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  1. OMG this is the most beautiful mod ever!!! Thank you for bringing back the centrifuge and congratulations on a beautiful release
  2. This is now my favorite planet pack... now I have two different KSP installs, one with Galileo and another with Kerbin + OPM + Beyond Kerbal... My only feedback/suggestion is to expand the biome diversity a bit, especially in the home system. Playing in career mode I found it harder to get as much science via Gael-Iota-Ceti as good old Kerbin-Mun-Minmus (Minmus used to be my go to early career science mine). This means I can't unlock as many tech before I have to venture out to deep space. Definitely more challenging! Overall tho, it's such a great mod, visually incredibly compelling, especially with the usual visual enhancement mods. Congrats!
  3. @Dirk I feel the same as well, I like the NFT parts (and they're a lot easier to use) but when use with KSPI-E they don't balance very well.
  4. Have people try running this with Outer Planet Mods? Do they play well together?
  5. I honestly consider this mod an essential part of the game... you have no idea how many times I scratched my head and asked "Why isn't this stock?". Anyway only reason why I asked is because I'm testing out 1.1 right now and has gotten to the point where docking is kind of important. I absolutely don't intend to be rude about it and I understand people have lives and are busy so I'm happy to patiently wait.
  6. This mod makes docking possible in KSP. Any chance we get an update for 1.1 comparability? Thanks!
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