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Posts posted by EnzoMeertens

  1. 12 hours ago, colmo said:

    Question - can resources have negative mass?

    The reason I ask is this: a piece of ship hull is full of negative mass resource, representing displaced water. The part gets damaged and begins to leak, losing the resource (simulating filling with water). It then sinks.

    Alternatively or additionally, a KKS mod could directly link damage to a reduction in overall part buoyancy.

    10 hours ago, Azimech said:

    Your reasoning is the same path I took at first, then I found Unity/KSP cannot handle negative mass for a resource.

    If you read the tutorial how to build a ship with my mod, it will become clear. Essentially they're virtual compartments filling with water unless the hull plating takes it away. Destroy the hull plate associated with that compartment -> it fills up. In the future I hope to include a reduction in efficiency instead of an explosion, and If the dev team gives us documentation on how to fine tune ModuleCoreHeat, we can even simulate fire.

    This is (or at least used to be) possible. In a buoyancy mod I made a few months ago (before Squad introduced their own buoyancy system), I didn't stop draining my tanks of water at 0.0. Which caused it to drain to a negative amount.

    It's probably not possible through the use of the config-files.


    5 hours ago, evileye.x said:

    OMG, so incredible mod!

    Can't beleive it's happening, super-cool!

    14 hours ago, The Real Franklin said:

    Incredible proof of concept mod, congrats on the blog inclusion.

    I'd love for Squad to take a hint from this, since "damage that isn't just some vaporizing, red pop" has been on a lot of players want list for a while. Actual, real damage as opposed to some gimmicky explosion.

    Thank you! :lol:


    I've been working on KKS-mod for the past few hours. KKS + KIS (Kerbal Inventory System) seems to be very easy now:


    If I unequip the wrench, the repair-option will disappear. If I equip the wrench (or the screwdriver), the repair-option will appear.


    If anyone has any idea on how to reset a model/part in Unity/KSP, please let me know.

    Now I just invert my damage-calculation tot repair the models/parts, but this doesn't ensure the desired effect. Resetting would work 100% of the time.

  2. 5 hours ago, DMagic said:

    Does this use any KSPField's to signify some type of damage level? Like a 0-1 (or 0-100) float for damage percentage. Something like that would allow for other mods to easily grab said value from the KKS partModule and alter a part's behavior.

    Yes. That's the idea behind KKS-mods.


    5 hours ago, rbray89 said:



    2 hours ago, War Eagle 1 said:

    So some parts will expode if they take enough damage but for the most part just get weaker?


  3. 2 hours ago, MK3424 said:

    Now you've made it to the headlines! 


    Even Squad loves it!

    That's awesome! I am speechless. To be mentioned by the creators of my favourite game of all time is absolutely amazing.


    3 hours ago, *MajorTom* said:

    Tested the seaplane. Landing on water:
    1. the speed of 30m/s horizontal, to -5m/s vertical no damage! great seaplanes work as normal!
    2. speed 70+ horizontal vertical -60. The plane crashed and broke apart, but no damage. Oops this is a bug... it must be: damaged in%, deformed!

    test "water" video: https://youtu.be/fAy_27ceusg

    and example of damage in real life....: https://youtu.be/gt2hQj2btaA


    I'll add water to my to-do list! 


    43 minutes ago, Falco01 said:

    I was wondering, is the deformation related to the crash tolerance ?

    'Cause I've been playing around a lot with it and ended writing a config that multiply all part's impact tol. by 3 and I have to hit a fuel tank at 500m/s with a plane to cause some significant visual damages

    Maybe a cfg or a menu to tweak the mod's setting would be useful to solve that or for those who like to see their ships in peices

    Last but not least, with this collision I managed to stuck a control surface in the side of a fuel tank, amazing mod really

    Yes, I scale the crash tolerances of all parts depending on their type (command pods are already very crash tolerant, so I scale them by 2, engines are too weak, so I scaled them by 10, and such).

    I'll add a config (added to my to-do list)!

  4. 1 hour ago, Azimech said:

    Yep, it seems KKS and my mod are not compatible yet. Well it runs AFAIK ... but there's no visible damage, just the usual explosions.

