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Everything posted by farnayway

  1. I am also getting similar issues with tweakscale as Hawk but I am not getting any MM errors.
  2. It hasn't been working since RPM has been updated to 1.2 of KSP. I think RSP may have changed the way it draws vector lines. But then again my VV doesn't recognize all my parts so it maybe there is a part issue or a part listing issue now. Its also possible RPM temporally removed some of its ability to search for and display 3D meshes do to an issue. This may be unfixable for now, but idk. I don't know a damn lick about this coding.
  3. Told the CKAN guys to update to the newest version. Don't know if I did it right though. We'll find out lol! Thanks for all the work Thomas! I know it is hard work and we all appreciate it. Don't ever feel like there are people here that want to rush you. That just shows how much your maintenance on this mod is really seen. Thank you for being incredibly professional when there are people who pop up on here to complain. Those are only a few people and they are usually the ones that don't understand that mods are updated and maintained by a single person most of the time, and sometimes (most of the time) there is better things to do when a small minor update happens to the game. And sometimes even small updates can completely break a mod. Keep up the good work and never be afraid to ask the community for help.
  4. I am also experiencing that, but not until recently. I noticed it when I installed Roverdude's "Sounding rockets" mod and noticed the nose cone that contained a parachute fell off real easy, but when deploy had no drag what so ever to slow decent. Tried it on other parachutes and they all seemed really flimsy (as in they fall off going 200+ m\s) and seemed really low on drag (other than specific "Realchutes"), removed a few mods but couldn't find out the problem. going to try a clean install but I don't know how to redownload all my mods from CKAN without saving the mods and installing them from cache, which wouldn't fix my problem. I already removed the sounding rocket mod but it did not fix the problem. Edit: I misunderstood what you said. You said you would lose the parachute tab in the VAB and SPH. I got that too but it was a few months ago. If you are using Steam just verify the game cache. Back up your 64bit .exe and the mono.dll you used to get 64bit on KSP somewhere else so you only have to drag and drop those back in. In steam go to Library - Kerbal Space Program(right click) - Properties - local files - verify integrity of games cache. If you got the game some other way, just a fresh install should do. I left my original comment because I have yet to fix the problem and not yet willing to go in CKAN and write down all the mods I downloaded.
  5. I'm not quiet sure if I used them properly but it does seem that the parachutes have not been working for me. The small sounding rocket that I sent preformed similar with and without the parachute deployed. It even stayed straight when I deployed the chute early during boosting. I use a few mods, and I will see if removing some of the few probable offenders may fix my problem. I have also already validated the game cache through steam. I wanted to see if this was a known issue as none of the helpful mod videos present the new iteration of this mod. Edit: also I am using FAR.
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