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Everything posted by Rock3tman_

  1. Absolutely, I need to reiterate how awesome the whole KSP team was to work with on this!
  2. Hi everyone! My college rocket team is putting on a podcast called the Midwest Rocketry Forum this fall, and for our second episode I got to sit down with Nate Simpson and Paul Furio of the KSP2 team to discuss the game. Tune in to learn some new things about the game! You can listen to the podcast on our website here, or on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, which the website has links to. Let me know what you think, and if you are interested, register on our website to get alerts for future episodes!
  3. Congrats! This one has definitely been a long time coming. Can't wait to play with a bunch of this stuff.
  4. Loving the new update! Finally I have a reason to use these parts haha. Seeing everything at reStock standards has been a real treat for sure.
  5. The release screenshots we're compiled from a number of people with different visual packs in their installs, including my own that has SVE, scatterer, planetshine, and KS3P.
  6. The issue with the Scout I find more in gameplay is getting things to fit within that small fairing, because I absolutely despise unrealistic fairing size. It's definitely a super fun launcher to fly though when I have a payload that can fit on it.
  7. From a tester/screenshot monkey's perspective it's crazy how much of a difference Restock makes when designing missions. Upping the quality on all parts and adding useful part variants makes stock gameplay feel a whole lot less limiting. Major props to the art team here, @Nertea and @cineboxandrew have tackled a truly amazing amount of work so far.
  8. First! Glad to see that this mod is getting some love again, it was always a crucial part of an install. I'm trying to put one together again and will probably post about my efforts later tonight. Problems that need to be worked out at the moment are chiefly that the KSC spawns underground and finding a way to fix that.
  9. I believe it's broken in the newest update, but Rescale is just a set of SD configs and it's only marginally more difficult to set the scaleyourself. The readme for sigma is quite good.
  10. You'll need to download the latest versions of Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions, Sigma Dimensions will allow you to customize the scale of your solar system through some easy cfg file adjustments (I think the exact file is settings.cfg). Ones that work really great for BDB are 2.5x resize and 2.5x rescale. Once you go rescaled, you'll never go back.
  11. Congratulations, been watching your revamp posts on Reddit for some time now. Finally we're getting the part revamp that KSP actually deserves.
  12. Big decouplers would be greatly appreciated, I always feel like that's one of those niches that stock decouplers have never been able to adequately feel for me. As for the separation solids, I use them semi-frequently, but they are rarely visible on boosters so I've never really given thought to how they look
  13. This looks absolutely amazing. You have a fine eye for art style and I seriously can't wait to see what you do with this. IF you want some really good concept art to base your project on, look at the art of Bob Mccall. http://www.mccallstudios.com/newer-worlds/ The man did concept art for 2001: A Space Odyssey and a lot of stuff for NASA and you should definitely look into it.
  14. No. I did not. Engines were not facing front in his simulation, it was more of an "upside down" than backwards
  15. We had the same exact issue with balancing the BFR and adjusting the COM of the engines was a big part of making it work. Also install correct col for better visualizing body lift in the editor. Good luck and I'd love to see success so we can alter stock balance.
  16. Also I would like to say that our stock configs append the weight of the parts significantly to account for the fact we didn't use stock ablator. I think it's also worth considering that PICA-X doesn't ablate very fast, so a whole 30 tons of it may be in extreme excess.
  17. Congratulations times ten! These look absolutely terrific and I can't wait to play around with it.
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