just think there are few air-air weapons in the Russian part , so i want to add something for it .
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