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Everything posted by Kadrush

  1. I second this issue. At first I was pointing the finger to Kerbal Enginner and some possible change on module manager. But today the only mods that i installed were this one and few USI from roverdude. I spent most of my free time today running some tests. After I removed this mod the game started to work normally again.
  2. I second this issue, it started today and is related to this mod. The only thing I have done today was to install some USI mods that were updated to the current version of the game. Uninstalled everything and did a fresh install of the game and mods, same issue. When I click the rendevouz button the mod bug and the grey bar shows up along other graphical glitches, the game gets slow, really slow and get stuck on the loading screen once i leave the ship. The planets move on the loading button, but it do not get anywhere. Maybe is some change on the module manager or other support mod that got incompatible with this one? Edit: Tried an older version the mod from github, same issue. Edit 2: Dont ask me why, BUT I FOUND THE ISSUE. There is an incompatibility between this mod and Transfer Window Planner that got updated today. I removed it and it is solved.
  3. So I picked up the strategy of landing on Duna. After rushing missions to get the science and the money for the ship / upgrades to KSC I built my ship to Duna. I sent 2 missions before, one for science in orbit (hi / lo ; duna / ike) and another for scansat the planet, both became polar orbital relays afterwards. The ship is a 2.5 nuclear engine with 3 more in aspargus to deliver it to Duna (i added a small tank with LFO fuel for the lander), the mission package is a 1.8m cargo bay with a single kerbal deep freeze pod inside, a 1.8m habitat, a 1.8 command pod, a skycrane (for Duna, as the lander cant land and return on his own) and a lander (for Duna and Ike). After a 285 day trip I unfreeze the kerbal, insert orbit right direct on Ike, land in an anomaly (got a nice sci bonus), return to orbit, refuel, move to Duna Low orbit (60km), leave the lander and the skycrane there (with the pilot of course), move the ship to a 400km orbit (in order to move it slower) and sincronize it with the lander, so I get remote tech signal after the land (I retracted the antena to avoid a snap). The land, turned off the lander engine, blocked cross feed and made a controlled, low power deceleration all the way down (avoid using full trust so the docking node dont snap or the fumes burn stuff on the lander). Before landing i set all parachutes to 5000m and 0.01 pressure. Opened everything, reduced speed to 10.5 m/s on the 5000 final meters, enjoyed the time to make some flying low science. Closer to the ground I undocked the skycrane as it was almost empty and it weight would flip the lander on the return trip, make small burns sideways with the lander, so the crane dont land on top of it. The lander came down at 11 m/s, demanding a controlled burn to touch down at 2 m/s. On the ground: collected the science from the flying low harvest, reset the equips, made some more on the ground, flag planting, eva report, sample collecting, harvested everything again. Strategia completed. the skycrane landed nearby, in one piece. Returning to orbit: 45% inclination burn with RCS turned on (essential) so the lander dont flip (quite high monoprop usage got me worried). Made some science while flying high, collected it on orbit. Orbit: Returned and docked with the main ship, transferred the science, spent a few days awake (I roleplay so it was interviews and checkings Bob Kerman is now famous). Bob returned to Deep Freeze and the ship is resting at 400km orbit for a bit longer than 1 year until the return trip windows opens. Once it returns I plan to park it in high Kerbin orbit and sent a ship to pick Bob and the Science (the part which i couldnt sent for 100% of it value). Price tag: 500k main mission, 300k from the other flights. The album: http://imgur.com/a/qOOYE
  4. Try Kerbal Joint Reinforcment and EVA Struts. The first to see if the station dont break, the second to reinforce the modules connection with eva struts before you go back to space center. Both worked for me.
  5. I reinstalled my game, restarted the carreer with most of the mods i had earlier, including SETI, but excluding FAR, Distant Objects Enhancments and Background Processing. Very early, as soon as i opened an antena to com with the probe (RT) i sent a vessel to kerbal SOI to see if the bug triggers. It does not. I have two guesses after that. 1-A vessel espacing Kerbol SOI makes the physics go haywire, which triggers the bug and continues even after you delete such ship. The good and old High Speed Kraken. 2-Somehow, FAR and the other mods i excluded (not installed again) from this instalation changes the physics model in a way that it continues even if you remove such mods.
  6. No correction is ok with Duna or Jool, but Moho without a few corrections is quite impossible. Help me with one thing, did you had any ship in escape velocity of Kerbol SOI when the bug first fired? My (another) guess is that a probe on that condition makes the whole system go bye bye trying to make the calculations on Kerbol SOI for an escaping object going to the infinity (the log message mentions that) and even after you delete (terminate) the ship the bug continues. that would explain why me and you can launch probes on sandbox without reproducing the bug. Anoooooooooooother theory is related to FAR mod, i had it and the game was crashing a lot, removed and it seemed ok, but it might have left some changes on the game (installed via ckan) that might have caused the bug
  7. I had the same issue, removed FAR, problem solved. See if that works for you.
  8. Same issue here. Edit, after removing several mods my stock craft was still bugging outside kerbin SOI. My guess is that SETI probe part mod installed via ckan has changed something on the way that solar panels worked (the error messages were solar panel related in the Squad folder and SETI is the only mod that changed the way panels worked). Therefore i am going to make a full reinstall of the game (fully removing the folder from steam), install less mods and make a few launchs on sandbox to test my theory later. Deleting PartDatabase.cfg didnt worked for me
  9. I am experiencing the same issue. I tried to remove several non part mods (distant objects), and also deleted very fast probe that was in speed to escape Kerbol SOI as i guessed i was facing the high speed kraken. Both didnt worked. Launched different ships with differents parts that showed on the erro messages, even launched a full stock ship, both didnt worked. Edit, after removing several mods my stock craft was still bugging outside kerbin SOI. My guess is that SETI probe part mods installed via ckan has changed something on the way that solar panels worked (the error messages were solar panel related and SETI is the only mod that changed the way panels worked, well, near future electrical should as well, but i never had issues with it) that stayed there after i removed such mod. Therefore i am going to make a full reinstall of the game (fully removing the folder from steam), install less mods and make a few launchs on sandbox to test my theory later.
  10. How you guys go to Moho? Even with transfer window planner mod i just cant get it right. So I used the same system as the Mun, on Kerbol. i launch with the minimum delta v necessary to escape kerbin but being as close as circular to kerbol. Once outside i align plane and do a hohman transfer. The price, around 7k delta v.
  11. Was this mod abandoned? I like it idea but have some issues with stacking stuff above and bellow the service bays supplied with it
  12. I guess TAC uses module manager to add life support resources to all command pods, Bluedog or not. Never had any issue with both working together. On the other hand, i tend to avoid bluedog command mods for 1.5m and 1.875 (i guess thats the size) because i lack a service bay to fit under it, goes as a suggestion as i tend to avoid tweak scalling things.
  13. Thanks and nice job on this mod and bluedog, both are just essential for me to play with (along TAC life support and remote tech)
  14. Amazing work!!! Now just a few more mods and i can play again. Is it going to be on ckan? my older version is from there
  15. Are the mods 1.1.3 compatible? on ckan is says 1.1.2. Also i dont think that ckan version has all your sub mods as i cant find the octo lander nor the retro parts
  16. Is the mod working on 1.1.3? On ckan it says it is 1.1.2
  17. I am using the DLL combined now with a mod called MemGraph (to reduce game general memory usage) and i got not crashes so far.
  18. The DLL worked for me, no crashes for now (1 hour, making a big ship), had 2 on vab in 10 minutes before using it.
  19. Same here, game is almost unplayable, cant build anything
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