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Everything posted by Joshua91

  1. How do I remove eve? Thanks. Nevermind. I got it. Herpaderp....
  2. This mod breaths new life into Kerbal. Probably will never play Kerbal without this mod ever again!
  3. I'm %100 percent sure its a comparability issue with Andromeda Daydream visual mod. Once I uninstalled Andromeda this mod worked fine. Should have done that before, but didn't think it would be that. What visual mod works well with this? Thank you.
  4. Bop and Val are not working their textures are not loading at all all I see is a bunch of lines that cause my PC to slow drastically when I zoom in on them. I took their config files out of kerpernicus and they are loaded back to their normal textures and normal orbits.
  5. Hello. This is probably already known and being fixed but this mod is not working well at all since 1.3. Thanks.
  6. Great mod! Are there cloud mods for the New Horizon planets anywhere?? I have some for the stock planets but not for the New Horizon planets. Thanks!
  7. @RA3236 I figured out how to do it. Thanks.
  8. @Clockwork13 I figured it out with Kopernicus. I have no programming knowledge, but after about 30 minutes I learned how to do it!
  9. @Clockwork13 If you find anyway to change planet description please let me know. I'm hitting a wall every time I look. Thanks.
  10. OK... so what if I just want to change a planets description? Im messing around with hyper edit and it dont make sense to have a moon from jool saying something about jool when its orbiting kerbin. I want to change the description to something I like. I have no idea how to do it.
  11. Hello. How do I change planet description? I'm re ordering the planets and I would like to change the info. Thanks
  12. So excited for NH2 to be released!!! Seriously, I cannot wait. I loved NH. It absolutely gave new life to KSP for me. Please, take you time getting it done, but not to much time, haha!
  13. New Horizons has made me fall in love with KSP again. I feel I know the New Horizons system and I don't want to relearn it if you were to redo everything. I understand that you are not happy with somethings. My advice for you is pretty simple. Lots of people just like exploring the local area. Maybe rework the Sonnah system a little bit. I would really like to see another smaller moon or 2 with oceans, mountain ranges, and and a thick atmosphere orbiting Sonnah. I always thought that Serran could be reworked. I think it deserve a small ocean and some seas. I like it mostly being a cold desert world though. I don't have a problem with anything else. All the planets and moons are interesting and beautiful and you did a great job. I just would like to see more things to explore in the home system. Its your mod. Don't be discouraged by your work. You make it how you want and take your time doing it. I'm sure whatever you do it will be spectacular! Thanks!
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