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Everything posted by TheDestroyer111

  1. Well then, just attach the wings on a docking port that is attached to a docking port... if you need screenshots then HOLD ON //EDIT: @Fireheart318Here you are: http://imgur.com/a/lmXOR Yes, I know that it's in KSP 0.25, but it launches 3 times faster than 1.1 (I still couldn't update to 1.2 due to crappy internet provider) and docking ports look and work identically as they do now.
  2. Just attach the wings on a decoupler, and use strut connectors in case they bend too much and/or fuel lines if you have fuel inside the wings (the latter only applies to Big-S or FAT-455 wings). BTW that would remove one of the biggest benefits of SSTO spaceplanes over other configurations, which is accurate and controlled landing capability.
  3. What the freak? 0 MB memory? Does this mean that the game suddenly started thinking that the computer has no memory at all? That is certainly no good! @sal_vager sal vager heeeeeeeeeeeeellpppp! Oh and what access violation? I have no crazy idea what is "000001c4" (although it seems like it is 452 written in hexadecimal), but it looks like some other application or security measure is trying to prevent KSP from running by blocking access to its files. Double check if your antivirus program didn't put some KSP or Steam file in quarantine, or if any other application which could do that does attempt to block KSP, although if it's not antivirus (not very likely), then it's not likely that i could easily find out.
  4. Still, it would be cool for mobile users to be able to see the average rating without logging out and in, which by itself is harder due to touchscreen keyboards being smaller than the actual keyboards. Who in Squad maintains the forum software? //EDIT: how can you not use the star rating properly its too easy?
  5. @Goldenseek To attach a screenshot (this is the fastest and easiest method, and imgur is glitched right now for some time already, anyway so it has the same effect as more complex methods which used to give better effects before imgur got glitched), go to imgur.com, click on the NEW POST button in upper left corner, and drag and drop, or BROWSE to find the screenshot (KSP screenshots are in screenshots folder in main KSP folder, that is by default). Then just copy and paste the link to the page you were just teleported into, into your forum (not imgur) post. BTW as long as you don't close that page, you can drag and drop more images into it!
  6. Just using the big drill will NOT make you acceptably efficient, but using an engineer with a five star rating WILL. An engineer with five stars makes the process give 25 times more fuel output with the same electricity/ore usage than no engineer (the effect goes up with engineer star rating in career, and in sandbox all engineers work like five stars. but even in sandbox, having no engineer DOES push back the efficiency back to standard no-engineer efficiency.). A big drill does nothing aside from higher mining speed, and the ability to mine in low ore concentrations. What really matters (aside from engineer) is the ISRU unit - the big one is much more efficient.
  7. After I rate a thread with a star rating, I can't see it's actual star rating without logging out. Suggestion is to make both your own, and the actual average ratings visible while logged in.
  8. Don't forget that the console versions were from the beggining made to be disasterous ones compared to PC versions
  9. HELL YEAH How on Moho did I not find out about it earlier?!?!?!??!?!?!? This could have saved me from LOTS of frustration!
  10. It's usually John/Jane Doe rather than Joe/Jane, unless something has changed in the past month Also AFAIK you can't have a "1986 vintage soyuz" because they are all built to mostly get shrekt during reentry in less than a few years after production Back on topic, do you mean something in the future or like in the current times with the only difference being spaceflight being cheaper? Assuming it is in current times with this extra tweak, well then we couldn't do much about it. The Soyuz would still be the Soyuz it is. tho, if you don't mind about extreme burn times, you could pimp it up with an ION engine
  11. What are you even talking about? KSP has no freaking idea about any such things like "shockwave" without FAR AND some-fancy-reentry-mod-which-idk-what-its-called-cuz-afaik-deadly-reentry-is-not-such-an-accurate-simulation. Blunt noses are useful for reentry ONLY because they have more drag than pointy ones, and occasionally have high heat temp value and/or some ablator in them.
  12. OPBut you have to do it by EDITING, not in the original post. This text was created after editing.
  13. Bump? Sorry for bumping this, but this somehow didn't get replied to in some time, even though one user liked it...
  14. Test, I think that pressing the spacebar immediately after writing the underline-begin phrase stops the issue from happening OPIsThisText Bugged? OP Is this text bugged? OP Is this text bugged? OP Is this text bugged? hmm no issue. How to summon this bug then? Wait... OP//edit oh yeah you need to edit it and add a slash and then all hell shall break loose
  15. * Removed writing from Mk3->Mk2 adapter. Does this mean... that you removed the "Kurvy" text on the adapter? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo.ooo....o wait that's actually not so bad considering localization (it is very close to a bad word in Polish ), but still, this text is a fan favorite y u remove it! * Fix for ladder slide on Mk1 Inline. Didn't you already fix that in 1.2.0? * Add new default binding for precision control of "Return" for OSX instead of capslock. Again, you said you did that in 1.2.0
  16. WOW! The catapusht is the first actual, practical solution for a "catapult" in KSP! YAYAYAYYAYAYA
  17. Yep, the lights cause a big FPS drop whenever playing below "minimum" hardware requirements and they also behave very weird - although they properly light up most of Kerbin, they don't add any light at all to terrain close to the KSC, and it looks very weird when you use them to light up the runway.
  18. No and no. The first one is just adding another useless button for 99% people, at the same time confusing 50% of people. The second one is just not enough kerbal - the game always had and shouldn't lose this "this is so kerbal" aspect
  19. If you use angle snap, it will always push things to their "standard" orientation for that place on a part, which is usually facing outwards. Either disable angle snap or just live with it. Or make a mod (this is probably gonna need an MM patch tho) to fix this
  20. Although I am on 1.1.0, looking through the changelogs I don't recall seeing this being fixed, so I decided to suggest it. How it works right now: Assuming you move your mouse at the same rate, rotation rate in cockpit or DPS (degrees per second) doesn't change with zoom, which means that at high zoom levels, it might become hard to aim the camera precisely. How it should work: DPS should depend on zoom so that you rotate the camera faster while zoomed out, and be able to move it more precisely when zoomed in.
  21. Am I the only person who sees bugged (underlined with dots) text in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/151223-question-askers-please-mark-your-questions-as-answered-when-they-are/ ? like in the picture below
  22. Whoops, thanks. I'll edit the OP //EDIT: How did you notice that I clicked the button twice to unmark and mark again the question as answered? You really refreshed the page SO fast? And why is this text underlined with dots i think i found a bug in the forum software
  23. Right now (when writing this post), many people ask questions, (sometimes) read what people answered, and that's it. However, the KSP forum also has a nice utility that allows to mark questions as answered, so that everyone knows which questions are answered and which ones are not. Moreover, when a question is marked as unanswered, it often turns into a general discussion, while it should not - this part of the forum is not meant to be a discussion area. The problem is that only the person who asked a question as well as moderators, can mark a question as answered - and while moderators can always do that, they rarely do so as the person who asked the original question might want to ask some more questions in the same thread. "So, once someone gave me a satisfactory answer, how do I mark the question as answered?" you may ask. Well, all you have to do is click the upwards facing arrow next to an answer (by pressing it, you also select which answer sounds is the one that answers the main question well enough), shown here: Although anyone can press the button below it, if it is pressed it will only push the answer up on the list if you selected to view answers sorted by vote count. BTW could a moderator possibly pin this? //EDIT: I just found out that @Red Iron Crown already told everyone about answer marking of questions, but it looks like most people don't know about it yet. //EDIT2: Thanks @Red Iron Crown for correcting my image
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