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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. I think that's actually something you need to bring up in that thread - the experiments are in that mod, not this one, IIRC.
  2. I've found that most of the 'plain parts' still work fairly well - and I'm interested mostly in NFE and NFC, so whatever is best for you to get those out, I can wait for the rest.
  3. ...And now that I've finally gotten around to mentioning it, the issue disappears. Obviously I've updated something, but I hadn't checked that I'd still see this in the last couple of days, and with 1.4.2 being recent I'm still updating a half dozen or more mods a day.
  4. Just to help you in the future... So, if you search that file for the part name 'rtg', you'll find this line: If you then open that file, you'll see the following: @PART[rtg] { @TechRequired = largeElectrics } Which says that the part gets moved in the tech tree, answering your question as to what happened to it. There's lots of helpful people on this board - but it's always nice to be able to help yourself, or to *be* one of the helpful people as well.
  5. @Carrot, can you post your ksp.log file someplace? (Not here - Dropbox or something, and link to it.) We should be able to tell you what's going on from that.
  6. A mod interaction I may spend more time debugging, and am listing in case anyone else can help me diagnose: The settings panel - that is, the USI-LS panel in the KSC view, but not in the other views - appears blank. Just a heading, and empty space, no way to edit the settings. This does not occur with a clean install of just USI and Squad, so it's a mod interaction - I may spend time chasing it down, but if anyone else is seeing it I'd appreciate the help. (We could at least cross-reference mods and see what we have in common - though I run a very mod-heavy install.)
  7. No problem. The issue is that you copied your full link - while you were still editing the topic. So anyone else clicking the link tries to edit the topic, and gets an error message saying they can't do that.
  8. Just a note: There appears to be some mod conflict with the included version of Firespitter and *something.* I was having trouble where none of the resource-switching, in this or any other Firespitter-dependent mod was working. It was if they didn't have any resource capacity at all. Grabbing the full version of Firespitter fixes it, and it doesn't occur with a clean install of just Squad and USI, so it's a mod interaction somehow. Since an easy fix in the form of the full Firespitter download is available I'm not interested in doing more debugging on it, but wanted it listed in case others were seeing it and so they would know a fix.
  9. Your SpaceDock link to this thread is broken. Glad to see this come under your care.
  10. It would work - but it would not track achievements earned before you installed it. It would start tracking achievements as if you'd just started.
  11. You can skip the Firespitter parts. The Firespitter *plugin* is very commonly used for resource-switching and movement animation, not just by this mod.
  12. My first though for you was Kerbalism, but I don't see evidence of that being installed in your log. I'd say think about that style of mod.
  13. Known limitation in KIS. Parts that do no have seats at launch will not have personal inventory. Stow tools before entering bouncy castles. Maintenance keeps your equipment - drills, ISRUs, etc. - operating at peak efficiency. Without regular maintenance your converters, drills, etc. will gradually wear out and produce less. Doing Mainenance requires Machinery, a qualified Kerbal, and either a place for them work, or for them to go on EVA and work on each individual part.
  14. Sorry it took so long, I went over this every way I could think of... I still don't see what's adding that 'Dump Excess Oxygen' button, or what's causing your behavior. Obviously something else is affecting that part, but I don't see evidence of a patch doing it. This is definitely a mod interaction, not something purely with this mod (which doesn't actually do anything to that part, besides add MKS weight-balancing). You're going to need to start checking other mods you have that might affect it - I'd start with anything that might have added that Oxygen button in.
  15. Ok, done. Thanks. Not a major issue - My use-case is in octo-sat relays, and I can simply change which lines are commented in the config files to fix. (Which switches back to normal.)
  16. What would it take to make this mod compatible with CommNet Constellations? At the moment, an antenna that uses this can't be assigned to a constellation.
  17. I tend to assume most players use the default settings, in general. And increasing the size of the ribbons by a factor of 4 would still have them be smaller than a single addressable block (at least on disk), so it'd be minimal impact for this mod. (And it wouldn't increase by that much, because they are easily compressable.) Lots of other mods it would be a horrible idea - but for this mod, it might be workable. Just floating it as an idea.
  18. 'Manifests' - shows, demonstrates, appears, occurs. I meant it was affected as well - though slightly differently. (I apologize for not having a picture of it - I thought I took another screenshot, but apparently didn't.) The airlock doesn't light up completely like the science lab - in it's case, all the piping and details light up. It's actually not a bad look.
  19. We seem to have a small problem under 1.4.2... http://magehandbook.com/owncloud/index.php/s/oqWlZdA1sBK4ryw Pretty, but a bit odd. (The problem appears to be related to the cabin lights, and also manifests - though not quite as strongly - with the rear airlock when it's cabin lights are on.)
  20. Knowledge and experience. First off, I knew what they were called, and that they existed - since I read them and have posted in them. So I knew what I was looking for. Secondly, I know that the search function on this forum is nearly non-functional, and it's better to use Google. (If that hadn't worked quickly I would have gone to either their SpaceDock pages or their GitHub pages, which link back in this case.)
  21. Here you go: I list the second because while Konstruction is technically a separate mod, it's also a part of MKS and you might get more visibility that way.
  22. For my flying preference, I'd probably say something along the lines of 1.5 to 2km altitude - generally when you're in physics range of the ground. I like to have the orientation set up well before final approach, if possible. Much higher and you're right - direction and orbit will be questions, but that gives time for a maneuver, and you have to be thinking about the ground then anyway. Personally I typically don't have the surface speed that small until I'm basically landed - there's no real reason to stop more than a few meters up, after all.
  23. @leatherneck6017 - you might want to check out FMRS as well. It'd let you 'go back' and change the throttle on the different pieces:
  24. From the description of the mod: (Emphasis added.) The engines you're talking about can be controlled. There is no way for this mod to determine whether you intended for the engines on them to be running or not - and you can always switch to them and shut the engines down. Just yesterday I was doing something that would look basically identical as far as this mod was concerned - I was setting up a network of comm-sats. Get to the top of the resonant orbit, drop off the next satellite in the constellation... Which of course needs it's engine to be running to circularize the orbit. How is this mod supposed to guess when it should be shutting down the engines if it could be a probe that's just activated them? The point is to shut down the engines *when you can't.* You have a controller. You can do it yourself.
  25. Nice - though it'd be very nice to be able to know that *before* touchdown.
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