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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. 12 minutes ago, NSEP said:

    Sorry for the dumb question, but i somewhere heard that the Falcon Heavy can only carry 10 tons to orbit because of structural things, bit since it is more powerfull it can also carry 10 tons to GTO and Mars. Is this true or is the internet confusing me?

    The payload adapter on the Falcon 9 is only strong enough for 10 tons. Therefore, of the same payload adapter is used on the Falcon Heavy, it'll only be able to carry 10 tons to orbit. 

  2. 45 minutes ago, TheEpicSquared said:

    I decided to try my hand at RSS/RO.

    Getting the game to load fully will be harder than the game itself will ever be... :mad:


    7 minutes ago, Bornholio said:

    Make sure you are either using DRE 7.6.0+ or if 7.5.0 using the EVA config or you may have burning kerbals on EVA.

    Thanks. Well, the game crashed while loading, the error.log says that mono.dll caused an Access Violation, whatever that is...

    Another problem is that a lot of the mods needed don't seem to have 1.2.2 compatible versions. AVC is constantly warning me upon loading.

    Oh well, I'll keep trying tomorrow.

  3. Probably my biggest disadvantage in life is my location - a country where nearly EVERYTHING is regulated. Want to launch a low power sugar + KNO3 rocket? Ha! Good luck finding KNO3. You somehow managed to find it? Good luck meeting all the regulations - there's a lot. 

    Really grinds my gears that I can't do anything up here. :mad:

  4. 6 hours ago, Skylon said:

    You would use it as a less powerful version of Cloud one, or a Luna IX Plus kind of thing

    Seems like a good idea, but is there a market for satellites that small? If so, a Luna IX first stage + CloudOne second stage could possibly earn back potential development costs.

  5. We watched Arrival in science class on Thursday. The concept is good, and he follow-through is exemplary for the most part, but IMO the ending leaves a lot to be desired. 

    Right now, I'd say my top 5 movies are:

    1. Interstellar

    2. The Martian

    3. The Dictator (oh god it cracks me up every time :D)

    4. The X Files: Fight the Future

    5. Arrival


  6. 15 minutes ago, ThatGuyWithALongUsername said:

    You know he's kind of busy with his current line-up, right? These suggestions look nice, but a little out of scope for a company that hasn't even lauched anything yet. 


    1 hour ago, TheEpicSquared said:



    45 minutes ago, TheEpicSquared said:


    ^ Just a bit of speculation. :wink: 

    14 minutes ago, Skylon said:

    I mean a Luna IX replacing the first stage. Generally sounding rockets have high TWR, so it could have the thrust to lift the second stage of Cloud One 

    Oh. I would think that it would result in less d-v, since it's smaller than the CloudOne first stage. And if you enlarged the second stage to compensate, then that would make the second stage heavier and thus result in a lower TWR for the first stage. That's not including the payload mass. 

    But I think using a Luna IX as a second stage would work reasonably well, or at least a Luna IY.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Skylon said:

    I was thinking that a modular design would make more sense. Would a Luna IX have the thrust to lift a Cloud One second stage?

    Also, are the Vapor engines named? I was thinking of something like 'Raindrop' or 'Snowflake'. Or something less cute, like 'Hailstorm' or 'Lightning'

    You mean a CloudOne first stage (or stages, as per my designs), with a Luna IX second stage? I guess that could work, but it would weigh more than the current CloudOne design. Probably would work if the Luna IX replaced the upper stage on the CloudOne-4 and CloudOne-6 (referring to my speculative designs).

  8. 1 minute ago, Tristonwilson12 said:

    Mist is the project name for CloudOne

    I see. 

    On another note, is the material you're using to make the rockets black, or are you painting it black? If the latter, wouldn't it make more sense to paint it white, seeing as that wouldn't absorb as much heat? Especially since you're launching from Nevada, it can get quite warm there, to say the least. 

  9. 26 minutes ago, NSEP said:

    I dont like it when i have to cycle against the wind. I wish my bicycle had an aerodynamic fairing, well actually, i wish aerodynamic fairings on human powered bicycles were trendy, so i wouldn't look like a weirdo.

    I also cant stsnd misspelinf things, i always have to miss that one letter on the keyboars

    I agree with you about the biking. I bike to school every day and hell, the wind is goddamn annoying. :mad:

    I also agree aboyt the nosspelling, especialky on mobilw. 

    ^ I did not actively try to misspell that, that's how annoying mobile keyboards are.

  10. It depends on the size of your rockets. A Mainsail is good for 2.5m rockets, but obviously is overpowered for a 1.25m stack, and potentially underpowered for a 3.75m assembly.

    For 1.25m rockets, I usually use the Swivel for smaller stages, since it has good thrust and gimballing. For taller and heavier 1.25m rockets, I usually use the Reliant with 4 Twitch engines as verniers. Works pretty well. 

    Also, I like to use a cluster of Thuds sometimes for first stages, as they can really pack a punch and have excellent gimballing range. Usually 4 works fine. 

    For 2.5m rockets, using 2 or 3 Vectors would work well, albeit at a ridiculous cost. Alternatively, you could use the Mainsail or a cluster of Swivels or Reliants. Or just use 2-3 Skippers.

    For 3.75m rockets, a cluster of 4 Vectors works well, or you can use the Rhino for smaller 3.75m rockets. If you want pure thrust, use a bunch of Vectors or the Mammoth engine.

    Hope that helps :) 

  11. 4 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    What's everyone's thoughts if a new group was to be made, the 2,000 Rep Grand group to replace this one (until @Endersmens gets back and either takes it back up or hands it off officially). It's just that this list is somewhat outdated and I don't want to simply recreate a new thread in the event he wants to take this back up.

    So, would others like it if I made a 2,000 rep Grand Group? I'd manage it myself and all... so let me know what everyone here thinks.

    I wouldn't mind. Another thing to go in my signature :P 

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