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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. I call BS. That vehicle should not SSTO, emphasis on orbit. There are no vacuum engines, so how are you circularizing the orbit? Show pictures.
  2. Reviving another mod, I see. That could actually be a pretty cool challenge though, use this mod to complete x and x challenge. As another challenge, what about an air race challenge?
  3. Finally read all the chapters, after starting recently. Really like the series!
  4. The maks is actually kinda cool. It was designed to be ai rlaunched shuttle type craft with an ET that decouples after being used. Here's the wikipedia page.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAKS_(spacecraft)
  5. It looks kinda like one of the better KSP contraptions... Hope all goes well!
  6. Just curious - How are moderators usually selected? Also, are there any other ranks (officially, the thingy under the profile picture) besides SQUAD, moderators, members, and global moderators? And (sorry for the list of questions), what differs between a global moderator and a normal moderator?
  7. That looks good. Although the wings might be on the large side. How was reentry heating with the Mk1 cockpit? Also, SpeedingMullet did specify that non radially attached shuttle still count. Even the MAKS counted.
  8. Yeah, I think in this case Hyperedit is the way to go.....
  9. "Locked" just as well as this one.
  10. I went back to the VAB *yuck* Also made an Apollo replica for the Do it Apollo Style! challenge. I almost finished it the challenge earlier, but then I left it... Also discovered that kerbals will randomly use a sledge hammer on the VAB. That's totally not weird at all.....
  11. My sister got attached to two kerbals named Patbo and Malman (and one I edited so that it was named after her). Naturally, I also kinda got attached. I turned Malman and her name sake into orange suits on my main testing save.
  12. Oh! Well happy early birthday DarkOwl57!
  13. Well then... That's a convenient bombing target. You've just made a stationary nuke. Thanks!
  14. Yes, but some players do not WANT to use mods, like myself.
  15. Why? This is challenge is then impossible in stock, if all other criteria are met. Tweakscale would be required. Why must it be as large as the image? If other players can make it smaller and still meet the required criteria for a replica-esque Sea Dragon, why should it have to be that big. Also why this?
  16. Ahh, ok. I do not really have experience in these sorts of things.
  17. By doing the shuttle challenge? Its for mission STS-1b
  18. Heeyyy.... I know I'm not the person running this, but mind giving a picture of the orbit? You don't have one. Also reentry pics would be nice.
  19. That seems like a good idea. Although, it might be also nice to model maps so that certain biomes have a higher chance of getting seeded with wind. That way, the player is rewarded for putting a windmill in a place with a high likelihood of wind, like plains or a desert.
  20. Oh no, its always much better to do something like that. Also with shoes.
  21. I create a loop, merging the time machine into the time machine at the same time.
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