    I'll have to take a look at how damage works in your mod. KKS only calculates deformations OnCollisionEnter. This function is not called when it's just particles or a force impacting the parts.

  5. 7 hours ago, ThaZeus said:

    OMG, best mod ever.

    I have so many ideas of what different parts could do when damaged.

    The command pods- I would suggest having monoprop leak ( if present), Maybe there's a certain amount of time delay to get out of the command pod after pressing EVA.

    Wings- Not as effective, throws of center of lift based on where it got hit.

    Solar panels- Not as effective.

    Batteries - Makes it take longer to charge based on damage.

    And more!

    These are just my suggestions. Keep working on this blessed mod. This has a chance of becoming stock someday...


    Thank you! 

    These are some excellent examples of what's possible in KKS-mods!


    6 hours ago, CaribouGone said:

    i know the engines overheat. i meant for all parts. that would make re-entry more difficult, damaged parts near engines will heat up sooner than expected, ect.

    the repair option is available all the time, rather than accessible via eva, like tire patching. is this intentional?

    i tried BD Armory a bit. there didn't seem to be much meaningful interaction. explosions didn't knock things around enough to produce good collisions.

    i tried some sepratron-decoupler missiles, and those produced significant damage. this mod might finally make stock weaponry cool (for me, at least)!

    The repair option being available all the time isn't intentional. I forgot to turn that option off before uploading it. I'll turn it off and upload a new version later today.


    1 hour ago, Azimech said:

    I have a request: I would love to be able to edit a config file so I can adapt values for my own mod WW2 Warships. My mod uses extremely heavy and huge parts with a very high crash tolerance so it's compatible and damage scales with NAS turrets. I was thinking a few days before I saw this mod that I would like a damage texture and reduced efficiency for ModuleResourceConverter (the hack I use to prevent the ships from sinking). This is better but since the stats are so distant from stock parts, I can't really imagine it will produce favorable results. To be honest, I'm going to try now.

    Here's an album with example skirmish:

    Wow! Those look amazing. And that water looks amazing, too! 

    I may upload a mod for you, sometime. I've made buoyancy/sink mod for a video I made once.

    Sample of the mod: 

    The orange tank fills up with water to counter-act the buoyancy of the airbags.

  6. 2 hours ago, *MajorTom* said:

    i test 0.17, maybe it issues (&maybe it is solved in 0.021, soory I dont have time to test it again today in 0.021):

    test3 times= fall from same altitude-different angles

    1. science parts explodes (and lab 2)

    2. mk2 parts (except crew pod) and "panter" engine undamaged (then it falls from same altitude like other parts)

    and ..in 0.021

    2line of damage in "spark" engine


    Damage scales with crash tolerance, where impact velocity has to be greater than (crash tolerance / malleability). Maybe the MK2 parts are more crash tolerant? 

    The two lines of damage is a familiar bug, I hope to get around to that tomorrow. This occurs when an engine has more than one "ModuleEngines" attached.


    37 minutes ago, CaribouGone said:

    Hey! This looks awesome! definitely gonna have to try this out.

    just from reading through the thread and peeking at the download, i have a couple thoughts:

    make impact tolerance scaling and severity of damage (%dmg per kN of impact, or however its calculated) tweakable via cfg. (this is important, IMHO)

    lower impact tolerance and max temp dynamically, as a function of damage. thus, the likelihood of explosions and Rapid-Unplanned-Disassembly increase the more you abuse your vehicle.

    as for integration with BD armory:

    BDA's damage is represented as heat, so bullet-riddled wings doesn't seem likely. bullets might also produce force (i can't remember), so there may be hope. BDA adds considerable force to explosions, sending parts flying, and colliding. so, even without any explicit cooperation between these mods, i bet they'll be pretty darn cool together.

    Tweakable damage is now on the list!

    Damage already causes more heat production which causes your engines to overheat faster.

    I'll look into BD Armory sometime. Force doesn't mean collision, unfortunately. But maybe BD Armory uses actual projectiles (rigidbodies) or particles (which would mean I could use data from the OnParticleCollision function.


    30 minutes ago, Dragonbeater89 said:

    It would be cool to add some sort of heat damage mod too,  if fuel tanks receive heat damage they may explode.

    Sounds good! 

