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Everything posted by FunnelVortex

  1. I need it for my stock-alike Skylon replica to work properly . Currently I can fly it, but I need to boost it off the runway with SRBs since the body doesn't produce lift with stock aero. But once FAR is updated it should be able to work as intended.
  2. It's kinda my fault. I'm the one who compared Deadly Reentry to the stock reentry heating/G-force effects, and it started the whole thing off. So I'm the one who should be apologizing.
  3. The effects of Deadly Reentry (like overheating during reentry and G forces) are pretty much stock now.
  4. @Nansuchao is working on it. He's waiting for the offical 1.2 release of New Horizons before he releases the EVE/Scatterer configs.
  5. Sonnah is for sure a bug. But for Serran, that is just what Serran looks like now. If you want 'pretty blue Serran' back changing the texture's color theme in an image editor is always an option .
  6. That's because New Horizons works in 1.2, although it has some issues due to reparenting Kerbin. I'd just wait until the offical 1.2 release of New Horizons before playing it again.
  7. I find Atmospheric Autopilot to be much more forgiving and smoother than stock SAS. Atmospheric Autopilot works with FAR and has it's own fly-by-wire system that makes anything with even just a remotely good design fly like a dream. FAR doesn't work in 1.2, so I guess a bit changed. Cant wait for it to update because even though stock aero is better than it was pre-1.0.5, it still is really unrealistic and it doesn't feel like I am actually handling a plane.
  8. I do not think this mod is working for me. I scaled up Kerbin x10 with Sigma Dimensions (also using the New Horizons planet pack, but that doesn't really matter) and installed this mod so I can play it without much hassle. Normally with the stock size, this rocket I have pictures of here should be easily able to escape Kerbin's SOI. With this mod it should still do the same with the resize. However, even with this mod installed, I only get stock delta V and can not even achieve Low Kerbin Orbit. Also I am getting errors on startup, and I suspect that has something to do with it.
  9. So I Sigma'd up New Horizons x10 (Kerbin is now Earth-sized and the other NH planets were scaled up x10 as well), and am now playing realistic-sized New Horizons with Realism Overhaul. Wish me luck
  10. Is there a way to rescale the EVE cloud layers with this? Because they are waaaaaay too high up now since I rescaled the system 10x. Can Scatterer be rescaled also?
  11. KillAshley, what do you use to create your planet textures? And how do you not get that ugly distorted/hole texture effect at the poles?
  12. I just restored from 1.1.3 to the previous version. Keeping it this way until all the mods are updated.
  13. I think there is an in-game GUI for EVE configs where you can snow/dust storms. Anyways, I would also probably make Titanus really cloudy since it is a Super-Earth.
  14. Wow Tidus looks incredible! And so does Titanus (is the blue on Titanus or Serran? Either way it looks great!) If you are still open to suggestions, I would suggest putting sandstorms and wispy clouds on Arin. I would also put wispy clouds on Serran, and give the gas giants cloud belts with multiple layers. The cloud belts on Moh should travel really fast indicating supersonic winds like on Hot Jupiters IRL. Titanus and Tidus should also have snowstorms. And if you guys can, do multiple cloud layers. I know I am asking a lot, but just throwing a few ideas out there
  15. No, it is perfectly compatible. I am using both planet packs in the same game as we speak. The OPM planets will appear beyond the orbit of Vanor.
  16. This is why it's always good to scan a planet with ScanSat before landing or building a base
  17. IT'S HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!!!! I just came back from a vacation to find this delightful update when coming on to the KSP forums! I can not wait to play this, KillAshley. Love your work! <3 PS: Is EVE + Scatterer support out yet? Or is that still coming?
  18. So who is going to be in charge of making EVE + Scatterer support once NH 2.0 comes out?
  19. Third here! I've been waiting for New Horizons 2.0 before starting up a non throwaway career again. I am planning on using it combined with the Outer Planets mod and doing a YouTube series of it.
  20. In the meantime will 1.7 work in 1.1.2? Because I know some of the older 1.0.5 planet packs work in 1.1.2
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