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Everything posted by madmat

  1. I will selflesly donate another post to Nova\'s awesome thread in the interest of him gaining his well deserved 100 pages. Congrat\'s on this milestone Nova and love your work.
  2. Not a bad way to introduce yourself to the forums. Welcome, and thats a snappy looking design.I reckon i\'ll be giving it a try. Cheers
  3. They look sweet. Anyone would think you\'ve done this before.
  4. Every time i crash into the sea it costs me a lot more than just a nosecone. Well played sir, well played! I see the Gramma police have paid you a visit as well, careful or you get a ticket!
  5. Well my explosions are Bigger than yours. (probably)
  6. That Vtol is a cool looking beast. You did well landing it on the hangar. Lots of practice eh.
  7. Tim, Remind me not to 'accidentaly' launch a rocket into your neighbourhood. Nice effort
  8. Welcome darenton, You\'ll need a sense of humour here so you\'ll fit in fine. It\'s a great game too.
  9. Congrats guys. just make sure you keep the awesome parts coming.
  10. Are you serious? The gramma police now. Glad you\'re not a Mod eh!
  11. I like the launchpad idea, but loove the Dragonfly pics so far. It\'ll be a good little Mun transporter (transporter for on the mun)heh
  12. The cougar\'s a great looking chopper,The pontoons are a good addition. Minespy\'s is well,,,,,Typically Huuuuge!! I cant wait till 15 when i\'ll be able to launch my own. ATMO it\'s too tricky.
  13. Gday Linus,,Welcome to the neverending calamity that is KSP. Good to have another Astro enthusiast on board. You\'re in for a treat when 15 is released. We\'re all trying to be patient, but it\'s getting hard.
  14. That\'s an awesome idea. Will it actually travel? Can other vehicles travel with those 'tank style' tracks? They look terrific.
  15. Glad to hear your still with us, Status upgraded to 'eagerly awaiting'..Damn it looks cool
  16. It\'s always sad when computers die. They take so many memories with them.. Hope you get back on track soon and haven\'t lost too much. Think of it as a fresh start.
  17. Proper job,,That\'s a great looking engine Jelly,,,,Trying it out now. Cheers man
  18. The square truss design looks great to me, Still got the industrial look about it. These parts really are a good expansion to the game,they blend in well.
  19. Now THAT is gonna get some attention!!!What are your plans for it? or should i say What have you started?
  20. That\'s a snazzy looking lander,,Where\'d you get the parts for that? Love the radio chat BTW.
  21. Welcome to the forums,,You\'ll love it,,
  22. She\'s a sinister looking bit of gear. It\'ll get a good workout when you release it. Any thoughts on cargo/bomb doors?
  23. Good to hear you haven\'t forgotten us,,Good luck with your exams!! We eagerly await your return.
  24. The Capt\'n has an extra sense when it comes to the welcome aboard thread. We think his hair stands on end when somebody hits Enter and he goes into a trance like state(he also has a built in Microprocessor). He\'s the fastest welcomer in the west. But jokes aside, welcome to the forums and you\'ll love all the available info. I also agree with BF being the better game than COD.
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