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Everything posted by N_Danger

  1. Jeb heads up to orbit for the first time. Booster separation Orbital insertion After Jeb does the science, he takes a little time to look out the window. And the start of a successful return.
  2. The first attempt at a polar satellite. It started well. But shy of a stable orbit by that much. Some taxpayers got a light show out of it though. The next try was successful after upgrading the rocket The satellite ends up in a 250 by 250 polar orbit.
  3. Go to Duna. If you can build a lander for the Mun you can build one to land and return from Duna's surface with a few changes.
  4. I started a new career using, among other things, Simplex Kerbalism It is defiantly different mechanics but so far so good. First orbital flight. Over an hour's worth of operation before running out of power.
  5. Reinstalled my JNSQ game after it became corrupt. Lost the whole save Oh well. I 'll look at a different set of mods and see what I can get up to.
  6. Tylo was a place I really under-estimated the first time I tried to land on it. I feel no need to go back there. I would move Bop up past Tylo in your rankings.
  7. A Duna transfer come around and the last of the Caravan missions to Duna Station are launched. Tanker 2 is first Then Duna lander 1 lifts off twelve hours later. And 6 hours later, Duna lander 2 launched. After the trans-Duna burn it orients radial in for coasting to the course correction 185 days from now.
  8. Took out the trash. I deorbited a supply vessel. And Launched a new one up to the KSS-1
  9. I lifted off of Moho with not quite enough fuel to make orbit and Jeb exited the vessel(he grabbed the science of course) and then proceeded to use his all of his RCS fuel to make orbit. The return vehicle rendezvous with him and then scooped him up. It was quite the challenge trying to maneuver the capsule entry ladder close enough for Jeb to grab without knocking him away.
  10. Duna station has its latest wave of supply vessels arrive. Caravan 4 Tanker 1 And Caravan 5 The landers(one back up/rescue and one primary) and another Tanker are ready for the next Duna launch window.
  11. A new Duna transfer window came around. 2 supply vessels and a tank of fuel were sent out. The second of the supply vessels lifts off. The fuel tank executing the trans Duna injection burn.
  12. Thank you for pointing that out! I got the fix installed now.
  13. The first wave of supply modules arrives at Duna. Caravan 1 Caravan 2 And Caravan 3 The only problem is they all docked with just fumes the tanks. I was hoping for more left over fuel for refueling a lander to be sent later.
  14. A new set of kerbals heads up to the KSS In orbit. And now we are up to a full crew of 6.
  15. I can't figure out what happened. It goes away at 200 KM. I think a visual mod updated past the ability of my graphic card to render properly. It is an old 960 GTX
  16. Some crew returned from the KSS-1. Every mission is not complete unless there are explosions. A new supply vessel was also docked
  17. What is this launcher you speak of? /s I have used the .exe to launch the game for years. And I have been copying the game from the Steam directory to it's own directory for as long as that so Steam updates wouldn't break my mod'ed saves. So I would say don't use it if it bothers you?
  18. The Caravan Missions were launched, sending off supplies to the station around Duna Caravan 1 Caravan 2 Caravan 3
  19. The Jool probe make one more pass by Vall to adjust the AP. And then we put the vehicle into a parking orbit around Jool to act as a relay for future missions.
  20. You can also use the Part Action Window (PAW) to set up autostruts . I find that using the Grandfather setting on all parts (of the booster) will keep most boosters from flopping around and it reduces the part count. If you use both the EAS4 and autostrut together at the same time though, you will often summon the Kraken.
  21. Fly by of Vall by the Jool probe Fly by complete Fly by of Tylo And completed
  22. Duna station got it's Truss segments. Time to stock it up for the crew.
  23. A course correction was done for the Jool probe to get a Vall flyby in 153 days And Jeb does the official acceptance dance for the Duna Manned Lander.
  24. Just the usual Space Station stuff. Launch a supply module Bring some crew back to Kerbin Then send some new crew up to the station.
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