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Everything posted by RenegadeRad

  1. This is getting interesting. We are now officially on the path where I wanted this conversation to go. Please continue. @Shynung If solar panels would overheat, how about we add something in then which would convert the overheat, into energy? Well that's ridiculous sorry but what if we try solar sailing? It seems potentially good. @Nibb31 ayylmao I did say that I chose the word interstellar because it sounds cool you know not literally because I do know it is impossible too reach other stars with today's technology. Another thing to add here that even if the mothership idea is useful and mainstream, why, just why (if we put aside funding, difficulty and economy) doesn't NASA or some countries get together and make this idea reality? You know how cool it will be. Like if we even have 2 of ISMs, major missions would be so easy, and still we try to add advances tech (nuclear pulse) in some 50s tech (the one vehicle to do it all rocket designs of appolo). Nonsensical. Oh and what's EM spectrum?
  2. @shynung You smart. You me friend. One tiny bit malfunction in the shock aabsorbers and the astronauts go pulp. I feel like nuclear pulse propulsion is kinda like relying on something *cough* you can't "control". Oh and after playing KSP I actually realised that space travel is not just about aiming to something and firing, there are always gravity fields which form a trajectory of your spacecraft if you go from near them. I just feel that we rely on a lot of physical things or " anomalies" for space travel rather than doing some methods to get directly to place, the problem is resources though. There are so many things capable that we can do, of we play KSP and also see real life physics, that's why I insist on disagreeing on my mothership idea. Agree or not , it has less cons than "one vehicle to do it all overrated rocket hippies" What's the deal all we have to do is to put the mothership in safe orbit while the "explorers" or shuttles already don't need much weight just some good propulsion and a design to withstand extreme environmental hazards, to land into a planet do stuff get back up attach to mothership, mothership takes a gravity assist and woosh we are back to home. We can make mothership like the endurance from interstellar or Hermes from the Martian or the discovery in 2001 so. The simple ending is that we need fuel, solar panels are not that good, we need something which can create high energy through Star heat or we can make *childish mind intensifies* solar panels out of the newly discovered ultra black colour which absorbs almost all the light...
  3. derp... I still don't see why people disagree with the "mothership" option, look at that image, I mean its reusable and easily modifiable, upragable just like PC's. Orion and these rockets are overrated and feel like consoles xD
  4. http://i.memeful.com/media/post/BRkm0vw_700wa_0.gif See, that was what I was against in my post. But, I have second thoughts after reading Shyung's reply... Btw Shyung wouldn't that take some serious g's and how will it "brake"
  5. kek then, I did say that I gave this idea so that you guys may science over it and make it real... Im not good in rocket science 0_o http://i.memeful.com/media/post/jRj3pDd_700wa_0.gif
  6. Sorry mate. But he just didn't correct me rather criticized rudely, I think you should look into that
  7. Mate you misunderstood >.> Can you tell me more man? Nibb misunderstood, I actually gave this idea so you guys can use some science on it as I am a total noob for aerospace, and thank you, atleast you did not bash me for something I did not know lol.
  8. "You may also disagree, and you are good at your points " and seriously, you just held out your opinion and bashed mine. I already had enough of this thats why I came here man, please at least give a respectful idea of yours. Well, forgive me because Im new here. So, it would be better if we talked something about the topic, right? right?
  9. Yes, I agree. The energy crisis really needs to be solved man... Well, this post is not of the "Interstellar" film, but I chose the word Interstellar cause it sounds cool the ship designs are inspired from it though
  10. ayylmao sorry for the mistake, Wasn't aware wont happen again Anyways whats your thoughts for this? The Topic
