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Everything posted by S0NofThunder176

  1. I am Using 1.1 not 1.1.2 and how would i do that I pulled out all the plugins and put the rest in GameData
  2. My game, with BD Armory, When I load up a craft it is going 0000.00 m/s and the camera is heading towards space and i have no craft. How Can I Fix This? Please Help Me!
  3. yes you do (tell me how to give badges) yes it does! and can you put me in the descripttion or sub to me (Spas Thunder)
  4. Awesome Badge! and during time warp (not psychics warp) batteries don't drain Yes they should I'll fix that
  5. Just do the challenge! I mean Whatever floats your "rocket". turn off the sas and burn the engines but it does not matter to me!
  6. No these engines are fine (your not burning the engine all the time) Well no locking because the ship would have so many bonus points!
  7. I randomly came up with an idea! Challenge: Go to A moon/planet without recharging the batteries Super Easy: To Orbit and back Easy: to the Mun orbit Normal: To Mun landing and Back Hard: Interplanetary orbit Extreme: Interplanetary landing and back Rules: 1.Stock ships only 2. No generating power (solar panels, etc.) 3. Points for percent of Electric Charge Winners! (This could be you) 1._____JacobJHC__ 2.__Jetski_____________ 3.___________________
  8. Is 1.1 Out Yet or is it Still release only? Please answer Soon!
  9. Good Idea! i would love to see this in future updates! And I agree they were called Apollo not Saturn V's
  10. There we Go! Finally Got it To Work!
  11. I've tried and tried but can not seem to post them!
  12. Hi, just completed my first real legit mun mission landed and did other things and wanted to show you my rocket! Here is the craft download: https://kerbalx.com/S0NofThunder176/Saturn-V
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