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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. Put a satellite into polar orbit with a scanning part on it, turn it on and then watch the map as it fills in with data as the satellite orbits.. It is a quite awesome system actually. the scanning parts will give you info in the VAB about what altitude to orbit
  2. This breaks 70km in FAR, 6 stages, each with a little less thrust to burn longer. The upper fins are slanted to make it spin like mad so the last couple stages have stability without fins. 29 parts including the fairings and science experiments.
  3. Tried it on 1.1.3, was throwing exceptions for a fuel leak after a splashdown, otherwise seemed ok, will try to do some testing for you without other mods and see what happens.
  4. Agreed, thank you @Nhawks17 for working on this mod.
  5. When using CTT I would like for the DERP solar array to still be in advanced electrics, looking at the configs I can see that what I need to add is this... @PART[DERP_Solar]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = advElectrics } I don't want to edit your config files, because the change will be lost when the next update is pushed, so I'm unsure of where to put it and still have it apply after the mod. Assuming MM behaves the way I think it does.
  6. So there is a new KAS thread for the 1.1.3 version, is there a new KIS thread? I marked it as having an update on my list, but not finding it now... Maybe I just read things wrong.
  7. Yes, working on upgrading my modded install to 1.1.3 and this seems to work fine as is.
  8. Thanks so much for keeping up with the mod despite your work load. For me KKS is really a necessary mod, maybe I'm just rough on my rockets and planes but I really like not having stuff exploding on me all the time when its gets banged around a little bit. There are about 10 mods that I'm using that really should be a part of the stock game, and this is one of them.
  9. same here, but KAS just got its update so there are just a couple left that I'm currently using that haven't been updated yet, this being one.
  10. I follow, I was just expecting to have to use the part to get the functionality. I suppose less parts is better in the long run.
  11. Glad to see its back, just patiently waiting on my key mods to get an update so I can fix all my different satellite and probe name into some kind of sane naming convention.
  12. My first FAR aircraft that performs halfway decently. Loosely based on the Saab 21R which is why I think it can fly, all my original designs are utter garbage.
  13. Am I supposed to get the proximity alarm without having the part on my vessel? This seems to be the behavior in 1.1.2
  14. Just want to let you know if you update it again for 1.1.3 that me and I'm sure many others will use it. Thanks for getting it working last time around.
  15. Starting using this mod on my new playthrough, loving the mod, thanks for putting in the work to make it.
  16. There is something called Mini-AVC that many mods pack in, which gives you the popup you are talking about. Install the full version and you will get more info.
  17. I just want to say I've tried all the life support mods at length. For the new career I started USI was my choice because it just fits KSP better than the others, it adds life support as a consideration, but doesn't go off the rails with realism, much like the rest of the stock game. If you are playing RO, RSS, FAR or any of the other realism mods then USI probably won't fit in with the theme of those mods as well.
  18. So we have a VAB and a launch pad, and hangar and a runway, what we really need for something like this is a boathouse and a dock.
  19. The average gamer that is going to try the game does not know what the hell Delta-V even is or how to figure it out. The game needs to teach new players the role of fuel weight in rocketry and needs to give meaningful information to the player when they are constructing a vessel. Without knowing what the DV of a vessel is and what your TWR is for each stage you are really just left with trial and error. Lets say I am just starting out for the first time, I build a rocket that almost makes it into orbit, but ran out of fuel before I could circularize. Back in the editor, do I replace the three SRBs with a single big liquid fuel engine? Will that work better, worse? Will it give me more fuel to go farther, will it be able to to lift the payload off the ground even.... The game does not present enough information to answer these questions. In my opinion it should. The first rocketry tutorial should be called "What is Delta-V and why should I care?"
  20. I was going to play the game with no mods at all, and I just can't get past the fact that there is no Delta-V estimation or TWR value for each stage. The game is basically just trial and error with no real information to base your changes on. More fuel, less fuel, more engines, less weight, SRBs vs Liquid... i mean, there are so many different variables to play with when constructing a rocket, its ridiculously hard to try and get something accomplished without getting some kind of little feedback for what change your adjustments made. I just want a strait answer for what the reason is for not including this information in the base game?
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