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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. I’ve had a lot of fun with these in the past, nice to see them back.
  2. That sounds a lot like REKT. Not that we couldn't use more escape pods... (The only one I know of besides REKT is USI's inflatable.)
  3. It's worth also thinking about with MKS that you can do widely separated bases - PL allows you to separate out your bases so that they aren't even all within the same local area. (I once did a five-base diamond layout to take advantage of both - a single medium base at each corner, and a small logistics center in the middle - with each small base outside of the local logistics of each other, but within local logistics of the center. Worked fairly well, though lag went high when you went to the center base.)
  4. Have you tested? I know that setting that too high can cause explosions as well. (But I've had issues with the current number as well - it's so low it makes assembling a base tricky.)
  5. Not so much a 'bug' as a 'known limitation': The window itself is just a counter, and counts down from last-known state. Treat it as a good but pessimistic estimate - It should never tell you that you have *less* life support than you actually do, but you typically will have *more.* The alternative is to model everything that could come into play for life support - which with planetary logistics, mining, etc. is basically running a full KSP - with all ships - in the background. Even KSP itself doesn't do that. You'd think that. But it's fairly easy to set up a refueling station, send a variety of ships and refuel tankers up to it, and then find it's got full LF tanks, but is drained empty of Oxidizer...
  6. I suspect it's because with GC, you have to be able to launch the kit as one piece. With EL, you only need to launch the materials and work space - and the materials can be done in as many pieces as you want. So he has enough launch capacity to launch the work space, but not enough for the kit he wants to build - while with EL he can just keep shipping resources in small chunks.
  7. While I agree with you on the second part, the first part is actually false: EL in MKS is entirely user-supported at this point. RoverDude is willing to include the patches as long as they don't break things, but he's not putting any effort into them.
  8. One note on the Classic Stock Resources, ScanSat, and CRP: It looks like even having the Classic Stock Resources installed (even if WBI is in CRP mode) disables being able to use CRP resources in ScanSat. Kind of unfortunate, as it'd be interesting to run parallel careers.
  9. No, I mean the ones that fill up the loading screen, are written to the log, and prevent MM from creating it's caches.
  10. It's a small library that allows the mod to use either Blizzy or stock, with a minimum of code in the mod. Otherwise LGG would have to add that code to every mod that he supports - duplicating code, work, and taking more memory in KSP. This is the better solution.
  11. Honestly, this sounds like it's being over-thought. A grapple, docking port, or decoupler is one extra part in your ship build - yes, you want to minimize parts, but given how much this already cuts down on parts that one extra part isn't going to be a huge issue. And being able to choose which part you want is exactly why parts in KSP exist.
  12. Nope. For just the simple indicators, all you need is KSP and a text editor - they can be configured in a config file. Oh, and patience. Because you'll have to reload things.
  13. Does it need an update? I wasn't aware anything changed between 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 that would affect this mod. (Typically nothing does between point releases.)
  14. *This* mod is the update for the bundled 001_ToolbarControl, and uses that folder name and structure. It sounds to me like you're talking about about the mod 'Toolbar Continued', which is also being maintained by LGG, and has the folder name '000_Toolbar'. *That* mod is an optional mod for all the mods that use this mod - this mod will let them appear in either the stock toolbar or on that toolbar. I'm guessing a miss-click someplace.
  15. Blizzy's is still far better at managing the buttons and letting you configure your UI. Technically mods can use the KSP button ribbon - but practically, I find that so awkward to use for more than four or five buttons that I routinely set *everything* that can to use Blizzy's, and appreciate LGG's efforts to maintain it and make it easier to support.
  16. USI has not shipped an update since EL's breaking change - it's patches are out of date. There is a PR to fix this, which will be shipped in the next USI update.
  17. No, you need something with mass as a propellant. Xenon, Lithium, etc. It's a basic limitation in the game physics. (And real life for that matter - if you say 'momentum' instead of 'mass'.)
  18. The craft would probably work - but not have the shrouds. If you just used the stock shrouds, no problem.
  19. Try putting an Engineer or a Miner in the vessel - that's not one of the 'automated' drills.
  20. I pressed the start RareMetals and ExoticMaterials button but am still met with the same result. Can you enlighten me though about this zero efficiency problem? How do I increase efficiency from zero? I think that might be my problem.  How's the Machinery levels on your drills? What Kerbals do you have in that vessel, if any? (Profession, and skill level.)
  21. Hard to say anything from that photo, since we can't actually see the miner - but if you are storing those in a Kontainer with logistics enabled, it's likely that it's being pushed to Planetary Storage - so you're unlikely to see it more than 50% full. No worries - you can pull it back out either here or at another location, if you have the proper logistics set up.
  22. That's usually both easily avoidable, and easily fixable - if you're in orbit, just leave the scene and wait. Come back after some time and the ship will be in a new orientation (well, I believe it's the same orientation in absolute terms, but with enough other motion it'll effectively be a new orientation), and hopefully you'll have a solar panel in the right direction. But a pair of extendable solar panels or a trio of static will typically always have at least some view of the sun, unless you've placed them in a position where they get shadowed by some large part. (Nearly all extendable panels rotate as well in KSP - if you're not using rotating panels, you'll have to work harder, but I typically only need to be using them very early on.) On the surface typically I only have issues near the poles - you either need a solar panel in a vertical orientation or to have some other source of EC. My worst case so far has been a base that was nuclear powered, and the generator shut down - and I didn't have any pilots or probes on the base, so I didn't have a way to bring it back online. I had to ship in another Kerbal from Kerbin just to be able to pull up the menu. Anyway, we're getting way off-topic here.
  23. The realistic way to balance it would be an LS mod that handles radiation, and treating turning it on as a massive radiation source. (On the other hand, it's got a built-in shadow shield.)
  24. But that can be temporary. A common situation is a solar-powered station in low Kerbin orbit - the shadow time is long, so you run out of power easily, but you'll get power back when you get out of Kerbin's shadow. And it sounds like he's talking about parts, not Kerbals. (At least directly. Some LS mods already handle EC load.) So if you run out of power, some parts on your station may not come back online. Which may be nothing - or a major issue. Sounds like an interesting idea, though I don't know any mods that handle it. You would have issues with the fact that KSP's heat model isn't all that good, really.
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