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Everything posted by Ozymandias_the_Goat

  1. I agree with a giant stature of him on some remote place, and maybe a more obscure statue in some unexpected place in the KSC.
  2. certainly not this one... This one here is much better: BTW this is Sarnus from the surface of its moon tekto with the Outer Planets Mod in case you don't know.
  3. I would press the button. My life would completely be worth fixing the world. If you push the button, you can switch identities with any person on Earth.
  4. Well done. An SSTO is a very important milestone in Spaceplane development. I'm afraid I haven't gotten much farther than orbit myself, though. Rockets, as we all know, are superior, with all due respect to @SpaceplaneAddict.
  5. Great job, especially on the Altair. The details are outstanding. Glad I can download them now. Would love to see more packs like this come out as well.
  6. 1. At the end of missions, i invariably have 500 m/s of D-v that I let burn up upon reentry. 2. I rarely send manned expeditions so I don't have to worry about bringing them home. 3. I liberally use quicksaves and reverts. 4. I am eternaly bound to exploring the mun, minmus, and the Duna system. 5. I completely suck at flying spaceplanes. 6. I allow Kerbals to respawn because I can't put up with their death. 7. I waste 5 minutes coming up with all my KSP sins.
  7. Tone it down, my inflatable habitat would implode with that much atmosphere. Which side of the rocket do you point up?
  8. -19(-) we need to show negative numbers some love too!
  9. Whoops! Didn't notice that was -17. <facepalm> okay, then, -18(-)
  10. Man, <sniff> done in the perfect fashion <sniff>. So sad to see HarvesteR go. @Dman979, I did a "1.0.5 Last Flight" in a similar fashion BTW. Here's the link:
  11. I use it for efficiency on IP burns, and if turned upside-down, it looks like a giant ice cream cone. Now seriously, the LV-N is pretty heavy, so I stay away from it on small ships, favoring the LV-909 terrier for it's lighter mass.
  12. think of every cheat and cheaty mod and cheat in the game. Then think of 20 more. Thats me.. no, not really.
  13. they don't necessarily have to be all siblings. That would mean they all share the same parents. If they all share the Kerman surname, that would mean that they are cousins to some degree.
  14. Yeah, you will have to wait some time for a follow up. In the screenshot above, it's already too late for the most efficient transfer. It may be more effective to launch more missions a few days prior to when you want them to depart for duna, and then schedule the transfer burns one orbit apart.
  15. Assuming they follow western Martial traditions (the female and/or offspring adopting the surname of the male parent, the could have all just married into the same family name. If the Kerman Family continuously had male offspring that married, their spouses would continuously adopt the Keman name. Other families would eventually produce only female offspring that married Kerman husbands. If the Kerbals have an adequately small population and, given enough time, the Kerman family would be the only remaining family on Kerbin. Alternate theory: The Kermans are unnaturally brave, and only Kerman Children are brave enough to be Kerbonauts.
  16. granted, but we will crash the server in 5 seconds. I wish fewer people would be idiots.(None, preferably)
  17. He's on dres now. I'll leave him a voicemail. @CAKE99?
  18. Hmmm... Eggbeater must have missed that one... Waiter, there's a separatron in my soup!
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