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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. 21 minutes ago, RCgothic said:

    From what I've heard on Reddit, it was a ridiculously close call and insiders say they're not going to release it for PR reasons.

    Firstly, look at the scorch trail across the barge. Also the last frame shows spray being kicked up way of the mark. The rocket clearly pulled some crazy last minute manoeuvres.

    Secondly, insiders describe the booster balancing on one leg and nearly toppling. There is also a reference to CRS6 and the little thruster that couldn't. Apparently this time it could.

    So the video sounds ridiculously awesome, but don't hold out any hope for a release!

    *hopes harder* 

    We all should keep spamming Musk on twitter about it until he answers :P 

  2. 6 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

    Still potentially permits a cabin-eject LES. Not sure about how the bay closure seam would interact with the mold line and the heat shield, though. If they scrapped the Dragon 2 landing legs because of problems with popping through the heat shield, this would be an even bigger problem.

    I have some ideas, I'll draw them when I get back home.

  3. 18 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

    At this level, I think a payload bay would be a better idea than a separate payload fairing.

    I agree. Would save mass and money on a separate recovery system for the fairings. Also, less separation events, which means less failure points.

  4. 46 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    After they had spent most of fuel to reach ISS and deorbit?

    Probably, its fuel tank will be not a backup, but a mine made of flammable and toxic chemicals.

    Maybe, if they are going to refuel from ISS with the fuel delivered by a cargo ship.

    Eight SuperDracos are overpowered for orbital maneuvers. I think they'll use the Draco thrusters for orbital maneuvering.  

  5. 33 minutes ago, tater said:

    Merlin 1D is under a meter in diameter. A full scale raptor would be around twice that. That nominally means a 9 raptor falcon would be about 8m in diameter. That's bigger than NG, and basically SLS.


    That would pack quite a punch.

  6. More modeling today.

    Inline O-10 Puff monopropellant engine:


    ^ I'm particularly pleased with the circular lip at the exit of the nozzle. Looks quite a bit like the existing radial Puff, IMO.

    Inline Vernier engine:


    ^ This one was pretty simple. The final product will be TweakScale compatible.

  7. Just now, Steel said:

    Which, unfortunately, won't cover much of the flight for a small vehicle like this. Likelihood is that it'll be supersonic in well under 30 seconds or so from liftoff ( @sevenperforce what do your initial calculations say about how quickly it might break the sound barrier?)

    Yeah, that's a problem. On the bright side though, we get good numbers for the few seconds that we are supersonic. :wink: 

  8. 2 hours ago, Steel said:

    Provided, of course, that you can find a supersonic wind tunnel (which are somewhat difficult to come by!). Realistically, for an amateur project CFD is the best you're going to get before flight testing.

    Well, probably not for supersonic speeds, but we could get reliable data for the subsonic portion of the flight.

  9. There's been some issues with the email we've been using for the forum, so unfortunately I'll have to make a new one and restart the forum. I'll try to find another hosting site, 'cause some of you have had problems with this one. Also, I'm going on vacation to Greece tomorrow, but I'll try to get as much done today as possible.

    Sorry for the delay 

  10. 18 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

    We can set the net thrust wherever we want it on the kick motor. White Lightning is not pre-cast, so we can make it lower-thrust. The vehicle is fully suborbital by final staging, so there's no gravity drag loss from using a lower TWR.

    Good, a lower TWR would be better.

    19 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

    As far as refueling and reuse is concerned, I anticipate an interstage (with recovery and guidance hardware) that bolts over the top of the fuel column. So you basically just take the lid off, pour in the napalm (using some sort of insertable mold at the base to ensure the burn area is correct), and then replace the lid.

    That could work. I never thought about loading through the top instead of the bottom. The ablative portion of the nozzle would have to be replaced every flight but that's relatively trivial.

    21 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

    Unless there are some overly generous assumptions I missed somewhere, I think my spreadsheet demonstrates that we can easily reach orbit with a single-stick core, if we're comfortable going to a 10-12" core instead of an 8" one like HEROS-3.

    Single-stick is good. And a 25-30cm core is fine, with the same diameter for the strap-ons and second stage.

  11. 12 minutes ago, cratercracker said:

    So it can do 4 things:

    1. Maps of planets (like long dead kerbalmaps)

    2. Calculator (sure there is calculator on your phone, just add it to the app to not look for whatever the reason is)

    3. Acces to this forum (maybe? Sure, I heard that devs said that mobile app will never exist, but *maybe intensifies*)

    4. Wiki (that is quite possible, would be great to have a kerbal wiki on your phone)

    I surely know the answer is no, but maaaaaaaaybe? 

    1. http://ksp.deringenieur.net/

    2. http://www.calculator.net/

    3. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/

    4. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Main_Page

    Everything is accessible through the web, an app isn't necessary,

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