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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. This might seem counterintuitive, but the exact second I knew I wouldn't ever get anywhere with my crush was also one of the most relaxing seconds of my life. When I was a young boy my father took me into the city to see a marching band I made a comic/newspaper thing about a space race between 3 teams using only vinegar and baking soda rockets. This was before I knew about "specific impulse" and how little VABS had. Also update on my front, there's actually a girl I like who I think (65% sure?) likes me back... So now I just need to actually try to ask her out. If I can stop being a coward in that department.
  2. I got very nervous during my attempt and I think 2/3 of the parts on my craft ended up being struts.
  3. Yeah, fairings aren't usually dangerous enough to be concerned about but when you only have one life they are a major problem. I had an interstage fairing for my attempt and I only barely got it off - I realized that it would hit the boosters right after I detached it. I solved it by timewarping right after i staged.
  4. As I understand it, their newer launch complex for their newer rockets is what they are in the process of switching over to. The old launch complex is inland because it was built during a war as to help protect it. Now that the threat has calmed down significantly, they chose to move their launches.
  5. I'd write an FH theme as well, but unfortunately I don't have the time to... Can't wait for yours! Actually, if we stick with the theme, I should have six months to write it...
  6. It's not completely unreasonable to have temporary holes in your heat shield. MOL in real life was going to do it (with way bigger holes even).
  7. T-5 minutes! EDIT: 15 minutes, forgot about the hold.
  8. It seems like the Electron team is probably winning the Xprize. I'm pretty sure the two teams that co-booked a PSLV backed out because they couldn't afford it.
  9. Those are all fine as long as you don't use the autopilot or anything.
  10. Okay, this one took me a while, I apologize... But there's a pretty important moment in there, so hopefully it was worth the wait! Chapter Thirteen - Little Speck of Pollen


    I just deleted two hours of work on Chapter 13 of Voyage. :(

    Two whole hours. I was a few paragraphs away from being done.



    I feel so stupid now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Piatzin


      Think about one of my dad's colleagues who lost three-quarters of her entire thesis after her computer was stolen and you'll feel better

    3. Urses


      patpatpat.... you unlucky one.....T_T

    4. KerBlitz Kerman

      KerBlitz Kerman

      My greatest condolences.... MOOOOOOAAAAAARRRR NOW!!!!!!!

  12. The semester just ended, and so did PE for me! I can't find my gym pants. Also related to PE, the teacher never asked for our padlocks back so I clipped mine onto a random pipe sticking out of the ceiling... If it's still there in a week I will take it down, though.
  13. Target: Suborbital trajectory over Earth. Space activities: Witness a sunrise over Earth. Propulsion: 43kn liquid fueled kerolox engine and a solid fueled launch escape system/braking device. Goals: Take @Ultimate Steve into space in a tiny spaceship and return him safely to Earth after watching a sunrise. Other: I actually started designing this. Wishful thinking...
  14. This happened to me a lot one day. I looked everywhere for my pencil (even on me) and I stood up and sat down multiple times. Then it randomly fell onto my desk. I also lost and re-found my lunchbag once or twice that day... I call the phenomenon "Being Attacked by Spacetime Wormholes."
  15. Feel entirely free to use my scoring system if you find it necessary.
  16. I just got home from a weeklong trip and saw my cat again, who immediately sprinted outside into the freezing weather! 5 minutes later he sprinted back in, only to, a minute later, sprint back out!
  17. Worst possible week, but I'll hopefully try this sometime!
  18. I'd turn the gimbal range on the vectors down. You shouldn't need that much, and it should stop SAS from freaking out.
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