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Everything posted by RenegadeRad

  1. Ain't a Maximus... ...The alien base in the dark side of the moon has a disco in which...
  2. Got dammit @ZentroCatson you broke the chain, say the next line! Anyways I'll continue, The CocaCola factory...
  3. Which spins rapidly to kill everyone in it constantly. The eve observation station is...
  4. I tried to make a modified version of the endurance from interatellar. BTW I love spaceplanes and especially the aspect and stryle of the ranger from the movie.
  5. Building which is actually downside up. The Mars habitat has...
  6. Is secretly Jeb's rocket lab because all the taxes he has to evade. The space station is extremely...
  7. Uhm guys, kerbal stuff is down for this mod, can I have another link?
  8. Heh, we expected to have flying cars by 2015, so disappointments are sure...I do agree that space investment is too low after the shuttle program, but still see SpaceX...
  9. This is a really interesting topic *grabs popcorn* I think they could use Airship like tech, using large hydrogen, helium balloons to get their pod into space, and detach at a certain point and ignite to reach orbit, or it might be an SSTO airship... Maybe, this is just a random thought I had. One thing to think on the other hand, they possibly may not be able to create planes itself, so space travel sounds too far... As I said, they might use air ship technology.
  10. This is a cool idea, I agree because it will make the game a bit more lively I really love the kerbal voice, if you remember when you are in astronaut training complex and such. I also have a wish we could make custom kerbals in sandbox and science mode, give them name, facial features etc.
  11. Guys kopernicus does not work for me. I added EVE mod, New Horizons, near future propulsion, some capsule mods, MechJeb and that's it. I have version 1.0.5 and sometimes when it does works the whole space facility disappears and I see the outer space. And Kerbin is white. Pls help. I really want a voyage to those planets. I also would like a mod like Kerbal Galaxy so I can't do some Interstellar stuff...
  12. Also, know that the game back then was challenging and seeing you I think you kinda played it from the start, so it is sensical for you to sapp them all within an year, Because agree or not, the updates did make the game "easier" in a way, maybe not for everyone, but yea it did...
  13. Because I spend 8 hours a day on this, and the first 5 days all I did was see tutorials, Scott Manely and some studies for Aerospace. Also, I should be honest and write that I do use mechjeb, but not that much. I use it when I am not concentrating on my laptop and doing some other work I have a question, what is Kopernicus?
  14. I really love to play Kerbal Space Program, started a month ago and really love aerospace now. Yet, my country does not fair in aerospace engineering so I crie... Back to topic, I have reached till Eeloo, ignored dres because I really hate it, and explored almost all moons of jool, and also explored other planets. It was really accomplishing and a happy moment for me to reach them, but it felt... dead. See what I mean, I wish we could have a better environment, shaders, lighting and more types of biomes with unique features, minerals, atmosphere, fog, lava, storms etc. And have some hills too, like we have in kerbin. The planets are really boring, repitative and with no unique things to explore, yes I did see all the easter eggs, but it does not make them lively. Also, the planets are very boring, I wish we had more planets like uranus (hehe) neptune, saturn or other unique ones. Kerbin also needs some population and cities. My request is that can anyone recommend me some cool mods for all this? If this cannot come in one, I would like individual mods with different features because I really cannot find perfect ones. Thanks!
  15. Good point, I think it is slightly possible that this could happen in reality that another system close to the main system with stable orbits. And planets. But imagine this - that would make it kerbol system very unique, a planet with intelligent life which is a actually a binary Star system with stable, unique planets. And one of them contains life. Interesting...
  16. I agree, probably make the biomes interesting but randomly generated, so that you can have your own experience, just like in Minecraft, biomes are there but are randomly generated, and it will be generated in a chunk system, meaning not the whole planet will be randomly generated, from outside in space it would look as it is now, but when you land, random generation starts, and wherever you go, biomes are generated in that area in a chunk system and will be saved, Awesome! I did say that " The map except the Kerbol system and some "iconic things we place in the map" would be randomly generated and use the chunk system just like in Minecraft?"
  17. @Basto A very good example you have (no man's sky) ; also I'm quite surprised that you are actually using your common sense to describe that as "balant sci fi" . . I completely agree because even if Kerbal space program is not completely realistic, it's "fiction" is plausible in a way in a few years or decades. And adding such balant Sci-fi things would ruin aspects. Ok what if you can only send sattleites to other systems? It would use gravity assist and stuff. Or, what if we make such a situation that we add and can use telescopes to discover and learn the "infinite" randomly generated universe (which will have an observable limit with you technology class, which again won't be too goddamn sci fi). Or make star systems closer to kerbol system. And why don't we add huge cities on kerbin? Everywhere, which would be randomly generated if there are data problems. If not, I think this should happen. You will have scenarios where you have to be careful that the debris doesn't land on cities and cause mass genocide 0_0 I know there is a mod, but, it doesn't "fill" kerbin or make it lively atleast.
  18. @Basto Cool name I think I agree on you for the other systems one, it might ruin the aspect of the game. Just wondering, would it actually feel OK if we had advances tech to do such stuff but they would be hard to get, and you can get them after enough hardwork in science or career mode?
  19. We have plenty of planets out there to explore in the game, and when you reach all of them, the game kinda starts to feel boring. First of all know that I am aware we can have huge computer and technical issues. Should we have more planets out there? New systems, stars and probable nebulae for resource collecting and stuff? The map except the Kerbol system and some "iconic things we place in the map" would be randomly generated and use the chunk system just like in Minecraft? Discuss. Please give your ideas and some points to prove it, and please don't be rude or oversmart while criticizing, give the reason kindly.
  20. @Nibb31 Thanks, I was not able to create a word so I took mothership and yes, I apologize for my communication. It's just about faster space travel, and "interplanetary transfer vehicle" is what that it is. And lmao, where the hell are you going I am not talking about USs enterprise at all, you ok there?
  21. @fredinno Babe, I'm aware of that, the thing is that no matter hiw complex arguments we add to it, the rest will still be the same. World government, there are always people who cannot be corrupted, and we dont need a supreme leader, we need a group, an administration for this. Im naive I accept, but we are at the same side, and people who want different laws for them is another thing. If we make laws which would benifit everyone, wouldnt everyone agree for it? See star treks history and you already have replied to a topic of mine where I did mention something about United Space Exploration. Cheers
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