  11. Was this uploaded twice? Sorry I did not knew... Anyways to fix this?
  12. A lie. The moon base is actually...
  13. Hey maximus, I have a request, I want some support for this new thread I made, and would love if this is turned into a megathread


  14. About me - Introduction to the topic - Even though we know a lot about space, and are extremely advanced to know stuff, there is something holding us back. We have only sent man to the moon and nowhere else. And we are a lot far behind than our thinking, and in someway our seeds of doubts and community problems is stopping us. I know many of you may disagree, but yes I do point out that I am not completely right about this. My aim you see, is to improve space travel, by using the best methods. Note that I just wanted to improve the technique, but philosophy before is a must, heh. Please note that to add your ideas and thinking to this thread in a kind way, don't be hypocrites pls <3 The main aspects are - 1) Philosophy/Society 2) Techniques Philosophy If we see humanity from a perspective, we can see the world is a bit bleeped up. People are deep in philosophies which only makes a person deep in doubt and without any motivation, even when they think that they are right (may contain irony). People are overly sensitive for everything, even the wrong. Wanting equality for those who are not normals (gay people and all are normal, I am not pointing them out lol, I'm pointing out the hypocritical backward thinking people who are sadists, and are mostly found everywhere as well as always create barriers in development through their pointless but non arguable ideologies) and we fight for equality of groups RATHER than individuals. There should not be an organisation specifically for blacks, women or stuff, but an organisation for only the individual who is suffering as just fighting for groups is not easy as people misuse it and create even more inequality, and people with idiotic ideologies come in it and misuse it as a weapon. This will only bring us together and solve bigotry issue in the world. We be more aligned towards knowledge and creativity and science! Be happy together in a delightful world. See the point is not to make the world completely good because that's impossible, but to make it more comfortable for evolution to take its pace. Techniques Back to topic, first of all I have this dream of making an "International Space and Analogy Organisation" where we unite as species, all the space agencies of the world, combining the best of technologies, combining the best of technologies to create even better technologies! I also made a logo (yea I do graphics) - http://i.imgur.com/ff0riIJ.png Now the main tension, many of you might know that rockets were not always the best method to get into space and were solely made to win in the space race. You may also disagree, and you are good at your points, still, there are better methods such as spaceplanes, spacehooks, nuclear pulse propulsion, space bridges (idiotic imo) and spaceguns (serious g's will be taken) The problem is that when we need to launch a rocket, in order to go to another planet, we compromise a lot, as 80% of the rocket is fuel. And due to that we are not able to create a comfortable ride to outer space, even the fuel is 60% used when we get outta orbit. Satellites are different, I am talking about man in space. So how do we not compromise too much, but still have reusable methods of interstellar travel with minimum effort? The answer is mother ships. How you ask? there are 3 components of this - The Explorer and The Mothership and The Rescue ship Mothership - If we part by part build a fully functional mothership (not too big, but enough, you see we will make it as small as possible but still it will be so big that it could not actually be sent into space through rockets, but in parts) just like we built the ISS, and the mother ship will be the "International Space Mothership (ISM)" which will be upgraded with the best of technologies again and again, and it can travel between planets easily, as all the effort of the world will be on this, and it may not fail. When not in use, it will orbit the earth. The con is that we would need to keep it safe, so we can send someone from the ISS to take care of it and constantly send probes to keep it intact. Another problem is that there is over 30000 pieces of debris which travel at speeds up to 23,000 km/h around the earth, which is again, dangerous. We can make the ship circular to create artificial gravity through centrifuge Example - https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJO6P4CrEDb1kEnJxZW_qwz1ESLNzMtuUXlwk6m2ZsHgg5TtbR Explorer - To keep it simple, It will be more like a space plane which is like a drone - rocket (Hey, aerodynamics doesn't work on all planets, some places stuffs extreme as hell. See neptune) (and it is an SSTO Plane-rocket- drone) and can easily get into orbit or outer space, it is not just a plane but works more like a plane and a lander, and can maneuver almost everywhere. Example - http://www.starshipmodeler.co/gallery16/dh_021215_lander_h1.jpg Rescue ship - Keeping another backup ship in orbit to sent if events turn out like "The Martian" Similar to interstellar, if you have seen the film. Just imagine, we can actually do it but still we aren't. I guess, I might be wrong, but still we can do it and it is one of the most easiest ideas I have (easier said than done, btw) and would be so easy to colonize planets. I am would love making this a megathread, Please give your ideas below, and correct me if I'm wrong. Also, please explain some science too, in order to prove this all. I would love to have all your ideas.
