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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Spacey things always are. Fact: If SpaceX landed a booster in my town by accident, it would be the tallest building for 30km in each direction (would be 50km if not for one city).
  2. *Takes off gas mask* Hey, this isn't so bad. *Rushes to finish drawing for crush/almost GF* *Overcome with stress* Me tomorrow:
  3. KSP forum moderators are running a brain transportation mission.
  4. TheKSPExpert has a religion where guesswho2001 wants to murder the forums.
  5. Once upon a time I was sending a mission to one of the moons of Kerbin. I decided to pilot it almost entirely from zoomed out map view, and my brain was on transfer autopilot. Five minutes later I go back into normal view to de-orbit and I find out I'm orbiting the wrong moon.
  6. Hmm... The satellite adapter can be called a dispenser... So it's a Paz dispenser... So it's a Pez Dispenser...
  7. http://www.heavens-above.com/flaredetails.aspx?fid=7&lat=42.189&lng=-91.4614&loc=Howard+H.+Cherry+Scout+Reservation&alt=288&tz=CST I looked it up, and apparently that was it! And according to the star map it happened right in the middle of Orion, and I remember it being in the center of a few more bright stars. I had thought it might have been an Iridium flare, but thanks for the confirmation!
  8. Friday night while I was camping I saw this really bright moving dot in the sky, even brighter than I'd seen the ISS. I put down the container I was carrying and looked up two seconds later to see it already extremely dim, and it completely vanished a second or two later. Curious, how something can go from that bright to nothing in four seconds...
  9. If you were to ship any car by plane, it would go higher than that I think, but that would be the fifth highest rocket powered car.
  10. If we could power spaceships using stupidity we would have colonized the solar system already.
  11. It's not dead, it's just in a state where it's dormant and I'm always saying it's not dead.
  12. They reuploaded and fixed that in parts of it, most notably the landing:
  13. As far as test flights go, I'd say they did pretty well, though.
  14. There's a dummy in a spacesuit sticking his arm outside an electric car flying towards Mars. That's the first time in history we're able to say that.
  15. In a contest between which bird is my favorite... Owls are Superb, but Falcons are really where it's at.
  16. Woah. I do not have words great enough to describe what just happened. And that camera view of fairing sep. There's a Starman waiting in the sky...
  17. @DAL59 @Canopus YT livestreams are blocked at the school.
  18. AAAGH the links to the mirrors are buried ten pages ago, maybe I can find one in time.
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