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Everything posted by NemesisBosseret

  1. Is there a way to enable signal delay in seti config? Ill be home from work in a few mins so will figure out soon
  2. Ok maybe its my stock settings. Do you have anything stock enabled for comms
  3. Tested same antennas on both configs from rt menu. Everything from com 16 to dishes etc doesnt work with seti config but in rt config it does and i can swap config in game thru rt gui. I think its because opm and the antenna mod i got try to over write each other over stock rt config but with seti its a different file path/name and in there atrempts to overwrite each other its zeroing the antenna range..... This is my hypothesis right now
  4. Zero connection from launch pad to space. Red dots on map but no connection no matter what antenna i got. Not sure why but think they are blocked from kerbin itself like they are underground. Or stock ground stations config is messing with it But stock rt config works.... So it has to be something wrong in the configs with extra ground stations. My guess is in the heightmap or its a conflict in the config canciling itself out
  5. Good to know so its gotta be in the config nightmare that i figured out last time for KSS.
  6. Svt is like sve but for terrian Stands for stock visual enhancements Stock visual terrian
  7. Im guessing ill have to write my own remote tech/ seti ground station config and if thats the case if the seti mod makers want they can have it as an optional config. Once i get home from work ill attempt my config file butchuary and try to make it work.... Unless of course someone has a simpler fix
  8. I think i know whats wrong. Im running opm, the antenna mod for opm for long range comms(trash can with 50 octagon umbrella things), seti remote tech, kerbinside ground stations, remote tech and about 90 other mods..... Think my configs are conflicting with each other or maybe svt changed height maps..... And now my stations are underground....@Galileo. Can you confirm or deny this lol
  9. No but i think i figured it out.... Im at work btw ... If i was home id upload a log. Im guessing its not compatible with rt 1.8.4
  10. Beating my head into stone brick wall..... Help lol. Seti remote tech config no worky worky with my current mod load out but stock rt does. I can see the stations on the map but ive got zero signal. Did i put them underground?
  11. @neitsa and @TaxiService from like 4 months ago i got a late request lol. Tracking satilite dishes that actually track the station they are communicating with. A better flight computer so i can program exactly what i want my probe to do thats not so wonky lol. Exp. Set up a flight plan to burn into orbit after it gets over the horizon using gravity turn mod then switch to mcjeb to circularize my orbit at set hight then point dish back to celestrial once all operations completed.... Currently if i try this and it misses its mark or falls over horizon im screwed lol
  12. Sorry @JPLRepo i got sick with bronchitis and then got crazy at work. every senior guy quit now im stuck doing everything working 12+ a day. If i wasnt doing slave labor id definitly help you out
  13. Ok ive got a funky issue and not sure what ive jacked up. I got remote tech / opm/ seti rebalance. And alot of other mods. Id link my log but at work. But maybe someone knows a fix or this has popped up before. Trying to use seti ground stations. tried using kerbinside ground stations but neither work. Loaded preset and red dots on map appear but got no connection even at launch pad. Could this be a bone head setting i didnt do? Aka extra ground stations per options? Or is this a DLL config issue with both kerbin side and seti ground stations not being fully up to date? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you
  14. @sonicfelipemt help @JPLRepo make the model full scale lol and segmental! lol if you can that would be totally friken awsome , if I knew how to help I totally would but I'm clueless on the complexities of ksp modding beyond config files
  15. @Nobody6 you will have problems like I did, you will have to modify the RT configs urself. first you gotta figure out which ever the ksc planet is at on the load order, then change body= (#) to the correct number on ur RT config, next ur going to have to change the GPS of the lat and long to match where ur ksc is at(which you will find in that planets config file) if ur using seti ground stations will need to repeat this process for each ground station. @TaxiService just curious where you a comms guy in the military? lol because that would explain why I understand this stuff so well because I was
  16. @TaxiService good to hear, I was actually trying to figure out if it's possible to use ksc as a reference point instead of body=1, or just pinning it to kerbin , that way you don't have to worry about assigning it to the planetary body being correct
  17. Delete scatter or sve and see if you have a massive improvement in fps and memory usage , if so it's probably a bad config, I'm running korpinicous / sve/ real engine lights/eve /kss / (and a butt ton of parts mods 88 total mods) on max graphic settings and max textures with a first generation I7 and a msI 960gtx my fps is 60, my ram usage on Windows 10 Is between 12 to 13 gigs, and dips to 8 and 9 after I've been running awhile.
  18. Guys if ur trying to make RT or seti RT ground stations to work. you have to go thru all korpinicous planets vanilla and add on and figure out ur load order flightindex =1 means that is ur first one loaded any number of a higher value will load after, if not indexed it will load randomly First , you should assign an index number to non indexed planets, once you know the physical order ie flight index for sun = 1 kerbin = 55, random next planet =58 You know the order, kerbin would be 2 which means body on RT config would be 2 you gotta play with it to figure it out if it's spawning on a different planet (uncheck both ground stations hidden from view and distance so they are always visible and you will see them from the tracking station) then you know you screwed something up, change the body value until it's right, and or change index number like I did and set kerbin to 2 * if you are trying to save a current saved game this could break ur save.* *if using seti multiple ground station like RT mods you have to change the body# on each ground station.*
  19. It was all three actually , I had to redo all the configs , korpinicous configs and RT and Seti ground stations configs. don't be surprised if other planet pack/korpinicous users come in crying that remote Tech don't work. it all has to do with the load order of the planets and where remote Tech applies it's ground station. kerbin doesn't always = body=1 And the index for the planet in korpinicous doesn't = it's loading order number, it's just a value that helps ksp pick the right order, unlabeled/non indexed get placed 1 some times. total friken nightmare but right now as far as my testing/ play thru has gone it's stable and all works
  20. My issue was different, I had issues where the planet pack had a confusing load sequence with single and triple digits , and had to configure remote Tech accordingly and I had to mess with the planet pack configs, tomorrow I'll tell the mod maker to the planet pack what I found because he or she is sleeping right now. I might help him/her make a patch for it.
  21. @Nhawks17 every file I move has to get administrator approval then after it moves, I have to delete it.... major pain in the butt, I've had to do it for several mods
  22. @Yemo I got it, but it's very simple and complicated at the same time
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