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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. I did finally post my year 1 review of my stat tracking game. Have not been finding alot of time to play, but my wife and I finally finished catching up on vikings so hopefully I will get to play more.
  2. I agree on all points, having some land based large experiment parts setup like the space based parts where you have to take supplies and recover experiments would be neat. Would be neat to build a remote science base on duna that actually has a long term purpose and send ships back and forth.
  3. Here is a good example of what I was talking about with the contracts, to me it just doesn't make sense to put a telescope that has to be serviced into that kind of orbit. Alot of times the orbits are eccentric enough that they intersect the with the mun, so eventually the satellite would get knocked wherever when it gets into the mun soi.
  4. Introduction When I first played KSP I wanted to see some stats for my missions, but was disappointed to find the game does not really do any kind of stat tracking over time. I finally decided to create my own spreadsheet and manually track information after seeing this post on reddit My first attempt only tracked missions from construction to recovery, but as I progressed and many missions were not recovered and remained active there were many holes in the data I was using, so I elected to restart with more detailed tracking. For the second attempt I went mod heavy and greatly expanded the data tracking, it did take a little more time away from actually playing and I was happy with the data, but not happy with rate of progression through the early game. Stock Propulsion Labs is my third attempt and this time includes a rebalanced progression rate and even more detailed stats. What I want from my career mode experience is to truly get the impression that I am running my own fictional space program. I have always been a space enthusiast and the idea of having a believable historical progression that makes sense for my game world really intrigued me. In one sense, this is a heavily modded playthrough, but also light on new parts, which is where I draw the name. The mods that are used focus more on adding realistic gameplay elements and less on adding new parts. I will not be using any non-stock engines or fuel tanks, and I will also be flying everything manually, breaking my reliance on MechJeb. I am also going to leave signal delay on and learn how to use the flight computer for remote controlling vessels. General Stats Total Funds Income : 2,425,376 Total Funds Spending : 1,904,014 Average Cost per Vessel Launched : 12,719 Average Funds Recovered per Vessel Launched : 10,266 Average Final Cost per Vessel Launched : 2453 Total Science Income : 917.2 Total Science Spending : 868 Most Science Transmitted at Once : 15.7 Most Science Recovered at Once : 137 Total Vessels Launched : 21 Total Launcher ∆V of all Vessels Launched : 28,958 Total Mass of all Vessels Launched : 161.652 Total # of Parts of all Vessels Launched : 354 Total Crew Ribbons Awarded : 49 Total Crew XP Gained : 6 Total Crew Levels Gained : 2 Link to stats page Rocketry Progression Active Programs Total Funds Spent : 65,133 Total Vessels Launched : 10 Total Contracts Completed : 13 Total Milestones Achieved : 22 Total Science Returned : 178.5 Total Funds Recovered : 54,225 Total Final Cost : 10,908 Final Cost per Vessel Launched : 1091 Final Cost per Contract Completed : 839 Final Cost per Milestone Achieved : 496 Final Cost per Science Recovered : 61 Total Funds Spent : 187,007 Total Vessels Launched : 8 Total Contracts Completed : 5 Total Milestones Achieved : 1 Total Science Returned : 354.6 Total Funds Recovered : 103,675 Total Final Cost : 17,322 Final Cost per Vessel Launched : 2887 Final Cost per Contract Completed : 3464 Final Cost per Milestone Achieved : 17,322 Final Cost per Science Recovered : 49 Total Funds Spent : 80,907 Total Vessels Launched : 5 Total Contracts Completed : 7 Total Milestones Achieved : 2 Total Science Returned : 244.1 Total Funds Recovered : 57,696 Total Final Cost : 23,274 Final Cost per Vessel Launched : 4655 Final Cost per Contract Completed : 3325 Final Cost per Milestone Achieved : 11,637 Final Cost per Science Recovered : 95 Graphs & Charts Crew Members Visual Log One more thing I want to do for this entire process is to take pictures of important events, but I want to take the pictures from a realistic perspective within the game using the Hullcam VDS mod parts with a consideration of who is taking the picture and how did they do it. I did not do a good job with this for the first year, so I am instead going to share a different kind of album. This is just a collection of images from my time spent playing KSP, not necessarily from this specific career mode, but it will give you a good sense of where I have been and what I have done in the game, which I still feel is fitting to go along with this post. Link to album Closing Thoughts The main goal for year 2 of the space program is to finish unlocking the available tech nodes and design a general launch system that can be used to reliably take payloads into LKO or beyond.
  5. I agree complete, KAC is great and useful, but if I could only have one mod it would have to be KER.
  6. I agree, I really don't understand why there is not a Delta V and TWR in the stock game, trying to build a rocket without that minimum of information is like trying to read a klingon poem off your cell phone while skydiving. .
  7. Not sure if I ever posted it, there are two typos in one of the contracts, Minmas and Poll need to be changed to Minmus and Pol
  8. Will contract packs require an update for 1.1, or will they be good as is?
  9. I installed everything in the OP manually, 3 items, then I deleted the two parts, the ejector and parachute box. Loaded the game launched a rocket, jumped out, right clicked the kerbal and the parachute options were there and worked fine.
  10. Does the update fix contracts being generated for the barycenters?
  11. @Rafael acevedo I wonder if the wheels from the Karibou would work on the Buffalo? I know they raise and lower.
  12. Anyone have another source for this? I would like to use the template for something I am working on.
  13. If that is all the mods you are using then you really shouldn't need to use 64bit, which has problems and is not supported.
  14. Yeah I've noticed that too for the solo orbiter and duo orbiter missions, I have just been going into the debug menu and forcing the mission to complete.
  15. I think I encountered a small bug. Playing with a global multiplier of 5, I edited a vessel and it said it would take 1 hour to build, but when back in the main window it was actually 5 hours.
  16. Do the same probes work if in range of KSC? Any mod parts on the probes?
  17. I will look at editing the .cfg, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
  18. I built the vessel as described and it seemed to work fine. I have yet to test any contracts though.
  19. I see this too with the field research that has you repeating experiments. Like, Perform Another Materials Study While Flying High, etc...
  20. I really can't think of a reason to not use Blizzys toolbar, it works perfect, has smaller buttons, lets you customize the location and layout of everything. I honestly wish I could just move all the stock toobar buttons over.
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