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Everything posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. https://www.rt.com/viral/373880-spacex-launch-photos-from-above/
  2. I know a rather good one... but I fear it might offend a few people.
  3. It's a theoretical form of propulsion that involves warping space and time around the spacecraft, by contracting space in front of the spacecraft and expanding space behind it. Through some complex equations/concepts, this enables the craft to move at up to 10 times the speed of light (don't quote me on that, though), all without breaking the laws of physics!
  4. Wow... that's impressive. Thanks! I'll download it later today probably, and it'll be launched during the first duna transfer window. And I've got most of the screenshots for chapter 25 done, it should be out next weekend due to schoolwork.
  5. Successful deployment of all 10 satellites! Mission success! What a great return to flight! And what a great way to gather rep points!
  6. Controller issue from the ground station means that SpaceX can't confirm if the remaining satellites have deployed, an update in roughly 10 minutes.
  7. Telemetry says 1st Iridium satellite has deployed!
  8. Second burn of the second stage complete, looks like they got a good orbit!
  9. Well, it's supposed to be SES-10, which is scheduled for sometime in February according to spaceflightnow. Doesn't say the exact date though.
  10. I started a career with Galilieo's Planet Pack and played for a while. Then I shut down KSP and opened youtube to watch the SpaceX Iridium mission.
  11. Oh yeah, forgot about those. Will they be livestreamed? I don't recall the pad abort being livestreamed.
  12. Looks like I'll have plenty to look forward to! (There should be a thumbs up kerbal emoticon)
  13. Next SpaceX launch is NET Jan 26 05:00 CET according to spaceflightnow. It's EchoStar 23.
  14. @linuxgurugamer, are you planning to make more parts for this mod or are you just maintaining it? Thanks Also, sorry if this has been asked before.
  15. That's going to be difficult, won't the center core be going faster than a falcon 9 first stage on a GTO mission? I think it would be much better to land the center on the drone ship
  16. Ah, I guess we'll just have to wait then until the servers come back online?
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