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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. I saw that picture, and no joke, the first thing that came to my mind was "grid fins."
  2. What do you expect? I am ULTIMATE STEVE! Oh, and if you think that's a cliffhanger, just you wait...
  3. To be fair, it has at least somewhat of a plan, which is to limit transit time, and therefore, exposure to radiation and microgravity.
  4. Bugfixes and some content. We don't know what content it will be, though. Depends on who you ask. Some call the game complete, some want multiplayer and warp drive and stuff. Personally, I'd love to see a stock version of the visual enhancements mods (toggleable, of course) as well as the mythical "Gas Planet Two," as unlikely as that is to happen. Take Two bought KSP for a reason. I don't recall if that was before or after the expansion was announced, though... They don't intend to kill it right away, we'll be getting content for a while, I think. Whether that is in more expansions or actual updates is the question... Or maybe even another game in the KSP series... However, the first priority should be fixing the console versions, in my opinion. TL;DR: We don't know anything about 1.4 except that it is being worked on.
  5. At long last... 4300 words (!) and 2 months later (I don't usually make chapters this long, but I couldn't find a way to tie it up early)... Chapter Twelve - Jool, in its Majesty
  6. The best I've ever done was 58 seconds... "Only" 16... If my best was as good as your worst I'd be so happy! Great job!
  7. Is there a raptor available for 1.1.3? I don't have it (not that I'd have unlocked it yet, anyway - currently still researching Merlins).
  8. Not much has gotten done in RO for me recently, but I would like to ask you all, what is your favorite RO engine? Mine's the Astris. It doesn't have high thrust or particularly good efficiency, but without it my campaign would have gone way differently. Its propellants are storable and it is restartable pretty much infinitely, and it has found use in probably >50% of my missions.
  9. Super Nutritious Appetizing Complicated Kerbal Sustainance? We don't know. We just know its behind that door...
  10. What I meant was get going fast enough so that you clear the mountains before its too late, not "Go fast and then hit a mountain." But, yes, that misinterpretation was extremely funny!
  11. I believe in 0.17 Moho did have an atmosphere. It was annoying and promptly removed. Jool: Unless you are a beast your plane will either explode or be crushed due to pressure. Minmus: Plenty of runways, just accelerate to orbital velocity before hitting a mountain and you'll be fine.
  12. I just wasted my entire evening. The rules say no command seats for the transfer ship or the lander. However, I saw the part about being allowed to have command seats on a separately landed ascent vehicle. Except I didn't read the "separately landed" part. Thus, because of my ignorance, my submission is invalid. Which is a shame because I had a mass per launch of <2t. Oh, whatever, I'll sum it up anyway, if nobody minds, even if it doesn't count. If those sort of landers were legal, my score would be: 1.92t - highest mass. Old school - no nukes/ions - 3%. The point behind slow climb is that you don't need a jetpack. However, I didn't need a jetpack or ladders... I'm not going to count it. Consistency, good sir - use the exact same launch vehicle - 6% (I changed the fairing shape, but I'm pretty sure that's allowed, but if it's not, well, it doesn't matter anyways because my entry doesn't count). 0.91*1.92 = 1.7472. Except I'm ignorant and unobservant, so it doesn't count. Thank you for teaching me two lessons - both how to make tiny crafts, and to ALWAYS read the rules 5 times before even considering completing a challenge. Have a nice day.
  13. Note: KSP is not a tremendously annoying game. It is my favorite game ever, actually, but I've got one minor gripe. When your vessel is destroyed, you cannot switch to other vessels via the map view. This means you have to go through an extra scene (tracking station) to get to another vessel. This usually isn't a problem, but when you're de-orbiting three things in a row and want to watch them crash, it starts to become a bit of an annoyance. The devs probably won't see this, but if someone is open to modding this (if at all possible) let it be done!
  14. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I was this close to working on my mission report again! But I found this! AAAAAA! Starting KSP right now. I will make an attempt.
  15. I saw someone else post a picture of a similar glitch that made a huge Kerbal in the background a while back. The Wernher is new, though.
  16. Ahh. That was what I was trying to link, but I got the wrong link. Fullscreen is waaay better.
  17. Thanks. It says "most of a third DII" so hopefully that means a substantial portion (hoping that the stages are there with some parts removed). If the core, S2, boosters, and fairing are there to at least some extent (or even 3 of those) I could still see replica parts being made if necessary to complete the rocket for display. If there's no customers for the display (unlikely) I'll take it... EDIT: Placing the booster in front of my high school would make it the tallest building for dozens of miles around, excluding various radio antennas.
  18. A few days ago I tried to design a super huge orbital rocket. Every. Single. Time.
  19. https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/27/polar-orbiting-weather-satellite-joined-up-with-delta-2-rocket-in-california/ The second to last Delta II to fly is being assembled for launch. I read somewhere that there's a third one sitting around without a launch contract. I'm hoping that they're considering sending it to a museum (KSC rocket garden or something).
  20. Okay, posting here for two reasons. 1. Let's resume! This was a project of epic proportions that sort of stalled... 2. I was making a YouTube KSP montage video and I'm almost done with it. However, I just realized I have accidentally included a short clip of one of the Babylon stations, namely this one: A quick stroll through the thread revealed no obvious creator. I thought I'd ask around here to see if I could include this in the video (I could remove it but it would be a pain to get the syncing right at this point, I'd rather not try to do that). To the creator, if you don't want it in the video, that's fine, just say so. If it's fine, also say so. -Steve.
  21. Unfortunately, I don't see an easy way of doing this. If they are all right next to each other in the save file, I suppose you could highlight them all and delete them all at once, but MAKE BACKUPS BEFORE TRYING!!! Another thing you can do, somewhere in a settings file (if there's no slider in game) you can turn down the discovery chance.
  22. Another thing, I've just realized I planned a new series of rockets based off of nothing other than an acronym. It's called "Futuristic Advanced Large Landable Stage" or FALLS. It's basically a shuttle without wings, vertically mounted on a rocket. Imagine a mini ITS on a Delta IV heavy, if that helps. It will have a payload bay and will be mannable and will land vertically using parachute assisted propulsive landing. Basically, a slighty more practical version of the shuttle. And here's why I designed it: It's called FALLS, and will be launching on a Gravity IC booster... Giving the program title Gravity-F.A.L.L.S... The first test article will be named "Cipher."
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