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Everything posted by Ozymandias_the_Goat

  1. 6.5/10 Nice quotes, lacking in variety.
  2. My first docking not in the tutorial. Man, that one took forever!
  3. 8:00 AM: Though of all the wonderful things I would do in KSP today. 10:00 AM: Tweaked those plans as they seemed flawed. 1:00 PM: Played Various other games. 3:30 PM: Got hungry, left for a snack. 5:00 PM: Did some reaserch for rocket-building advice 6:10 PM: Got on the forums for a "quick" check of my content. 6:54 PM: Am still on the forums writing this response. <Brief Recap> I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
  4. Not boring at all. They all seem to ring with truth...
  5. Banned for liking useless planet/starts aka brown dwarves. "Brown Dwarf"
  6. PLEASE just stop all these minor Dres arguments. Dres exists, and if you disagree, that's just fine with me.
  7. 7.77777/10 Nice stuff with the Kerbin Circumnavigation, cite the quote!
  8. As many of you have noticed, there is an ongoing discussion of whether "Dres Exists" or "Does anyone even care about Dres?" As you also may have noticed, many people have found these petty arguments quite annoying. So therefore, you now have the chance to end this once and for all. By signing your name down below here, you will agree to the following terms: Dres is a real celestial body. You can show any amount of Love to it as you so please. Pro or Anti-Dres Propaganda is strictly prohibited. Mission reports about missions to Dres are not considered Pro-Dres Propaganda. Mods that improve Dres or add moons are not considered Pro-Dres Propaganda. When 500 posts on this thread are reached, I request this thread be locked. Until then, sign away! @LetsGoToMars! Any request to change the terms of the petition can be submitted here.
  9. 6/10 Other peoples flags hmph... Might need some improvement on the visual appeal.
  10. nice work. I too love that spaceX pack. My lanidngs: "What First stage?"
  11. Sshhhhhhhhllllluuuuuuuurrrrrppppppp!! waiter, there's a RS-68 engine in my soup!
  12. 6/10 i agree 100% with the overbuilding part
  13. SIR! I agree that this is the best game I have ever played.
  14. That must be one big bowl of soup ya got there buddy! waiter, there's a deus ex machina in my soup!
  15. いいえ (NO) @ (apparently, that's somebody)
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