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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Oh its simple! Just go into the part cfg file for the part (rapier in this case) and find a chunk of code that looks like this. (This here is the juno, but the same applies) EFFECTS { running_thrust { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_jet_deep volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.05 0.2 volume = 1.0 0.5 pitch = 0.0 1.2 pitch = 1.0 2.0 loop = true } PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 1.0 1.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 1 localRotation = 1, 0, 0, -90 } } Then just delete the section of PREFAB_PARTICLE (the title and the curly bracket section under it). That should remove all the engine effects forever. Hope this helps.
  2. Huh. Something must have changed since my junos never produce smoke. ... Ohhh right I part hacked it off. Personally think it's a bit nicer of a solution as you then aren't worried about smoke and power levels. Ever. I think I have to thank Azimech for this.
  3. ..... ITS SO TINY. AND ADORABLE.AND CUTE. DID I MENTION IT WAS TINY? Actually though, props to you for making a telescope that small and compact while (probably) fulfilling all the mission requirements. (mine always seem to tend towards the larger end of the scale.....)
  4. Hmm. I was on that too for a while. Time for a re-read!
  5. I'm curious why you don't use some other recording software. I think open broadcast software (obs) supports that. Though its probably kinda confusing? Im curious how it works currently though for you. Do you have the Xbox hooked up to it or something or is it some windows thing?
  6. If you're are looking for names (which you aren't... Please don't gulag me! ) I think the Nero XX could be quite reasonable. After all it is a bigger higher capacity Nero X..... Giggling maybe might start happening at the third iteration....
  7. I'll have to take a look the Jake Grey's. Saw it mentioned in the thread a couple times but haven't checked it out yet. I think I'll go do that when I find a bit of time. Already been through all of @CatastrophicFailure's stuff as I think he can attest.... (unless he added moar? That would be nice to find.... ). I'll take a look too though at the library. Thanks for the suggestions!
  8. Aaaand done reading (only took me about 3 weeks) . Very enjoyable. Wonder if the two sorta separate kerman/kermol plot lines will become one. I also now realize I have to find something else to read....
  9. Summer break was fairly empty last week. Now going to a university research program kinda thing which is sucking up all the hours.....
  10. Think I need a download for this insanity. I'm not going to even ask why it exists, just accept it.
  11. Fixed. Also added new bits (by new I mean ripped from KerbalX)
  12. TBH most of these challenges seem very fun and enjoyable. *looks at rep count* Ah well can't do them. Best of luck to all though, I'll probably be watching.
  13. You use an external host like imgur and directly link the image. Imgur is very popular (I personally use it.) and has an option for sharing when you upload images to it. You want to use the direct link (usually ended by a .png r other file format). The software should auto embed the images. I hope that sorta helps?
  14. Done. https://imgur.com/a/afcSGwa Was fun flying out that high for rendezvous. Interesting challenge. The frame rate what horrendous. Probably about 1200 parts loaded.... Its such a tiny design! I like it. Very different from my approach when I did it.....
  15. Alternatively you could try and stick fairings and radiators around everything to hide the ugliness/inconsistency.
  16. Ok, that seems like a reasonable deal. Also, as for the assault charges... 800 parts for thr shuttle is relatively light as far as saved crafts go. I have designs breaking the 1000 mark and not stopping.
  17. I think we're approaching the limits of juno engines....
  18. Yeah I think your last statement is the case. While building mine I found ditching the big wings actually made the craft slow down as it had to pitch up more to maintain level flight.
  19. The standard intake probe core fuel juno tube seemed pretty good, so I added more junos. 40 more to be exact. Broke the 800 mark. Speed in image is 814.8, 815 if you round up. Need a name maybe...... "Can o' Clippin'" seems appropriate.
  20. Speaking of plague people.... they've been missing for a bit. I guess though that they'll come back?
  21. Thats cool. The filament must be so fine....
  22. OK no its fine to poke at other things. 1) Guess I forgot about that. Oops. I'll fix it and I guess redo it? It shouldn't be a difficult change to make. 2) Yeah it was accidentally left on from testing. On that one I stuck a probe core and some batteries in the ET/Booster and tried to land it Falcon 9 style. Didn't quite have enough fuel to actually land the ET, so I tried sticking on infinite fuel to hopefully maybe help land it. Still ended up crashing though. 3) I think you are talking about the last launch right? I honestly don't know why KER says that. The engines on the shuttle are just normal rhino engines. My guess the extraordinarily high delta-V readout is from the ion engines/propulsion module which by itself has about 6,000 m/s of dV. But in any case, here is the craft file https://www.dropbox.com/s/c94k9hy9swy66ei/Scott Shuttle STSM-7.craft?dl=0 Propulsion module by itself with dV readout. Uncertainties are perfectly understandable. Do you want me to do a redo because of the first part or something else?
  23. Not super qualified or anything, but I would hazard a guess that I think you might need some more shading on the actual little photovoltaic cells to distinguish it from the background yellow which is also looking a little flat on the edges. White lines could also be made maybe a little wider? Might also help to add more yellow to the top and bottom and reduce some at the edges since it looks quite uneven at the moment. Like the look of things so far though. Good luck.
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