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Everything posted by something

  1. Been reading Duna, Eve and Jool so far. Are we just witnessing some evolution of storytelling or the evolution of a space agency to a Star Trek like federation/empire? If I recall correctly the federation's first antagonist were the Klingons, not the Romulans. The Kerbulans, however, do have a lot of traits in common with the Klingons, so yeah, I am curious to see how this evolves in future...Kerbulans killing the son of Jeb and he in turn blowing up the Intrepid - gotta have to come that way...
  2. As I cannot be sure to make it in time for the launch, that's a no go from me for the 17th, 1830 UTC
  3. Quit for missing mods? Probably not, but there are some which would probably let me do some serious programming if they were missing: Kerbal Alarm Clock, the delta V indicators KER/Mech Jeb and most importantly: The Docking Alignment Indicator is a crucial thing for me.
  4. Thanks to a bug, I somehow managed to mess up the craft file of my spaceplane. As I didn't have any backups, I had to rebuild the vessel from scratch. Due to some error I linked the contents of the cargo bay to the plane and not the cargo bay to the plane. Turned out the spacecraft was no longer able to go supersonic (which is a bit a useless spaceplane if it can't go supersonic). Anyways, found the error in the end and rearranged some components of my space station with the aid of the claw...
  5. Level 1 one runway? Never heard... Ah you mean that "will the tiyres of my rover blow up" test track which really got useless after upgrading to level 2. You think it is a runway? Hmm, that would explain why it looks rougly familar to FAA Cat3 runways once upgraded to level 3... I should start trying to launch aircraft on that surface... No seriously, the level 1 runway is just a pain in the as, tried to use it one time and converted to "start on grass instead"
  6. Protip: Straight rockets appear to have a better ascent profile.... Just had a hard time lifting a nearly unstable rocket to orbit - stuff like that happens from time to time. ...
  7. Backups of every role are what we are after now. Or if you could setup port forwarding, that would be great!
  8. So they basically dis the entire 1.1 thing to implement this fishing stuff? Disappointed.
  9. First docking was still performed in the 1.0 demo which basically was a RCS aided rendez-vous to exchange crew from a station to a transfer vehicle. When I got the full game I found that doing the actual docking isn't much harder than the rendez-vous if you use the alignment mod. All together I have to admit it took me longer to get the hang of orbiting Kerbin than to dock. And yeah ut is fun. Doing all the dockings manually.
  10. Kerbals aren't native to Kerbin. They simply cannot be native to that planet. Even Kharak had cities before it was destroyed. So yeah, I guess I have to send an expedition to the equatorial desert to find that all important guide stone....that would -at least - cast some light on their origin.
  11. If you tell your colleagues that Ike was a moon of Mars which it was gravity locked to...
  12. Creating a moon for Dres? Clearly a conspiracy...
  13. Went to the South Pole a while ago in career to get some science, planted a flag and left my first design of a supersonic aircraft down there...so technically does it have to be the North Pole?
  14. So I really hope the unity 5 engine will boost the performance on my i5 integrated graphics 64bit linux system... would be a shame if it didn't. Are there any news regarding the Linux versions of the game?
  15. I'd say that Docking Port Alignment Indicator is pretty essential once you want to dock as aligning two objects in a 3+1 dimensional space with just the NavBall is pretty hard at best. Ince you run several missions the simultaneously be sure to install Kerbal Alarm Clock
  16. Well let's rephrase it a bit. That asteroid is a satellite at least. We now need to determine whether it's natural or artificial. Since it was brought to orbit with a space craft, it is neither.
  17. No, the 610 m/s are to intercept with Dres at 0deg inclination (+950m/s to get there from LKO to Kerbin SOI edge). The 1010m/s are to adjust your inclination to zero deg in a worst case scenario. I can't see the screen shot from my phone so I am guessing: In order to be efficient you want to do the intercept burn close to Kerbin since doing it from solar orbit requires more delta v due to the Oberth effect. Mech Jeb has a maneuver planner which sets up the nodes for you. It eliminates the fun of finding the correct position yourself but it might help you in order to understand how to get interplanetary. (In fact it did help me a lot to understand why it was so hard to get my very first probe to Duna...)
  18. From a personal point of view, I would consider the asteroid a temporary satellite capture. It is not a quasi-satellite as it orbits Kerbin itself (contrary to being in a resonant orbit) and its orbit is primarily affected by the Kerbin-Mun-Minmus system. For it to be a moon in the sense of game mechanics it had to be on rails. A moon has to have some sort of gravitational well, but asteroids do not have any influence, if I am not mistaken. As for the reality part of the question: I am pretty sure that the IAU will come up with some definition as soon as it is needed, just as they did with minor- and dwarf planets.
  19. Basically this is the way to determine your delta v of your rocket. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_equation Since you start at a certain altitude at a certain longitude you want to calculate your speed with respect to a non-rotating reference frame. With that speed you can determine an orbital "height" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_speed From there you do a Hohmann transfer to another orbit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hohmann_transfer Since you fly through the atmosphere you need to compensate for atmospheric drag. Wikipedia states 1.5-2 km/s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta-v_budget So you get your delta v budget of the rocket, and hence can determine the maximum payload for it to reach that specific orbit. As for the 720 tons, I do agree with you - your rocket doesn't look as if it was capable of lifting an entire space station to orbit in just one launch...
  20. Go interplanetary. Takes some tweaking to get phase and ejection angles right. Build orbital station - send Kerbals interplanetary (get them back). Build a base somewhere. Dude, there's a lot of things you can do... Also you might want to think about career as it gives you the limits of funds which is an additional challenge (also early on you're pretty limited by the parts)
  21. Landed quite some stuff at Duna for my current Duna mission. Turns out nothing got hot due to atmospheric heating. And as already has been written - be careful with the chutes. My fist Duna lander lost its engine due to me relying on chutes and being 10m/s short in the end...boom...engine gone. Would be bad if you planned to bring that ship back to orbit. Could be kind of a challenge - without engine...
  22. Got myself about 1M+ funds in career by hauling 3.1k units of ore from Duna orbit to Ike orbit. Used the interplanetary vehicle for that mission which just blows fuel out of the docking ports it seems...but hey, I've got an ore converter on board...
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