  7. 35 minutes ago, *MajorTom* said:

    some issues:

    maybe update Module Manager to ...2.6.17 in Gamedata folder?

    and in 0.0.17 you forgot about /KerbalKrashSystem/ folder

    Done and fixed!

    Uploaded a new version (0.022) which adds smoother deformations (less random) and repairing (no KIS, yet).


    Repairs can now be done all the way to 0% damage. This will change in the future, although I am not sure in what way. 

    Repairs don't work PERFECTLY, right now. Sometimes damage is applied in such a way vertices move beyond my preset maximum range. If this happens, the undo-function will skip these vertices which doesn't undo the visual damage.


    This latest version also kind of displays what I want to do with KKS-mods. KerbalKrashSystem_Repair.dll is a mod that uses the damage data and functions in KKS to repair the part damage.

  8. 23 minutes ago, KyleKidd said:

    Hey EnzoMeertens, I've just finished a mod spotlight of the Kerbal Krash System.  Check It Out On YouTube!


    WOOP1! Nice video! 

    Thank you so much! :3


    In other news:

    Worked on the deformations today, looks a lot better and a lot less spikey now.

    Worked on repairing, seems to work properly... Mostly. (Some dents are too big and are not easily recalculated to their repaired state, I'll fix that soon).

    Working on KIS (Kerbal Inventory System) integration as we speak.


    1 "Woop": An expression designed to express approval, happiness, joy, and/or excitement.

  9. 22 hours ago, zachstronaut said:

    This mod is really great, but it has rendered spaceplanes completely unable to be launched.

    The landing gear, even with OP's suggested fix in the cfg, damages whatever component it is attached to, often times fuel tanks or engines that completely disable the craft during liftoff.

    Probably an easy fix, but super frustrating and I have to remove the mod until this gets changed.

    Additionally, as Rocket in my Pocket said, there are some interesting cases of aesthetic damage that get really wonky, and I have seen damage go over 1,000%.

    I'm not using any other mods that would conflict, and my runway is paved. It seems that the damage is directly tied to the distance traveled by the landing gear, not necessarily speed of craft.

    I think this is an awesome mod with huge potential and I'm really excited to see where it goes as the creator finds time to fix some wonky bugs. I'm sure it's tough for one person to fix these issues, hopefully you find some time OP. Loving this mod otherwise.

    I'm working on the landing gears right now. It's now the first on the list.  (Quick fixed).

    Thank you for your feedback :3


    22 hours ago, Capt Snuggler said:

    This mod is unbelievably awesome and well overdue! Shame on you for taking so long to make this! :P (you are great)

    • Any chance of emitting puffs of gas from damaged fuel tanks to further emphasis leaking?
    • Maybe shifting the thrust slightly off center for damaged engines?
    • Maybe a damaged unfired SRB could explode on ignition?
    • damaged command pods/probe cores could loose there reaction wheels and or lights or electric charge?

    again great work.

    12 hours ago, colmo said:

    This looks amazing, very promising.

    From a career POV, damage should severely impact recovery value.

    There will be a "mod" for that.

    I'll explain in more detail in days to come.

    Let's call these "mods" "KKS-mods". My idea is that KKS-mods use data from KKS to trigger certain gameplay events based on damage, e.g. damaged unfired SRB exploding on ignition.
    These KKS-mods will be included in the KKS download and can be removed/modified by the user if so desired.


    21 hours ago, swjr-swis said:

    Shaping up to become an SBS (Should-be-Stock) mod.

    I'll send out some pigeon messages and get the Inner Circle ready to commit for the next alignment...

    7 hours ago, viktor19 said:

    This is amazing, great work OP! 

    This is Delta II all over again..

    Thank you! 


    13 hours ago, Rath said:

    I wonder of this would let me have holes appear in my wings when they get shot up in BD eventually.

    Sounds hard. 


    8 hours ago, FatherLawrence said:

    This is so great. Poorly planned Mun landings were never so fun!

    I'm curious if there's any way to incorporate atmospheric damage for antennae and solar panels? I'm not sure if it's stock or just with RemoteTech, but some antennae break if they are extended while flying at speed through atmosphere. It'd be cool if there was a chance to get bent out of shape instead.