  15. Which is actually inside The building is a space station but...
  16. Dman nice to meet ya, but my point is not to remove parts, it just feels clustered and there is a difference between all of them, and a man always chooses the best. There is no feel in equality of all the parts, so I can make a legit design thoughtfully. I just need some motivation so that I don't be bored by this update
  17. I just feel like to add this but we cannot reach other planets until we have *childish mind activate* a world government and united people. Its necessary to have some social evolution before we can find our place in the stars. On the side note, accepting idiocracy and over sensitivity for making everyone equal is a bit impossible. Nothings that fair, there will always be a bad that we have to leave behind. Or improve. Just wanted to get that off my chest, please continue with the main topic.
  18. Hey thanks for the heads up Starhawk! Your answers were really helpful and I hope I enjoy here. I have just another little doubt, I first played on version 0.25, but then switched to the new one as I had disabled auto updates, I don't know what to think about these new updates. Yea they add more realism, but now the game's rocket parts and stuff feels a bit clustered... I dunno is it my feelings doing this or something because Im not able to decide a good rocket design, as some parts are WAAAAY too advanced and some are WAAAY too primitive... This somewhat ruins the aspect of having "raw materials" in game to build something for me. idk lol if you could motivate me or something
  19. ...Full of donald trumps. The building is actually a batcave inside but...
  20. Fun fact, I have reached Mars ( or what you call it... Uh... Dun? Yea.. Duna...) and it was an accident... orbit trajectory changed...
  21. Hey there my fellow mates! I just brought this game, so please note that I am bit noobish. I always had an interest in aerospace and astrophysics, astronomy and space Philosophy. I was always trying to find something from which I can explore and be lost. At first I downloaded space engine, but it didn't seem the "stress" was there to get in space. So someone on the inter-webs told me about KSP, and I gotta say, it's been 6 days and I am insanely addicted to it. Fact, I haven't slept for 2 days I also play Minecraft a lot I love Kerbal space program, the math and the brain you have to use, the stress and the winning feel which you get when completing missions is amazing. Humor and the music is awesome. Kerbals are funny and I love killing them. I didn't try career mode, but I am playing in sandbox like it is career mode by making different designs because I was always the ideologist and designer type. Im a hobbyist so I actually study such stuff, though I just started with Aerospace, I have 2 huge diaries where I always note about space and my interests, study a lot so you can call me a geek. I also want to start a YouTube channel as well as I already have a site for my articles. Might sound childish but I have a dream of making an international space organisation and community so that we all can unite as species, combine best of the technology, put aside politics and concentrate on our place in the stars and development of new tech. Back to topic, I am finding this game a little to hard because I have failed 34 times total, and would like some tips. I have successfully orbited the kerbin, but failed to send something to mun or Miranda (that's what's it called, rite?) I don't use any mods because I just feel to play the original game. I have several questions - 1) What designs types should be made for getting to outer planets other than mun and Miranda? Or to both of them at least 2) How do you make those "long solar panels" on ships? 3) Can you get out of Kerbal system? 4) Why is kerbin so... Dead? No one is there and it just feels dull... 5) Are mods actually good? How to install them and how do you activate them in Game? What are the most useful? All I heard is of mechjeb... 6) Any tips and interesting ideas can you give me? 7) Could someone explain me the "post squatting" rule? http://i.memeful.com/media/post/4wbB3ow_700wa_0.gif Also I hope this community is friendly and not too criticizing, because I already had enough from other hypocritical and satirical communities... Love ya all!
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