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Everything posted by Mjp1050

  1. Last night I was at a Shakespeare in the Park event, and, as is one of the hazards of such showings, I got bored. So, I looked back, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Perseids, and - hey presto! I saw the ISS overhead! That was the highlight of my evening.
  2. Today I discovered that KSP has weather in the base game. Like fog.
  3. This very article was the thing that inspired me to buy KSP
  4. The stems from the fact that if I'd been a bit more patient, I could've saved $10. I've got 15 hours in so far, and I'm loving it
  5. I once had a nightmare after watching the Doctor Who episode Gridlock. Laugh all you want, but an eternal traffic jam is by far the most realistic threat I've ever seen on a sci-fi show.
  6. I bought this just before the sale started
  7. I downloaded a keyboard app for my phone, so my predictions are little different. I don't think I've ever seen mine repeat a word. Also, obligatory xkcd:
  8. Today I set a new altitude record with my bathysphere.
  9. This happened today. Not something you really expect to see on your way to work. Thankfully no one was injured.
  10. My theory is - unless I'm buried in Skyrim - I'm not likely to have a jewel in my body. So a tomb raider won't actually cut open my corpse. An archaeologist with an x-ray machine, on the other hand....
  11. I have never realized that there were actual letters on @5thHorseman's pic. I always thought it was just a really stylized logo! I chose my profile picture because I noticed that some of the more colorful pics tend to be blurred - I'm guessing because of file size limitations - so I wanted a minimalist one so it would look clean. And I happen to like Calvin and Hobbes.
  12. I'd leave instructions for myself to be mummified after my death. And I'd instruct my mummifiers to slice open my tummy and stick my iPhone inside. That'll come as a shock to any archaeologists
  13. I think the best thing to do would be to take a break. Doing anything for a large amount of time just leads to fatigue. KSP is no exception. Take a break, go play another game for a few weeks. You'll come back to KSP eventually. We all do
  14. I looked around in Disk Management for a few hours but I couldn't find anything to change the boot drive... Could you be a bit more specific please? I figured that was the nuclear option, so I want to try: before I do that. Thanks @qzgy @Elthy @invision for your input.
  15. Today I decided to take a look at some of the new launch sites dotted around Kerbin. Woomerang confuses me.Apparently you have to launch the rocket to get the rocket on the launchpad.
  16. Does anyone know how to tell Windows to boot from a specific drive? My computer has two drives - one HDD and one SSHD - and I want to boot from the SSHD because it's faster, but I don't know how to tell Windows to do that.
  17. Nope. No Legos in this house.
  18. I'm trying to update KSP from version 1.4 to 1.4.2, but I'm having a problem: My question is: where should I install the patch?
  19. 8/10 I see you in the Challenges section. Ya I'm cool with that. It kinda escaped from me anyways
  20. I was going by wordcount. 132 in this chapter to 119 in Chapter 3
  21. The part I find funny is that this isn't even the shortest chapter you've written
  22. It's not a bug, it's a feature And yeah, this has been in the game for a while now. I remember using this in some of @Triop's old challenges and getting some ridiculous speeds:
  23. I'd be willing to rebuild your plane. Do you know how to insert pictures in posts yet?
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