    Re Solar panels, I know you can break the panels off another craft by crashing into it, sending glittery shattered panel goodness all across the cosmos. Would it be possible to grab that shattering event and instead turn that into a damaged but still functional panel?

    I think stock solar panels already break when exposed to too much friction. Bending is different from crumpling, but it's definitely worth future investigation (be my guest)! 


    5 hours ago, supersonicflyingdutchman said:

    Would be nice if you could use different KIS tools for different kinds of damage. For example a hammer to remove most of the crumpling, and a (pipe) wrench for fixing fuel leaks.

    Duct tape. :rolleyes:


    3 hours ago, Falco01 said:

    I did a few tests and it work really well for me apart from one detail

    Only the fuel tanks, pods and engines using stock modules work for deformation, the rest (modded or not) don't, even the other crewed part that are not command pods don't deform, it's a bit bothering when you do a nice belly landing with a plane and that only the fuselage get damaged


    Maybe I missed something in the description since nobody reported that on here yet, or there is a problem with my install which is heavily modded

    I'm gonna try asap with a stock install to see if it work well, I also tried to change the .cfg to make the "ModuleKerbalKrashContainer" apply to all other parts which didn't changed anything nor did the ":final" 


    Apart from that, it's a wonderful mod which I hope to become stock one day

    last but not least, I crashed a huge 747 (I tried to do a belly landing in fact) and didn't had any more lag than without a mod

    Thank you for reporting this problem, fixed it.

  10. 2 hours ago, MK3424 said:

    Your mod has really been noticed


    I was wondering if you might implement a solar panel damage system with this? 

    Right now they only snap off... 

    It would be cool if they would be damaged the same way that Progress M-34 collided with MIR:

    Wow! That's amazing! I didn't expect this to even get more than a handful of replies/downloads! 

    I will definitely look into physicsless parts soon. Physicsless parts, like the landing gears, decouplers and solar panels behave differently when colliding with things (on collision KSP returns the part the physicsless part is attached to (solar panel attached to fuel tank: will always return the fuel tank as the colliding part)).


    2 hours ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

    Tried it, really love it except the landing wheels look very wonky when struck and tend to get damaged very easily. Other parts can stretch out to ridiculous proportions at times as well, I can provide some screenies if it would help you.

    I've also seen parts go over 100% damaged, all the way up to 245% or something in one case. Is this intended or a bug?

    Can't wait to see this mod grow and get ironed out more, I'm amazed something like this can be added to the game by a modder, keep up the fantastic work man! :D

    The more-than-desired stretching is on my to-do list (now). The problem occurs especially when skidding over the surface and colliding at high speeds the entire time.

    Parts going over 100% is intended (for now), as I don't like the idea of just blowing up a "working" part when it's damaged. In my opinion an engine damaged at 250% would be functional enough to at least give me a bit of a boost before exploding due to overheating.

    Maybe "working" parts above 100% damage damage themselves when used, which cause more damage and therefore more overheating or some such. Much food for thought!


    1 hour ago, DigitalProeliator said:

    Would it be possible to control the rate of loss and total amount of a resource lost depending on what the resource is or much damage has been done to the container? For example I can understand loosing LOX from a slight hole overtime, but would a crate of rocket parts or food "leak" out over time? I think a more logical type of loss for the resource would be to impacts, from them being knocked loose and crushed. Also a half crushed container holding less also would be fitting from what I saw "playing" in conex yards. A Humvee can do a surprising amount of damage on to one those things....

    The configuration files of parts certainly for allow differentiation in such a way. Putting it on my to-do list! 



    Wow this looks amazing! 2 questions:

    1. Does this make launch clamps mandatory or can rockets still support weight? I'm fine with either way but it could cause problems for early career games before launch clamps are unlocked.

    2. Would you consider incorporating the engineer's repair ability into this, or is that beyond the scope of the mod?



    1. Everything can still support weight, just like vanilla. The only difference is impact velocity. :3

    2. Repairing is definitely on the agenda. 


    The only problem right now is a lack of free time to work on my mods! 

  11. 2 hours ago, Evanitis said:

    Yay, cool!

