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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. @RoverDude Let me just say that you are awesome for answering everyone's questions!
  2. The latest update says habitation is switched on by default, and I did download from the github download link... I will look for that when I get home.
  3. I finally got the game a few weeks ago and after binge playing to get through the learning curve I came to ask a couple questions about different mods, here and on the kerbal reddit, everyone has been so nice. Generally if I ask a newbie question on a forum I get yelled at by ten different people. You all are just so awesome. I am loving the game.
  4. I don't understand the habitation mechanic, in the VAB it says 30 days, put the craft into orbit, and it says 30 days no matter how long they stay in orbit...
  5. Ahh, Will do. CKAN is really nice, but this seems to be a recurring theme with mods that don't install properly using it. I'm thinking I may just be better off to manually install everything.
  6. Has anyone setup a config file for all the instruments in DMagic Orbital Science, so they will reset when recovering an active vehicle? I have just been recovering, then removing and re-adding the science item. Would be nice to just have them reset on their own though.
  7. The change log says the latest version was recompiled for 1.0.5, but downloading the latest via CKAN, the game complains that it was built for 1.0.3.
  8. I'm sad that I missed out on this mod. Just started playing KSP a few weeks ago and it sounds awesome.
  9. Totally fixed the problem. Thank you so much! Do you know of any other mods that have issues with CKAN? I am missing the stock fairings from my game, which is why I installed the procedural fairings mod, I kind of like it better, but its also concerning that the stock parts have vanished.
  10. Thanks for the welcome and the reply. I did as that said and saw no difference in-game. When I open the life support window in the VAB I see stuff, it shows power and supplies times, how long it will last, and says indefinite at the end? When in control of any ship the life support window is blank, regardless of crew or putting life support parts on the ship. I'm still going with it being some kind of conflict with another mod I have installed. I really do love the looks of this mod though. There was really nothing to delete. This is a new save game I've been playing for a few hours, have not altered mods since starting it.
  11. I must be missing something, I've had a kerbal in space for 5 days or so, just a small mk1 pod with a small life support attached, has yet to consume supplies or create mulch. The life support window is blank, nothing there. Is there a special step or something I didn't do when designing the ship? my installed mods. http://i.imgur.com/Q6jkeEO.png
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