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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. I know current versions of KSP run on Unity 5 something. I'm not sure if that's exactly what you're asking.
  2. As a way to fake open ends: could you have the entire end be a window?
  3. Conceptually or technically? Conceptually they turn water into drinkable water, making one class of supplies. You do need more to live on than water though, so you can't gain supplies indefinitely this way. Technically they recycle at a high percentage, using up water in the process.
  4. I did you install CTT after unlocking survivability? It's a known KSP oddity that unlocked parts stay unlocked even if the tech tree changes.
  5. Arguably though those are gameplay mods that happen to have parts. A more straightforward parts mod with some slightly different set of parts wouldn't be completely unwelcome. @mbartelsm, if you're interested I have a fairly detailed set of ideas for a space station parts mod that I think would fill niche I haven't seen yet - but I have no modeling or texture skills. The idea would be for permanent space stations of a size larger than a small scientific outpost - I've worked out a set of sizes which would build a ~60 meter radius station as a 'small' station, and would allow you to but another ring outside that if you wanted.
  6. Another avenue is to look for mods that no longer have a maintainer and bring them up to working with current KSP. Things like ScienceAlert or Trackingstation Ambientlight.
  7. It just seems odd to me that since SHED produces two pods that use RCS for de-orbit, to have their other two pods that are intended to work with them not have equivalent RCS. Not really - with appropriate planning and skill, you could send them down in waves or one at a time.
  8. On the Kontainers - I haven't had a chance to play with them yet (I need to work on my Mun base at the moment), but on a quick look I'm wondering how we're supposed to de-orbit them. The SRB is good for landing, but you need to put it into a landing trajectory in the first place, and at the moment it looks like the only way is to get your ship into that trajectory before you eject them, which kinda defeats the idea of having them be a 'survival kit' for your Kerbals who used your escape pods. (Which do have a way to de-orbit.) Basically, the moment the Kontainers appear to be based on the mk1D, and used like a mk1N/mk1A. It would be better to base them on the mk1N, so it matches that use-case. Of course, I'm also wondering how many REKT pods it would take to set up a drop-colony with MKS or Pathfinder at this point...
  9. Just the page where it's defined. It's standard Markdown - a reference link. Instead of having the link text and the link target next to each other, you can define the link text and set up a reference which is defined elsewhere in the same text. (There's even a couple of shortcuts on defining the reference, which I avoided using.) It's often a bit cleaner for long URLs - or as in this case where you have several links to the same target. You can of course copy the line from the bottom of the raw version of the page to whatever other page you want. Whitespace between the link label and the link target is irrelevant (as long as you stay on the same line), although the target itself shouldn't have whitespace. You can indent the link label up to three spaces. Actually, Github technically doesn't use Markdown - it uses CommonMark (with a couple of grandfathered extensions), which is a group effort by some of the biggest Markdown users to fully define and specify Markdown, because the original Markdown spec was limited and ambiguous in some areas. (They couldn't call it Markdown because of trademark issues.)
  10. Finished my pass at the three pages mentioned - as noted, just formatting. I wouldn't have said anything, but I did some slightly hidden stuff to the Parts: Konstruction page: There's an HTML comment at the top mentioning that reference links exist in the document below. At the bottom there's a link reference definition that's referred to multiple times in the document. Mostly just a heads up for anyone else working on that page who comes across the '[Servos & Magnets][servo-mag]' line which you might think to convert to a link - that's already a link, and *all* instances of it share a common definition, at the end of the raw version of the page. (In the rendered version the links are embedded and the definition doesn't show up.)
  11. I’m working on some formatting for the Parts: Konstruction page right now, but I want to note the summary above is wrong: It is *not* 'done'. It exists, but could use quite a bit more content on most of the parts, and there are some parts outright missing. Also, some of the supporting pages need content.( I'm staying away from entering content myself, even when I think I know it, because I can't actually use any of these as intended.
  12. Closest at the moment is probably Experiment Tracker:
  13. I did a bit of formatting/Markdown cleanup on the Kerbal skills page. Nothing else jumped out at me from a quick scan, but if you want me to look things over just point me to something.
  14. Define 'optimal'. It's definition usually depends on the mission you intend to use it for. (Which is why it's hard to say 'here is the Starlifter', because a freight-run ship might be very different than a colony-supply ship. To give two examples.)
  15. It's intended to allow you to see images from cameras you place around your vehicle I believe, though I don't think he's ever gotten that to work. I believe it can be set to show a screenshot you've taken. (Or another image in the same folder.)
  16. You can also check out the Hanger mod - it does most of that as well.
  17. On profession skill notes: Would it be a good idea to add a passing mention to EL skills? The mods often get used together, and MKS has a lot of support for EL, even if it isn't required. If you want that, I'd just add a short note on Engineers being needed for building and Pilots being needed for surveying, and then a pointer saying 'for more info, see Extraplanetary Launchpads'. (They don't seem to have a wiki. They probably should...)
  18. For the Wild Blue Tools - I pointed you at Pathfinder because it has examples on how to use it, in the Pathfinder parts themselves. Take a look at the config files for the Hacienda and the Golddigger, as well as the files in the Templates folder - what you need to do is create templates for your various converters and then have the part say which templates it can use. MKS's are a bit simpler - and note I'm saying *MKS*, not USI: It's part of the recent MKS release. For that you'll want to look at some of the Tundra parts configs or the drills - everything for each part is in it's own config file.
  19. For the second: Depending on how you want to implement it, both the current MKS and Pathfinder mods have something that could work.
  20. I did it for the previous version of the wiki - but it was written using a combination of RoverDude's docs and my own experimentation. RoverDude hasn't released his docs for this yet (his balance spreadsheet should be a good starting point), and I can't run the current version, so that path is likely to be blocked for the short term. As much as anything else I wanted to make sure it stayed on people's radar. And even outdated, the current docs provide some starting point - most of the part modules involved haven't changed, as far as I can tell, it's just balance tweaks and some behavior changes. (There are a couple of new part modules that look to be related to the switching production/converter slots.)
  21. Yep, that's life support. Depending on your settings (and the design of your ships) several things can be causing it, but it's likely that they are getting homesick or running out of habitation. To avoid you need to make sure you have enough habitation (and supplies, and EC, the other main LS variables) for your mission. To turn the Kerbal back to his former profession, you need to return them to Kerbin. (Or - if it's not habitation - get them supplies/EC.)
  22. One thing that's missing from that - and that I know was appreciated - is documentation for other mod developers who want to inter-operate with MKS: How to activate the various mechanics in your parts, and what is appropriate, balance-wise. It's a more technical audience, and they can always refer to the rest of the wiki for details on how things work in-game, so it can be very abbreviated, relative to the rest of the wiki.
  23. For the deployable hangers - have you thought about making them with Hanger mod support?
  24. There was some mention of a Github for the wiki (as in: For in-development text and assets). I'm willing to have that in my account (and open to others for commits) if no one else wants to have it - but since I'm still stuck in KSP 1.1.3, I may not be the best choice.
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