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Dr.K Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr.K Kerbal

  1. Awwww. So cute. Love that story. Hope the kid gets better.
  2. I have a problem with the moD. It is availabe for 1.0.5 but the liquid fuel engines alway glitch the game.
  3. I dont know how to inert pictures but 18k is my best.
  4. Dont worry. I tried it today and im only one second off.
  5. Cool! My dad gave me a challenge to put a probe in a kerb geo stationary orbit so I came here to get answers. I answers I have got!
  6. This was the video I was talking about. When he does his burn to the man, you can see he goes 10000 metres per second witch was how fast he went. Also, maccollo, I love your SLS Launch video!
  7. Sweet. also looks like your fingers are probably bleeding though
  8. I th when think when they nervs they think there going out there.
  9. Dude!! You need 10000 meters per second just to get to the mun!!!
  10. I have watched all of your videos and I don't know how you build those giant craft!!!

  11. Hey shadow zone! Did you get my message about more ho-to's on your youtube channel?

  12. ARRGGH! Instead of putting in SpaceX dragon, I put in the SNC dream Chaser.
  13. If we are talking here about a base, well the first thing you need is me. Dr. K Kerbal. The specialist in planetary bases. If you are building in the clouds, you need to limit your parts into a minimum of about 150 and no part can be heavier than 5 tons. If any of the parts are over that limit, then your toast. On the venus surface. You will need an emergency engine incase that use becomes to heavy for the clouds to handle so need some fuel in spare. You will need a transfer stage with about 1250 metres of delta-V to get into orbit and transfer your crew back to Kerbin. The thing with the transfer stage is that it has to have enough TWR so you don't have to start your escape burn too early. If you use nuclear engines, ( Witch would be useless on the surface on Venus because it has an atmosphere) you will need a lot of them depending on the height of your orbit. The higher your orbit, the less TWR you will need. This is because, if you start your burn 5 minutes before the required time, you will not notice ( Unless if you have KER ) that you eventually suicide your orbit and before you know it, it's too late. Also. Be careful of heat. The surface of Venus in the real world aka. not in ksp is about 400 degrees celsius. So if you had ablation, it would probably be gone in about 10 minutes. And there is no little cross next to the ablation bar. So be careful. Also if you have a space station around venus, try and get it into a really low orbit, because then when your transfer rocket leaves the base, it will be a very quick ride to the space station if you are going there. Oh my goodness. My fingers are getting tired. I will be back on this forum in a bit so don't delete it. see ya later. Dr. K Kerbal
  14. I love Space x and my cousin works at Space x. I just have one question. When I download the spaceX Heavy lifters pack, none of the parts are there and there are supposed to be parts like 2.5 metre boosters and 75 metre fuel tanks and engines. I am starting to think that this is a problem I do when downloading like me not installing properly. Maybe the file does not completely install but I would like to ask you because when I looked up SpaceX, most of the comments had your profile picture in them. Yes. That is a fact. So I would like to know why. Dr. K Kerbal
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