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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. Alright, so after some testing, I've found that in the two weeks that the SQUAD challenge is on, I won't be able to get my monster plane to Laythe. So I'll just fly it around on Kerbin, but I'll have to make up for the absence of getting it to Laythe. Solution? Add more crew cabins! I'll probably add a central row of Mk3 crew cabins, and maybe a row or two of Mk2 cabins on the top. We'll see. 

    I will however try to get the plane to Laythe sometime in the future. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, klgraham1013 said:

    I look forward to it.  Not that I have much to complain about.

    Just had a though.  I wonder if the 1.3.1 release will be synchronized with Making History...

    Hmm. It looks like the expansion is coming along well, so maybe. 

    If that happens, I wonder if they'll release it during the Steam Summer Sale, so all us Steam users can get a discount. :P 

  3. 1 minute ago, Streetwind said:

    There, I got to see the replay I wanted now :) Great view of stage 2 ignition, they really didn't care to wait for stage 1 to get out of the way :D

    "Pfft. Interstage damage? What's that?"  ~ Stage 2 Lead Engineer


    2 minutes ago, kerbinorbiter said:

    wait upon looking through the footage back is that the auto drone thingy that Knews mentioned?

    I saw a garage, but I didn't see the actual vehicle come out.

  4. Just now, CatastrophicFailure said:

    That recorded footage from the barge is gonna be epic, I think. :D

    I am SO looking forward to that. Going to be a lot like KSP - a little to the left... we're off-centre, no it's too much to the left! Oh god, turn right... ahhhhhh... whew... we landed...

    Just now, Streetwind said:

    Random aside - is it just me, or is everyone not able to rewind this stream to an earlier position liek usual? I missed the launch by like one minute and wanted to rewind to the liftoff, but I can't. The progress bar isn't even clickable. Never saw that happen before,

    Same :( 

  5. 36 minutes ago, ave369 said:

    Why I don't have it if it is still stock? Never had it in 1.1.3, don't have it in 1.3.0. The entire stock tech tree is discovered. No trace of it.

    Not sure. Maybe you accidentally deleted the Goliath's file in GameData/Squad?

    Anyway, back on topic, here's the plane I'll use for the challenge: FsCQibw.jpg

    704 passengers and 4 crew, powered by 24 Panthers.

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