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Everything posted by N_Danger

  1. We aero-braked around Duna to deliver an end to end test of a new lander. The intention was to pre-position the next lander with a full fuel load and wait for the crew on the next launch window. To save fuel areo-braking was required. 5 passes dropped the AP to 450 km Then the landing sequence was tested As was take off from Duna to orbit
  2. Put me in the Maneuver Node just to get a sense of when and how long to burn to circularization bucket. And it does let you be frugal with the delta V. But the last seconds are manually done to fine tune the AP.
  3. Finished up the Rover trip to the highlands. Ike set. Drove through a bit of dust And arrival at the highlands 90 km later
  4. Ok this time I am sending a rover to Duna that will work after landing. For real this time. The vehicle is in cruse mode after solar panel deployment Arrival at Duna. Hi Ike! EDL The rover visits the remains of the sky crane and plans are made for it's journey to the next biome And we get about halfway there today
  5. After taking a break I booted up the game and saw I was ready for a rover mission to Duna Several rovers were tested with variable results. Sending the rover to Duna had a hic up or 2 But we go it off the ground and on the way to Duna And technically I did land the rover on Duna. I think all the criticism about it being unable to move is a bit unfair.
  6. Having collected all the science allowed from the Mun and Minmus, the first interplanetary mission is launched. A kerbaled mission to orbit Eve is launched. Arrival at Eve. Maxgas gets the science. After ditching the science package and a long wait for the transfer window the trip home is started. The first return at interplanetary speeds was grueling for the kerbals. They are still passed out. But land they did with the science
  7. I have done this at least once. Stranding your kerbels is a right of passage in KSP. Crashing the rescue ship while trying to rescue said kerbels is too.
  8. I remember chasing after my Eve lander once, back in one of the older builds when every planetary surface was covered in slippery stuff. (taps cane on floor for emphasis while sitting in a rocking chair)
  9. A mission to Jool was launched Capture at Jool Visited Tylo, Laythe. And Vall.
  10. A trip to the Polar biome of the Mun heads out Finishing up the last of the Trans-Muner injection burn Something didn't go well and now there are all of these pieces on the ground Seeing Kerbin on the way up is a good sign. And a safe landing is had by all
  11. A Mission to the last unvisited biome on Minmus. The polar one Capture at Minmus There is not much to choose from in LZ's. Anything resembling flat will do. But like golfing, I hit the hole between the mountains, landed and was able to explore a bit. Time to leave. We landed in shadow and the batteries were draining. So it was grab what science we could and hope sunlight will eventualy allow the surface experiment to work. But after that, routine operations ending in a successful landing
  12. The upgrades for Everyone program gets under way with a mission to the Mun on an upgraded booster. Lener does some science . The new lander can carry surface experiments. Lener heads back to orbit and catches a view of Kerbin on the way up Science gets transferred And the mission concludes with 2 good chutes
  13. The next attempt at a Duna probe landing takes off Capture burn of the Commo/bus and lander From a 200 KM orbit the lander separates and enters Duna's atmosphere without a heat shield The parachute deploys at 4500 meters altitude A rocket assisted landing is conducted And now the science is collected.
  14. The lander sent to Duna did not fair well. We got some science before we landed at high speed (AKA crashed) The Eve Lander faired better Breaking through the cloud deck Landed
  15. It was time for another trip to the Mun. Val plants her flag And she EVA's for the science Time for a sun tan after we land
  16. I sent a probe to Eve Arrival at Eve
  17. Time to go to Duna On station gathering science
  18. Time for a Minmus mission Jeb at one of his 2 landing sites Of course we went RCSing about And we return in a ball of fire
  19. A mission to orbit Minmus was dispatched Bill chills between observations And a safe return is had
  20. New rocket engines means new rockets to test Upgraded to a poodle for the SM And returned home , which gave Bob his first star
  21. Jeb lands on the Mun Jeb plants the flag Take off Jeb likes this stuff On the way back and a happy landing is had
  22. Time for a Mun shot The lander is sent off first. Waiting for the crew. Next the crew is sent off And the crew meets up with the lander. After a rest period Jeb will conduct the landing.
  23. Time for a test flight of the new 2 Kerbal capsule Separation from the 2nd stage And a successful test is concluded
  24. Spent the day training kerbals And went on a trip to the Mun Coming back we had to use a lot of the RCS propellent after using up all the fuel.
  25. After discovering that my campaign did not have the correct DNS setting (it was too low). I restarted So lots of satellites to launch for maps and communications
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