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Everything posted by N_Danger

  1. I sent a rover to Duna. Entry at Duna. Heat shield separation and sky-crane start up. (I forgot to use a drogue chute and instead put a useless regular chute on. It deploys 50 meters from the ground) But no worries. Everything checks out and we will go on a road trip to the Sky-Crane derbies some 4.5 km away. And we will charge up here at the crash site and see what else there is to see.
  2. It was time to test a 2 gen rover And send a probe to Eve to conduct some biome scans before sending the Rover mentioned above. On station. Not perfect but I'll get about 70% of the surface by the time the next launch window opens.
  3. I went to Dres On station for 50 more days to fulfil the contract.
  4. I launched an SAR equipped satellite into orbit to fulfil a contract. And I rescued a Kerbal. And finally, dawn at KCS and the guys are still working in the VAB on the probe going to Dres.
  5. The contract states "landed at Kerbin" So in a Kerbel way: Then a Mun contract. In orbit getting the science.
  6. I launched a mission to Dak for a contract. While it travelled to a mid course burn my Jool Contract was completed and I shifted over to Tylo to snag another contract. Then I took a flyby of Vall for the science, Now back to the Dak probe for a mid course correction. Which I totally screw up wasting D/V by being fat fingered and was only able to get a fly-by instead of an orbit. At least I get a contract completed for science transmission from Edna and the science for Dak. Oh and the fly-by had a PE of 3.8 km and I found a mountain.
  7. Stage a Mun landing on Duna maybe? That would be a wild contract.
  8. I played a little today by sending a probe to Jool for a contact and with a second contact for Tylo science transmission after the Jool contract is completed. I then sent some of the newer kerbals on the space program to plant a flag on Minmus for a contact and to get some experience. There were some concerns about the first flight of a new rocket in the crew cabin. But it worked and later at Minmus, after some screwing around.... We got everybody's flags planted.
  9. If mods are your thing. Try a resized solar system. I've been playing off and on with JNSQ, works really well with stock parts but is 2.7x the size of the stock system with some added planets. A different solar system might freshen things up also. And it is ok to take a break. I've been on one for about a month or two playing other games. Though I'm getting that itch again...
  10. I needed to go to Duna for a collection contract and sent a kerbaled mission. First the lander is sent. Then the crew in a service module 4 days later. Then a big adventure. We rendezvous successfully but are about 500 m/s short on d/V to get back to Kerbin. And home at last. We even have an explosion to celebrate re-entry
  11. Replaced the broken crank set on my bike and went ahead and put on a new bottom bracket while I was there. Pedals go on tomorrow. I'm waiting on a new rear cassette and chain to come in and then I can finish up.
  12. Tested stuff for an up coming mission. Used the cheat menu to test ascent options for landers. The ladder test did not go well for Jeb And while testing ascent options things took a turn. Unsafe, inefficient but the most kerbal by far. I think I'll use it.
  13. This is doable. An Apollo style orbiter and Duna optimized lander would work. Moar boosters as needed to make it in one lift.
  14. Sent some kerbels to the Mun's north pole. We are at 10 meters AGL There are some great views up here "Hey look at our shadow on the side of that cliff" And we have successfully completed the mission. And we sent an impactor to get the science from a deployed seismometer to complete a contract.
  15. I found these threads quite helpful back in the day.
  16. Duna. It is a different color than most of the other dull grey bodies. The views are fantastic. The red and orange landscape is a wonder to behold. Minmus would be it if I liked green.
  17. I had to rescue a kerbel in an orbit around the Mun. We ditch the core before coasting out of the atmosphere. Sight seeing is done while waiting for the intercept burn. The target orbit is 10.6 km X 4.2 km and I want to rendezvous with the target while it is climbing up to the AP of it's orbit. And there is an eclipse happening on Kerbin here. "Stop playing around and get over here!" We also collected our scan data from Laythe with the semi-broken satellite.
  18. I had a launch window open up for Duna and I need to practice multiple launches in the same window. I also need to scan and map out Duna and Ike for future missions. In addition both carry a better relay antenna. First to launch is the Ike mission. Trans Duna burn. The next day we launch the Duna mission. The Ike mission arrives first and conducts a burn in Duna's SOI for capture at Ike. Collecting high orbit science over Ike. Capture burn. And on station. 4 days later the Duna Mission arrives. And on station passing over Duna's south pole.
  19. I unlocked a SCAN sat module that will scan for anomalies so using a new medium lift vehicle I put a satellite up around Kerbin, Mun and Minmus to find them. And then I had taken a contract to land on Edna and I had a satellite around Dak. It wasn't designed to land but what the heck I sent it over. 2 km AGL 100 meters 10 meters. ~1 m/s decent rate Touchdown! We are balanced by SAS and the two solar panels touching the surface. And now back to orbit.
  20. I see KSP has having a long life. For one there are Mods. For me personally, KSP 2 will have to wait a bit and it will be awhile before I buy it.
  21. I had a launch window for Jool and told the engineers to come up with a plan for a grand tour for the Jool system. This is what happens when you leave them unsupervised. With care I think I can get to Jool with my solar panels by controlling my orientation and remembering to fold the panels when maneuvering. Arrival at Jool. And a time warp incident at Tylo caused me to squander enough D/V that I had to cut down my plan to a fly buy of Tylo... Shortly after that I staged without checking my orientation or stowing the solar panels, so I lost one one but I still made it to a Val fly by And then on to Laythe Where we go into orbit for long term study.
  22. It was a busy day in KSP today. Sent a satellite to Minmus. On station at Minmus. Next was a routine rescue. My name is.....Tim. Then I sent my rover to Duna. Arrival at Duna and prep for EDL. And a serious error was noted in the design as the twitch engines did not have the thrust turned down and I pogoed because I couldn't control the the thrust levels fine enough. And then.. I cras..... Wait what? Nailed it. All apart of the plan. Asteroid scan And Blue berry scan
  23. I did some test driving. Power to transmit all the science. Check And the anomaly is still there.
  24. I went to Minmus to clear up some contracts. Bob gets his second star with this EVA Time to go back home. And good chutes all round. Next up it was Mun contracts including a world first to bring back a space craft from the Mun. Since 3 kerbals were close to leveling up a 3 person Mun Direct Mission was tasked to the engineers. Things may have gotten out of hand. But it goes fast. Three kerbals, Three flags. This is just after the burn for Kerbin. Yep the heatshield is working. So far. And a successful mission was had by all.
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