    By the way... you mentioned that it isn't the main focus, but I totally love the non-visual part of the mod too. I couldn't bear Dang It, as failures just kept happening all the time. KKS leaves me alone until I make the slightest mistake. A separating booster touching the main fuselage causes a leak? Nice, I was always surprized when I could orbit following such a manuver in stock. Also had a hearthwarming overheated engine explosion after a hairy takeoff. The impact sensitivity and the failure severity feels unforgiving, but spot on. For me the lovely crumple effect is just icing on the cake.


    Thank you. Kind words like these motivate me! :3


    2 hours ago, rbray89 said:

    The changes are intended for EnzoMeertens. You'd have to clone the github project and add the pull request yourself, and compile the project. Once EnzoMeertens decides if the change is worthy, it may be included in the next release.

    2 hours ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

    I understand!  Thanks!

    First thing in the morning! Promise! 

  12. 47 minutes ago, rbray89 said:

    Updated pull request to fix problems. https://github.com/EnzoMeertens/KerbalKrashSystem/pull/2

    This mod is fantastic, and the code is quite beautiful and clean by the way. I never put as much effort into documentation for hobby work as I should.

    Thank you so much! I'll play with it tomorrow. :3


    20 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

    This looks amazing, can't wait to try it out!

    Does the crumpling affect drag? Could it? It'd be great to see a craft start yawwing heavily because the port engine pod is crumpled up (not to mention the lack of thrust of course).

    Hopefully one day! 

  13. 5 hours ago, skykooler said:

    I wonder if it would be possible for impacts to move node positions - like, so if you crash then end of a three-part wing into the ground, the whole wing bends?

    It's probably possible, but hard to do.

    4 hours ago, Evanitis said:

    Did that (copypasted actually), and the gears are still getting damage (at least the visuals are there). Could I totally exclude parts from the effect that suppose to touch the ground deliberately? I'm doing a lot of planes these days, and it irks me a bit. The distortion always starts at takeoff, and usually looks like that even after the most gentle landing:




    Ahh, one more thing: all damage disappears upon quickloading. I wasn't sure if you are aware - thought I mention it in case it's a problem only on my end.

    This is definitely strange. The landing gears don't have any KerbalKrash module attached, so they shouldn't deform. Debugging also shows that it's not the landing gear colliding into the runway, but the cockpit it's attached to.

    Okay, I've located the problem. Landing gears are physicsless parts (PhysicsSignifance = 1). Fixing right now.


    There seems to be a problem with saving/loading. Trying to fix that too. Fix'd

  14. 17 hours ago, rbray89 said:

    Submitted a pull request to improve crumpling. Won't have any odd voids and should be faster: 

    After testing both implementations using 'Whack a Kerbal', I've decided to stick to my original implementation for now.

    Your implementation, while aesthetically more pleasing, doesn't seem to crumple the correct area in some cases, as can be seen in this video:




    I've encountered this same problem in one of my earlier versions, too. I will definitely look into your implementation more, to see if I can fix the problem.


  15. 1 hour ago, Acea said:

    Could you make recovered prices related to damages of parts plz?

    This won't be something I'll be adding to this mod. This mod is primarily based on aesthetics, not gameplay.

    I will however make a small tutorial on how the damage-variable can be accessed from other mods, so your gameplay related request could easily be done in another mod. 

  16. 8 hours ago, wasml said:

    Fantastic! Downloaded.

    One suggestion - If you put the version and date of last change in the thread title it's easy to see when an update is available.

    I'll do that as soon as I update! :3


    27 minutes ago, Tripod27 said:

    also, how does this mod base it's destruction on the original files? A few of the modded parts I have seem really resistant to damage, getting only small dents after smashing them into the ground at relatively high speeds while everything around them explodes. would going into their cfg files and bringing down their crash tolerance make them more squishy?

    Right now I've added crash tolerance scaling to several part categories, e.g.

    Engines scale to 10x their crash tolerance (this will bring most engines to around 70-80m/s crash tolerance),

    Containers scale to 4x their crash tolerance,

    Command pods scale to 2x their crash tolerance (because they already are highly resistant to damage).


    I will try to make these variables public so users can experiment themselves. 

    As I've mentioned before: destruction isn't balanced just yet. 


