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Everything posted by RenegadeRad

  1. Guess you gotta point. But yeah, I don't want magical warp drives but it is a ship which can cover till Pluto. But you know, still what would be the best possible way for a compact ship. As I said. Compact? And if you would add points what is necessary rather than criticize what is wrong with it, that would be cool
  2. It's not science fiction, no offence but you are simply very narrow minded and dont look in the new ways. I asked for designs, not any opinion of yours. A compact practicals ship which is a centrifuge itself, a one man interplanetary vehicle. I asked for the designs first, then I will discuss what utilities should be applied in a different thread. "Who the hell cares about size" I do, if a ship is compact, it is economical, low massed so we don't need too much propulsion, it would be easier to manage, it could be easily launched, without the hassle of building it in space, if made small enough it could be the lander itself (with some adjustments in interior of the ship for centrifuge and planetary gravity ) And please, I mentioned before, I only need help with designs.
  3. What the hell, it's bigger than Saturn V! How will it launch?? Where are the blue prints? 0_0 @Nibb31 I did say to ROTATE the whole damn ship metaphorically, meaning the ship is a centrifuge. Your arguments are totallyy rebellious to everything I want, either you help me find what I want, or create your own thread with the things you mentioned
  4. @Streetwind Well, yes that's what I said I want to see designs because finding them is a real pain in the back. Well, by near future I ment like between 2040 - 2100 era, and not completely realistic, something which is semi realistic. But possible with effort. The design I want is you know, compact. Everything useful in a compact area, and the ship is a centrifuge. Not long horizontally, but as I said , all the things arranged in the most compact way. For example, people usually line up fuel tanks to create a hell long spaceship. If you could divide the fuel tanks, and attach them from a hub vertically opposite making it like wheel, or use Spherical fuel tanks. Or use some other propulsion method. It's also about aesthetics, but mainly about utility in the smallest area. If someone could take a shot at it , and try to make it in KsP, it'll be awesome. Or if such a design exists, I wanna see it.
  5. I mentioned I don't like "long" designs, but a design which covers all directions. Kinda like a star shaped ship. Or ring. Also where the hell is this discussion heading towards?
  6. Hey there geeks! Well, this is a serious thread. Over the years, I always searched for spaceship design (I always had an interest in building or designing stuff), but the result was always disappointing. See, the main point is that as a "designer" whenever I want to make something, I try to make it in a very utilizable and bold way. I really despise every single art work or "design" made by people in majority all over the Internet on spaceships. They just make whatever they want (which is totally impossible to function) or make it super sci fi and full of wierd fantasy designs. Then one day I stumbled across the "mark 2 ksp spaceplane" picture on the results of Google search, which had a legit "spaceship" design. I opened it and reached here. Then I bought KSP the next day and played it the whole day without sleep or eat. I still do. Help me. Back to topic , the design I'm looking for has a little "spacestuff" aspect. The design which caught my eye (I know this must have been discussed for a million times here) is the Interstellar's endurance. The design of the ship shows "hey, it's made for space travel!" And is very idunnohowtoexplaininwordshelp. The design was such that it could be used dramatically. I don't like rocket like "long" ships. And also ships which look like planes, it doesn't have the vibe of space, it looks like it is made for the atmosphere. I want ships which cover an area in all directions is not too sci fi. Another ship I liked was the heart of gold from hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. So if anyone can show me a similar design, or is interested in making one, please post about it here. Another point, it can have aring like design. Im not able to design a ship, so I need help... Thanks, and sorry for the trouble ! Don't you dare mention ixs enterprise. It's overrated.
  7. @astrobond PERFECT Earn my respect brother, and my friendship!
  8. I honestly hate the aerodynamics engine of this game, I'm pretty sure my designs are legit, why aren't the flying to orbit properly? >:( Damn sstos
  9. @Kergarin That was awesome! you yearn my friendship! Now lets see who else can do this challenge!
  10. Now make it fully functional with sciencelab and stuff!
  11. I honestly, deeply, really love this community. Full of creative and scientific minded people. I'm so happy right now
  12. Hey guys! so, I was wondering, is it possible to create a fully functional and utilizable spaceship without a lander (the spaceship is basically the lander itself) which can get into orbit and travel between planets without any hassle? From stock parts? You may use only 2 mods btw and non of them should be OP if someone can make this, please post the pics! This is basically not a challenge, I actually just wanted to see whether is it possible or not, but the only way to see this, is to make this into a challenge! So the one who wins gets uh.. uhm... My friendship!
  13. @Denko666 Thanks a lot guys for keeping this mod updated, I really appreciate the determination and hardwork for this project! Now if you excuse me, I'm off to create some cool builds with it!
  14. This is legit. Pretty interesting thought you put up. On the contrary, we don't even know those planets could support life, see what I mean here, even Mars is in the habitable zone, yet there are no signs of life. Possibly these planets may or may not contain life, or have an atmosphere too hostile for life to develop. Or there might be life with a completely different biology. Because even if something is in habitable zone, it doesn't mean that it can always support life, atmosphere and enviroment depends too...
  15. @Spaceception Nice to see you here! I love your interesting posts, keep it up! On the contrary, no matter how the star, but if the planet is in the habitable zone than we may have life
  16. Hey fellow kerbalnauts! I wanted to discuss something with the smart science guys here There is a five-planet system about 1,200 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra. The five planets of Kepler-62 orbit a star classified as a K2 dwarf, measuring just two thirds the size of the sun and only one fifth as bright. At seven billion years old, the star is somewhat older than the sun.Much like our solar system, Kepler-62 is home to two habitable zone worlds, Kepler-62f and Kepler-62e. Kepler-62f orbits every 267 days and is only 40 percent larger than Earth, making it the smallest exoplanet known in the habitable zone of another star. The other habitable zone planet, Kepler-62e, orbits every 122 days and is roughly 60 percent larger than Earth.The size of Kepler-62f is known, but its mass and composition are not. However, based on previous exoplanet discoveries of similar size that are rocky, scientists are able to determine its mass by association.The two habitable zone worlds orbiting Kepler-62 have three interior companions, two larger than the size of Earth and one about the size of Mars. Kepler-62b, Kepler-62c and Kepler-62d, orbit every five, 12, and 18 days, respectively, making them very hot and inhospitable for life as we know it.I mean, it is 1200 light years from earth, We right now are only seeing it as it was 1200 years ago, probably at 1200 years ago it had some primitive life forms like early men, and now they may have evolved into an intelligent civilization? I mean 1200 years is still a small time if we talk about evolution...
  17. Is fully controled by criminals The jool station...
  18. Abandoned because of radiation and stuff... The Mars city HQ...
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