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Everything posted by N_Danger

  1. I'm excited about going interstellar with new engines and colony building tech
  2. Val and Bill go to Minmus for some exp. In orbit around Minmus. And re-entry at Kerbin
  3. The upgraded K2 closes on the Sci Stop for a docking attempt. Docking is successful and fuel transfer is conducted successfully. Bill just chills for a bit after getting the science. And the test flight is concluded with a night time return.
  4. The Pit stop was deorbited and an attempt to dispose of it occurred. I launched a replacement with many upgrades including recoverable science experiments. On station waiting for kerbals to arrive, refuel and gather the science. A kerbaled mission went up to test an upgraded K2 vehicle and dock with the Sci Stop.
  5. The second attempt at going to Duna is launched In cruise mode. And capture at Duna, Waiting on a decision to go for Ike orbit or stay in orbit and act as a relay.
  6. The first Minmus orbiter is launched. Jeb and Bob light the candle. We get the science at Minmus and head back to Kerbin.
  7. To be fair it is the first time in this play through . It is the first time I used this Mod, which makes it a very different game.
  8. The first attempts at going interplanetary started with a launch to Duna. Then off to Eve. Which goes well. The probe made orbit and sent back some science. The Duna probe not so much. We lost contact well before it got there (My antenna tech is not good enough for Duna. Apparently)
  9. Infrastructure for future missions was put into place. Starting with Kerbin, Relay satellites were put into a polar orbit. On station. And at the Mun. Minmus is not left out.
  10. A probe was sent to the Mun. I was worried about not regaining contact before the landing but it worked out. And easy does it on the landing
  11. Race Track 1 was launched. This is a Kerbeled Munner Orbiter Mission. In orbit coasting to intercept burn for rendezvous with Pit Stop Trans Munner Injection burn. After arrival at the Mun, science is got. On the way home after 2 orbits around the Mun. Re-entry And looks good from here.
  12. The Pit Stop mission was launched. On station waiting for the Race Track mission to dock with it.
  13. During a Docking attempt we had an engine failure. We had enough RCS to lower the PE to re-enter. And happy parachutes were had.
  14. Val went for a fly-by of the Mun. Plans are made and tests are done for a better long duration vehicle. The first test flight And in orbit.
  15. After much fiddling, The Science Return Mission team tries again. Launch is good and coming up on booster separation. And a successful return was had.
  16. First attempt to put a materials sat into orbit and recover the experiments. Engine failure on the satellite. Failed to make orbit. On the second attempt. One of the booster engines failed seconds after liftoff. Third times a charm? Got the Science We successfully de-orbit and separate the science return module for return. And promptly burned up during re-entry shortly thereafter. Going back to all of the drawing boards.
  17. I upgraded a booster and sent a lander to Minmus Final seconds before landing. And here is a shot of both Kerbin and the Mun rising as viewed from Minmus.
  18. Time to send a lander to the Mun In the coast phase. The landing did not go well. The vehicle ran out of fuel and hit the ground doing about 10-15 m/s. I was sure it was a total loss. Nailed it.
  19. To the Mun! And even made it into an orbit, barely. To the Minmus! The probe flew by Minmus and then went into solar orbit.
  20. One of 2 Rad Relay satellite going into polar orbit. The RR satellite measures radiation levels of the radiation belt around Kerbin on its way to the planned relay orbit. Aroura time! Val goes up for the orbital experience. And it is a good day to be in space. And a better day to come home.
  21. Jeb heads up to orbit for the first time. Booster separation Orbital insertion After Jeb does the science, he takes a little time to look out the window. And the start of a successful return.
  22. The first attempt at a polar satellite. It started well. But shy of a stable orbit by that much. Some taxpayers got a light show out of it though. The next try was successful after upgrading the rocket The satellite ends up in a 250 by 250 polar orbit.
  23. Go to Duna. If you can build a lander for the Mun you can build one to land and return from Duna's surface with a few changes.
  24. I started a new career using, among other things, Simplex Kerbalism It is defiantly different mechanics but so far so good. First orbital flight. Over an hour's worth of operation before running out of power.
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