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Dr.K Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr.K Kerbal

  1. What is the greatest moment you have ever had in KSP? Was it landing on the Mun? Flying your first SSTO. Blowing up your complex? If you can think of the greatest moment you have ever had in KSP, TYPE AWAY!
  2. My Jeb is on an escape trajectory out of the sun
  3. This is the story of Jebediah, Bob and Bill and how hey passed away. The KSP were preparing for the capsule of 3 Kerbals to enter Kerbins Deadly atmosphere. Mission control gave the all clear. As Jeb looked at the controls, he saw something. "Uh Keuston, I think were going to need to sl..." All of the sudden, the windows were covered in steaming hot red. Jebediah knew he was going to die. THEY WERE COMING IN THE ATMOSHPERE AT 5084 METRES PER SECOND! Then the ablator was gone and the the only thing lefs, was the capsule. The parachute was gone. KABOOM! R.I.P
  4. Hi Shadowzone! I can't believe I acutely leaving a message for you!

    You know that giant megacruiser that had 177 something parts and you said that slowed your computer down to a whole 1 or 2 frames per second and had 20 escape pods?

    I know why I blew up. Because the little sepatron overheated the cargo bay door.

    Also, could make a tutorial on how to make that giant spacecraft. Or at least a tutorial on how to make walkable IVA slash Eva Iva?

    Your youtube channel really needs more How to's. Then you would get a lot more subscribers!

    Would be greatly appreciate.

    Love your youtube channel!

    Kepp up the awesome and good work!


  5. l I am really miffed because I would love it if bd aromy was for KSP 1.0.5
  6. Sup TheShadow1138. I saw your mod when I went looking for SLS mods. I had a read of your description and photos and decided to download your mod. When It had finished downloading I clicked on the zip folder and then the file appeared. I then put the zip folder into the bin and deleted it. Then I opened KSP_osx and opened gamedata. I then put your mod folder ( without the zip code folder.) Into the gamedata. I then open KSP and none of your parts are there. I think this is classed as troubleshooting because I get very upset when I download a mod and it does not work. Now that I am on the KSP forums I can ask question about how to do things in KSP. The same thing happens with Raster Prop Monitor. I download the mod and a lot more buttons are there but the little television screen or monitors are not there. I keep thinking it is something to do with downloading it or if there is a bug. Or maybe the file did not completely load. I don't know but I would like to ask you if you have any tips on downloading your mod for KSP 1.0.5. I have checked the version and everything matches up. Maybe It's just a bug. I don't know. So I though I would ask the mod maker himself to give me a few tips. Tips and answers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all out there who can answer this question. So just a recap. I need to know why that when I download Shadowworks' mod for the SLS and orion, none of his parts are there. Dr.K Kerbal.
  7. Thankyou very much. KER is an awesome mod especially if you ant to get into orbit without using maneuver nodes or using the map view. also. "HULLO! IT"S SCOTT MARNLEI HERE!" He has got an irish accent.
  8. OH WHOOPS! I cinda misread. You did metion one of your own craft! Thanks soooooo much! default_VAB_SLS.png
  9. Thanks! I actully meant one of your own craft.
  10. And yes sirrrrree! If the parts in the mod look like the pictures, I am NEVER EVER going to delete the mod. EVER! STUFF STOCK ALIKE!
  11. How to you post your craft onto the KSP forums?
  12. Hello!


    1. Red Iron Crown
    2. Dr.K Kerbal

      Dr.K Kerbal

      Exuse me, but an you  please become a member so I can get some more reputation. ?


    3. Red Iron Crown

      Red Iron Crown

      I'm not sure what you mean exactly.

  13. Cool! Thanks! How do you upload a craft file onto KSP?
  14. Ok then. If you have the zip folder for KER, you delete both of them and then go to "Github" Github is good if you have an older version of KSP because it displays a list of versions of KER in the past. Last time I check on that website. I think it had KER all the way down to .90. I am pretty sure that if you go there, you will find what you are looking for. Then you download the file or zip code, un zip the zip code, drag the file in to gamedata and your Good to go! Enjoy!
  15. Ok. As I am only new to this website, I would like to ask a few questions. 1.) hen I look at your information, you currently have 1191 points. What are points? 2.) How can I get my rank up from bottle rocketeer? 3.)What are the little dots on your account? If thee questions were answered they would be greatly appreciated! P.S. I love the little Kerbal emoji!!!
  16. Hello everybody. My name is Dr. K Kerbal. I only started this account today and I am really enthusiastic about KSP. I am really good at making close versions to NASA's real craft such as the Saturn V rocket, the SLS, space shuttle and much more. I realy enjoy people liking me and love giving out information and solving troubleshooting. I really like reviewing mods and cant wait to get a few subscribers to my account!
  17. Oh WOW! I really like the look of the SLS mod on the first page! Is it available for a download for ksp 1.0.5? Would be gratly apreciated
  18. You go to the Kerbal Space Program website and log in. Then you go to account and and then you will see a list of versions. Click on 1.0.5 and whilst clcking on that, click on the sam operating system you have. (In this case I would click on...) KSP 1.0.5 Apple. Hope this helps you out a little bit as I have only been playing KSP for about 10 months.
  19. This Is a really good mod. Matt Lowan uses this mod so when recording he very rarely needs to go to the map view. I have this mod installed and it provides infomation like your part count, how much delta-V you have on every single stage that has an engine with a fuel supply, and you apoapsis a periapsis.! Luv It and you must download!!!!
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