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Raven Industries

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Posts posted by Raven Industries

  1. I look forward to seeing what missions are. The parts aren't much of a big deal to me, I already have too many part mods as it is, and my kerbals never live long enough to bail out when stuff goes wrong, so the parachutes are sort of useless, but these missions sound interesting.

  2. There's certainly some stiff competition. Anyways, here's a repost of my submission:

    Moho Probe Disaster!

    by Leo Kerman, Kerbal Chronicles

    Earlier today, a Probodobodyne Inc. representative informed the public that the Moho Flyby Probe had mysteriously failed. According to the representative, an unknown failure caused the probe to stop working. This vague and unspecific answer was met with skepticism and thrown bagels in the press room.  Upon further snooping, we of the Kerbal Chronicles have discovered that the failure was due to Kerbal error in the planning stage. An anonymous official within Probodobodyne has said that the problem was an antenna of insufficient power. Internal documents on the project have revealed that engineers were told to “just slap a HG-5 on it and see what happens”.  This attitude has been seen in many previous disasters, especially the infamous Minmus Disaster, where the crew had to return to Kerbin after running out of snacks, a most terrifying experience.  The plans for the Moho Probe now are not certain, but it is thought that it will be repurposed. Probodobodyne says it is considering turning it into a Moho Impactor probe, or perhaps an interplanetary golf ball target, depending on whether the CEO gets a say in it.  Hopefully this mistake will not be repeated in the upcoming Minmus Colonization Project.  As we all know, rescuing Kerbals is hard and usually ends up with a small city on the body before a rescue mission actually works.

  3. Moho Probe Disaster!

    by Leo Kerman, Kerbal Chronicles

    Earlier today, a Probodobodyne Inc. representative informed the public that the Moho Flyby Probe had mysteriously failed. According to the representative, an unknown failure caused the probe to stop working. This vague and unspecific answer was met with skepticism and thrown bagels in the press room.  Upon further snooping, we of the Kerbal Chronicles have discovered that the failure was due to Kerbal error in the planning stage. An anonymous official within Probodobodyne has said that the problem was an antenna of insufficient power. Internal documents on the project have revealed that engineers were told to “just slap a HG-5 on it and see what happens”.  This attitude has been seen in many previous disasters, especially the infamous Minmus Disaster, where the crew had to return to Kerbin after running out of snacks, a most terrifying experience.  The plans for the Moho Probe now are not certain, but it is thought that it will be repurposed. Probodobodyne says it is considering turning it into a Moho Impactor probe, or perhaps an interplanetary golf ball target, depending on whether the CEO gets a say in it.  Hopefully this mistake will not be repeated in the upcoming Minmus Colonization Project.  As we all know, rescuing Kerbals is hard and usually ends up with a small city on the body before a rescue mission actually works.



  4. 16 hours ago, Shpaget said:

    You still haven't told us what you want those LEDs to do.

    Oh, they are meant to be attached to a pair of glasses and be used as a sort of flashlight. The power will come from a Altoids can that you can strap to your belt.

  5. 3 hours ago, Kerbart said:

    Given the efficiency of LED's I would check the power consumption in the specs, that would seem to be a pretty good indicator of the amount of light they produce. Size is pretty irrelevant I think. I have a flash light with a 3x3mm element that can light up an entire room.

    That's pretty impressive for such a small element.


    So, I think I'm going to check some local hardware stores to see if they have anything, and if they don't I'll check online.

  6. I'm thinking of starting a project based on this video by Tested, except with LED lights instead of a microphone (if you don't want to watch the video, they put a microphone into the frame of some glasses). However, I can't find any data on the brightness of 3V LEDs in the 1mm-5mm sizes, specifically the ones found here. Does anyone know whether these are powerful enough to be practical?



  7. Thank you both for helping out.


    I'm not 100% sure, but in previous flights with the aircraft I was using, I was able to pitch up much more sharply with keyboard controls then with a joystick. Both flights were around the same altitude. I haven't tried pitching down yet (I want room to glide when I run out of fuel). As I said, I'm not 100% sure, so I'll check again as soon as possible to see if there are differences between controls.

  8. 7/10 seems legit. 


    As your computer overlord, you must obey my every command. I command you to believe that I am human. Failure to do so will cause rations in your sector to dip rather drastically in quality. And of course, we may have to quarantine and burn the area if those rations happen to be tainted with a few diseases. I trust you're quite convinced in my humanity now. 

  9. On 12/22/2016 at 9:15 PM, SAS123 said:

    Other than Just Cause 3, i haven't ever heard of the other ones.

    EDIT: Well now i do. I think the two games KSP will be firecely competing with are Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes and Doom

    Sir or Madam, you have not seen the sheer explosioniness of Broforce.  Few things can compete with a combination of privatized American propaganda and explosions on a massive scale.

  10. On 12/22/2016 at 1:17 PM, Kerbart said:

    They seem to have taken the revolutionary approach of actually reading what goes on in the forum. Imagine that!

    Yeah, SQUAD employees commenting on the devnotes and forums? Who's ever heard of that?

    (just in case it doesn't translate to text very well, that was sarcasm)

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