    13 minutes ago, Evanitis said:

    I feel the displacement should scale with the parts it's applied to. It looks totally awesome on 'regular' sized things like most engines and fuel-tanks, but small parts (wheels, batteries, etc) become quite messy. Those seem to -gain- much volume when distorted.

    Enjoying your mod greatly, just added my two cents.

    Also: I love fule-leaks. A hairy takeoff for a plane and I find myself in a hurry to land ASAP while I still can. Lovely. ^_^

    That's actually a really good idea. I'll definitely look into it! 


    7 minutes ago, Evanitis said:

    This looks very nice. How do I apply that? I'm a total noob in modding - I don't even see the two changed files in the KKS mod folder.

    You don't. It's on GitHub and it's up to me to merge it with my current project, compile it and upload it so you can download it. 

    I still have to look into it and review and test before uploading :3


    Thanks for the support guys! 

  17. 11 hours ago, Nansuchao said:

    For everyone worried about performance impact of this mod, I just tried it in my heavy modded install (32 bit) and I didn't noticed any drops at all. The mod works just during collisions and it seems that for KSP is faster to calculate collisions in this way than with explosions...

    Thanks for helping along! Appreciate it!

    I'll try to quantify actual performance impact as soon as possible.


    11 hours ago, Astrain said:

    This is beautiful. Now plane crashes aren't just 'directed by Micheal Bay now horrah the plane's vanished in explosions'!

    Just a one thing to suggest.

    Can we have an option to disable damage on anything that has 'landing' or 'gear' in it's name? 

    ModuleManager's config files allows you to do this yourself! 

    If you want to do this:


    In GameData/KerbalKrrashSystem/Configs/KerbalKrashOther.cfg change the first line to this:


    This will add the "KerbalKrashOther" module to all parts that don't contain: ModuleLandingLeg, ModuleLangingGear, ModuleEngines, ModuleCommand and contains no resources.


    11 hours ago, MeCripp said:

    I really don't see why every mod has to have ModuleManager.dll in the folder thats just something, I have to delete as if your running just about any mod you have it and don't need more then one

    ModuleManager is an extremely useful mod-helper. Most developers add this to their GameData folder to make sure everyone has a compatible version of ModuleManager.

    New versions are backwards compatible, so old versions can be removed from your GameData folder. 


    11 hours ago, rbray89 said:

    One thing you should try is grouping vertexes in close proximity to each-other so that the seams would dissapear. Vertexes are duplicated for each face in models (a cube would have 24 vertexes for example) to solve normal mapping issues.

    5 hours ago, rbray89 said:

    Submitted a pull request to improve crumpling. Won't have any odd voids and should be faster: 



    Thank you, I'll check this out right now!


    1 hour ago, Azimech said:

    Love it! Earlier I thought of having damage textures but this is even better! Going to test it with my WW2 Warships mod.


    In the mean time: drive safe.

    I absolutely love your bus! Doesn't look too safe after driving it off a cliff, though.


    1 hour ago, Tripod27 said:

    are you sure you did this? the kerbalstuff one is still a bunch of loose files with no module manager dll for me, but the curse download has it in it's own gamedata older, kerbalkrashsystem folder and module manager file

    awesome mod btw

    I'm sure I updated it. My guess KerbalStuff didn't recognize it as a newer version. Trying to fix it right now.

  18. 1 hour ago, LaytheDragon said:

    There are too many seams. Needs some work.

    Are there still explosions with this mod?


    I hope I can fix the seams with coherent randomness instead of "true" randomness.

    Yes, there are still explosions. Tolerances are scaled by a (yet unbalanced) factor. If impact speeds are above original crash tolerance multiplied by scaling explosions still occur. 

    Explosions also occur during overheating and in some cases ("other" parts like batteries, solar panels, etc.) due to a maximum damage being reached.

  19. 8 minutes ago, CaptRobau said:

    I've gotten to work but it needs some work. First of all, the mod doesn't come prepackaged with ModuleManager (which it needs). Second, if you follow the installation instructions you get quite a mess (as you recommend extracting it into the Kerbal Space Program folder). The more user friendly way would be to package the mod thusly:

    Folder: GameData (to indicate that it belongs where all the other mods are put) containing:

    ModuleManager.dll and folder KerbalKrashSystem (to make the entire mod easily deletable)

    Within KKS folder a separate folder for the plugin and the configs.

