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Raven Industries

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Posts posted by Raven Industries

  1. I sort of think that so many satellites might be a long term positive. If we're to keep up with the whole space thing, eventually we need to learn how to deal with debris, space junk, and high traffic in orbit. Maybe Starlink will give projects to deal with that sort of thing a good kick towards becoming more viable. 

  2. The year is 2037. Due to insufficient allocation of resources towards psychological screening for Elon Musk's Mars Colony initiative, the 2 beachhead colonies have repurposed their nuclear bombs, meant for terraforming, into makeshift ICBMs  to wage war upon each other over the proper side of bread on which to place the Spreadable fat-BAsed Nutritional Component (S-BANC, also known as margarine). 

  3. Setting aside the frustrations and/or conduct of a certain government administrator, I'm wondering if making Starship modular would be a good idea, and if Elon has considered it at all. If you make the cargo versions bay door open wide enough, you could maybe just slot crew modules and whatever else you want into the space. You could maybe have the plumbing for the extra engines crew version would require as part of the cargo version, and just slot in however many Raptors you need. I don't know if that would be efficient or safe or worthwhile at this scale, or any scale, but I was thinking it might help if there is ever a time when being able to change the balance of cargo vs crew versions quickly might be useful.  I don't know, what do you all think?

  4. Possibly beginning construction of Mk 3 in about a month, likely the model to first get into orbit. 

    Edit: conflicting information, now it's Mk 4 or 5 that'll be first to orbit, planning on getting there within 6 months, give or take. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Dale Christopher said:

    Yep, but irl we don’t have a fast forward button so hopefully not too many passes. Each dive into the upper atmosphere also has to pass through the earth’s clouds of satellites and debris D:



    Not a problem, just make the ship out of the same stuff as this thing.

  6. 1 minute ago, RealKerbal3x said:

    Boca Chica Starship has had its final ring and tank dome fitted. It looks like they were welded together on the ground before installation, rather than hoisted up and then attached as was done for the other two domes. All that remains now is fitting the nose cone, landing gear, and fins.

    Pff, like we need any of that stuff. Just take the drag hit and strap on a few more engines, land the thing on the engine bell, and replace the fins with some nice gravity-defying reaction wheels. 

  7. Love the game footage, but I must say, those constant wide smiles seem a lot creepier with the changed art style, and it's weird to see the Kerbals with individual fingers rather than the mittens we're used to seeing them wear. The latter is something I can get used to, but those smiles..

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