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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. 1 minute ago, qzgy said:

    Well, good luck with all that! Getting it in orbit is probably the hardest part. Have you tested re-entry yet? (stock hyperedit...)

    Not yet. I'm going completely stock so far, but I might have to install HyperEdit and KER just so I know what I'm doing. And I agree, getting it to orbit around Kerbin and entering the atmosphere of Laythe will be the hardest part. I'm definitely not going to try aerobraking into Laythe orbit, I'm pretty sure that would result in the wings overheating. 

    Comparatively, orbital maneuvering should be a piece of cake as long as I have enough delta-v.

  2. Phase 1 of "Operation Laythe Jumbo" is almost complete. Phase 1 being making and testing the jumbo jet: FsCQibw.jpg

    It can hold 704 passengers and 4 crew, and is powered by 24 Panthers. I'm in the final stages of testing. I flew it across the ocean east of the KSC and managed to land it successfully on the peninsula, so landing is go. It's surprisingly stable in time warp, but that's probably because nearly every part of the ~460 parts is autostrutted. Cruising tests indicate that 5-6km and ~250m/s is the ideal way to go about things, assuming afterburners are enabled throughout the flight. I haven't yet tested cruising without afterburners enabled, maybe it'll work better on Laythe. 

    Which brings us to Phase 2: Getting this behemoth to Laythe. It's going to be my first Jool mission that isn't just a tiny probe, so I'm looking forward to the challenges of this operation. I haven't started on that part yet, but I have a feeling it will include a lot of engines. :P 

    Phase 3 will be actually circumnavigating Laythe. 

  3. I made a pretty big plane, for this week's SQUAD challenge: 


    The unimaginatively named "Plane" weighs in at 560-something tons (I think), can carry 704 passengers and 4 crew, and is powered by 24 Panthers. All stock in version 1.3. Part count is around 460, last time I checked.

    However, I'm not going to fly this across the ocean just yet (the rules of the challenge say that you must fly across an ocean). That's because I'm going to fly it not on Kerbin... but on Laythe. :0.0: 

    Hopefully it'll work. I have literally no mods installed, not even HyperEdit or KER, so I'm not sure how I'm going to get 560 tons of plane to Laythe yet... At any rate, judging by the amount of fuel on board (the plane), a circumnavigation of Laythe should be possible, providing I can get the plane there. 

    And no, I'm not going to bring it back. :P 

  4. Here's my light aircraft: the unimaginatively named AF-1 (Agile Fighter 1). I haven't actually tested it for agility though. :P 

    It's supposed to be a fairly fast and agile fighter, it doesn't have any weapons since I made it in stock but adding some BD Armory stuff shouldn't be too difficult.

    Pics or it didn't happen (view the album backwards, that's the only way it makes sense)

    Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/TheEpicSquared/AF-1

    Note: Since for some reason I couldn't get a picture in, the "Hide craft without pictures" box must be unchecked or you'll get a 404 not found error.

  5. 3 hours ago, cratercracker said:

    I actually had a friend who believed in flat earth.

    He could tell me about it hundreds and hundreds times, and every time when I answered he said "You are brainwashed".

    It drove me so mad, I wanted to kill him.


    It was night, this dumb crap was sleeping in his flat bed, in his dumb imaginary flat earth and in his dumb pajama. 

    So I got into his room though an opened window in the bathroom (though we lived in the same house, I didn't feel like rushing though his door).

    And then I duct taped him to the bed, shutting his mouth with toilet paper.

    He woke up, scared, unable to breathe enough. He looked at the strange dark figure, with his terrified eyes.

    I took my toy pistol out of the pocket (it was so dark you could mistake as a real one).

    And he started to make scary noises, but when he saw the silhouette of my gun, he suddenly shut up.

    Me: Why do you talk like that?

    Him: What are you talking about!? (Muffled though a piece of paper)

    Me: You are not saying right things..

    And then I just walked away though the door.

    The next day flat earther is was no more a flat earther.

    Poor boy, still feel bad for him.

    (Nobody believed what he told about the night, cause he was like 8 and he was very dumb)

    Oh god you are evil >:D 

  6. 8 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

    The sheer stupidity of Flat Earthers and their arrogance against normal people is truly astounding.













    You starting to feel like it's a great idea to go do something that doesn't involve looking at this abysmal logic?

      Reveal hidden contents


    Me too!

    The fish one - using "science" HAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAAH 

    I feel sorry for those dumb enough to believe in this.


  7. 15 minutes ago, Scotius said:

    Oh man... two launches in two days - practically back-to-back. That would be something :D

    That could actually happen for once though, since they're launching from different pads and therefore wouldn't be affected by pad refurbishments from the first flight.

    In all honestly, I expect the Iridium mission to be delayed a day or two ('cause that's what always happens with SpaceX), but 2 launches in 2-4 days is still quite remarkable. :) 

  8. 21 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

    The last time we had this much outrage on the forum was when Squad named Curse as the official mod partner. Needless to say, the game survived that. :D

    The last time I experienced such outrage on this forum was when the 1.1 prerelease could only be played by Steam users. :P 

  9. 2 hours ago, Skylon said:

    Was the raptor test fire a full size version?

    I thought their business plan was sorted, with the steal underpants thing. Though, the men's underwear market is expected to be worth $11Bn in 2020, which was his stated cost that the Apollo program was. 

    What happens if they loses the rocket on he first launch? I imagine they won't make too many of them, and losing just one might be devastating.

    As for other payloads for the ITS, could it launch huge telescopes into orbit? Could they do a preliminary moon mission, and start mining operations there? Could there be use for huge satellites? They could launch space hotels, and then use the crew ship to fly there, though it may be a good idea to adapt it for easier docking, with a nose mounted docking port. The falcon 9 and falcon heavy could launch every ISS module again. 

    I think the ITS would be the space hotel. :wink: 

  10. IMO, Take Two won't remove mods in KSP, because EVERYONE would completely explode. Then again, the did it with GTA V, so who knows...

    But if they do decide to go on the same route with KSP, I think the most vulnerable addon would be ModuleManager. Think about it. Prettt much every mod uses MM. Need to do anything? Write a ModuleModule patch! I have yet to see a mod that doesn't include MM as a dependency.

    If ModuleManager gets shut down...

  11. 2 hours ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    He did contact us via PM where the rest of the conversation took place. His post was just a public post continuing that conversation here. Albiet the decision is still undecided on the fate of the vehicle as to whether we will or will not use it and again that decision comes up to the big boss man himself, @Tristonwilson12. Who again is unable to be here today.

    Hold on, we can suggest stuff via PM? *starts PMing*

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