    I've pushed the new zip containing your suggestions to KerbalStuff.

    Thank you! 

  20. 53 minutes ago, ZobrAA said:

    Interesting! But what with performance, especially on hight part count ships?

    My code "only runs during collisions". (I've put this between quotation marks because this isn't strictly true. Some parts of my code are executed during a scene switch (to flight mode) and some parts (leaking) are executed on a fixed update interval.

    The most performance-intensive parts of the code are executed when entering a collision.

    I have yet to quantify the performance impact. I will try to get around to this ASAP.


    47 minutes ago, monstah said:

    Welcome around!

    This looks very fun. Damaged parts look a bit weird, but just the fact you did make them look broken procedurally amazes me.

    Seems like we can now do 'will it blend?' on KSP :D


    I've added coherent randomness to my to-do list. Coherent randomness will likely fix the pointiness/triangliness of the deformations, as the randomness of one voxel deformation will be based on the previous one.


    45 minutes ago, Whitecat106 said:

    This looks brilliant! I had attempted something like this a while back but never went into such depth!

    Maybe you could incorporate elements of BahamutoD's damage effects mod, for visualization of resource (oxygen, fuel etc) leaks? 

    Best of luck! :)

    Thank you! :3

    I will try to get around to this sometime soon! That mod looks great and it would be great to visualize leaks on deformed parts.

    The main purpose of my mod is to add deformations, leaking and overheating were just added to demo the ease of using the damage of parts to influence gameplay.

  21. Kerbal Krash System



    Kerbal Krash System rewrites collisions in Kerbal Space Program. KKS deforms your creations and reduces the efficiency of your crafts instead of just exploding on impact:

    • Damage occur on impacting anything (oceans, buildings, parts, kerbals, ground, ...) at speeds exceeding the part's original crash tolerance limits:
      • Crash tolerances are scaled by (configurable) factors, this allows parts to be damaged instead of exploding on exceeding the original crash tolerance.
      • Parts impacting at speeds above the scaled crash tolerance explode as normal.
    • Damaged engines overheat more quickly,
    • Damaged containers leak, including leaking effects,
    • Damaged command pods will have malfunctioning crew hatches,
    • Science modules become inoperable when damaged and need both engineers as well as scientists to be fully restored,
    • Damaged parts can be repaired using Engineers:
      • Lower level engineers are able to repair once every 55 seconds (lowered by ten seconds per experience level),
      • Higher level engineers are able to repair more often (up to once every five seconds).
    • Future update: KIS support: use "attachment tools" like the screwdriver or wrench to repair, instead of bare hands (or whatever Kerbals have... 'kands'?).


    KKS scales crash tolerances such that parts don't explode on impact, but rather get damaged when they collide.


    This mod should be easy to incorporate into other mods, e.g. TAC Life Support can access the damage percentage of command pods to drain oxygen.



    Download directly from GitHub



    Simply unpack into your Kerbal Space Program folder.



    KKS-mods allow others to write their own plugins using Kerbal Krash System's damage events to influence gameplay.

    KKS-mods tutorial!







        Priority:         Task:

             4.1             Try and add vertices to larger (simple) parts, so dents can occur in a more defined way.
             4.4             Add textures based on non-deforming damages (scrapes, heat).
             8                Physicsless parts deformation.
             9                Update video to be more representative.

    1 equals highest priority.



    • My damage goes above 100%, why?
      • My idea about damage is equal to Nintendo's Super Smash Brothers: A high damage percentage only indicates you're about to get destroyed sooner.
    • Is this mod compatible with DangIt, CollisionFX and such?
      • It should be.
      • DangIt can be easily modified to incorporate damage into random failure.
    • Why don't you work on the highest priority first?
      • Because I don't want to get stuck and bored.
    • Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
      • Probably.



    Ialdabaoth - Module Manager creator

    Sarbian - Module Manager maintainer

    rbray89 - Helping a lot





    Note: This mod is a work in progress.

    I don't have a lot of time to work on this mod right now. Requests and updates will be applied as fast as I can.

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