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Everything posted by RenegadeRad

  1. Hey guys! So I'm going to accept it, including Minecraft and Dark Souls, I am now officially adding KSP to my life. I'm never going to leave it. Now, to play this game for a lifetime, what to do to make this interesting???
  2. I have a good solution for you my boi Make thing's interesting like I do, first of all install legit mods, then create your own story for example copy from interstellar, kerbin is dying so you need to find a good planet and blah blah save the race. Progress and get new tech like warp drives and other stuff, make each save your unique story. Play in science mode or sandbox, as contracts are a pain in the butt, make your own aim. Do interstellar travel, put mods like KerbalGalaxy, KerbalInventory, Interstellar extended.
  3. How the heck are you guys so experienced in aerospace I wish I could be too... but I'm more towards other sciences. Is there anyway I can learn some basics? It is really interesting...
  4. What I'm still questioning here is why the heck aren't we concentrating in manned missions rather than these drones. I have a fear that soon our robot overlords will only go for space expedition.
  5. An astronaut would never be like that, they are trained to be calm and psychologically relaxed in all sitiuations. the movie feels bad.
  6. It will like look a colony ship That scares me, honestly.
  7. I think they did not "order" probably made an agreement or questioned them. You know, budget cuts. This is a clickbait Wait I take my words back. Buy still, cover the goddamn solar system before rushing towards stars!
  8. Yes, exactly! Now speaking of which, what about "methods" ? The way we reach outer planets easily, jool breaking , astroid mining, we all can do this in the game using strategies. Is this applicable irl if we ignore politics and economics?
  9. Hey guys I was wondering, using few of the parts which I guess usually exist in reality, we can make so many advanced methods and spacecrafts to reach as far as Eeloo in this game. So this got me thinking, suppose we move factors such as economy, propaganda, sjw, politics, division, aside; can we replicate these practicals in real life? Using today's tech, or a bit more research and improvements later? Reach as far as Pluto (manned) easily? First of all, its obvious that I'm only talking about the stock game, not mods. And it is really idiotic to compare a game and real life, i know all the math, but still, I just wanted to know. Don't be harsh on this *Silently waits for badass @Nibb31 and his words*
  10. As an Indian, how the heck did I not hear of this?
  11. Yo I did not literally mean it. Im a human, not a robot. Or am I?
  12. As the topic says, what are some good scifi films which are unheard of and are semi realistic? Like Gravity for example (but it is not unheard, it is famous) For me, I will recommend Europa Report.
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