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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. To err it human. I shall not press the button. If you press this button, you get to meet your future self. He comes from the future at the least convenient time and tells you that in order to save the world you must do the thing you've been fearing your entire life. Oh, yeah, and you get to be the person to invent time travel.
  2. It's time I had my brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick I was trying to find a reference. Turns out, it's from Hitchhiker.
  3. No thanks. If you press this button you become the world's greatest genius. However, you are so intelligent that nobody knows what you are talking about and you die of old age in an insane asylum. All of your works will be realized at a random time between ten and three hundred years after your death, leading to the perfect ideals of society. Unfortunately, nobody will remember you and all of your achievements are thought to have come from your greatest enemy.
  4. I went as Wall-E 3 years in a row. I went as a spaceship once. And I went as a 6*4 lego (Yes, I know they don't make those).
  5. Yeah, I missed the BO test as well. If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read this:
  6. Watching 6 hours later (I was at school) *Watches Ariane 5 launch* *Sees that BO launch happened* Me: Sorry, Ariane! I've gotta see this! *Watches video* Me: Holy cow, it SURVIVED?!?!?!?!?!? Me: HOLY COW, IT LANDED AGAIN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Me: This is the second best day ever! A model rocket launch that almost crashed, and Ariane 5, and a BO flight!
  7. Okay, I quickly joined the forum to see if there was a thread about this, but there wasn't. So I made one really quickly. Let's see if anyone notices. Livestream: Here!
  8. The SpaceX ITS looks really cool, but it's not a thing yet. YET. The Saturn V was awesome, but it is a bit old... Shuttle? Coolest looking thing ever built, and useful to a certain extent. Shame it was a billion dollars a launch. SLS? Again, doesn't exist yet. Looks awesome, but way over budget and will only be useful until the ITS flies. N1? Most Kerbal. Would have been awesome it if had worked first try. Then the space race would have been prolonged and we'd be on Mars by now. Falcon 9? Yeah! Probably the coolest thing that's happened to me in my entire life, seeing that thing land live! Although, I think I might have to go with this: What can I say? I'm a model rocketry nerd.
  9. I remember back when mine was 1 to 2. Then I had one post that got 60 likes.
  10. Don't forget, though. I might have read the store thingy wrong, but IIRC if you bought the game before a certain date in April of 2013 (?) you would get all future expansion packs for free. That being said, I would gladly pay for expansion packs to continue to support this awesome game!
  11. U is lights. However, L would be useful to make it like the EVA lights. However, If I had it my way, I'd switch the EVA lights to "U" instead of doing it the other way around so it doesn't mess with my driving rovers (I drive with IJKL).
  12. Yeah, Val's back! And a lot of Kerbals happen to be allergic to Ketchup! 75% of telepathic ones, anyway... I decided to do some calculations. Apparently, anything over 40,000 words counts as a novel (!) and after an hour of copypasting PI into a word counter, I discovered that Project Intrepid is over 26,000 words so far! Over half way to being a novel! Also, part 18 was the shortest (350 words) and part 26 the longest (3,000 words) with the average at around 900 words per part!
  13. Congrats! Hmm, I tried to start writing a book a few months back... almost 9000 words now! Checking Project Intrepid would be a pain, though, because It is all on the forum and I don't think it has any word count functionality. Maybe if I do some random sampling I could get an average per chapter... EDIT: Okay, according to random sampling, Project Intrepid is around 38,000 words. I SHALL WRITE A NOVEL!!! EDIT2: Nevermind, I added it all up and PI is only 26,000 words. Carry on! (Hey, I'm halfway there!)
  15. Okay, I've got part 30 here! Not a very long part, but a semi-important plot part. Part 30: The Kraken's Apprentice:
  16. 9/10 I've seen you very often. You showed up on youtube a few days ago!
  17. I agree, it would be awesome. However, with non-easter egg caves, you need 3 layers of terrain colliders (surface, cave roof, cave floor) in order to make it work. It would also be difficult on planets with an ocean, as deep caves would be flooded. That said, that was a fast explanation. It would be awesome to have caves.
  18. I sometimes carry over, sometimes I just abandon it. However, now I have an obligation to copy saves between versions: Project Intrepid. It has been in 1.0.5, 1.1, and will soon be in 1.2.
  19. I used most of the fuel in it. There was also two giant heat shields on it, but they are gone by the time it landed. If you want to learn more, the entire mission (so far) is documented in the mission report in my sig.
  20. Not shown: Mark Kerman, the ship's artificial intelligence system! Originally the top of mine was a mini nose cone, but I needed somewhere to mount the giant inflatable heat shield. If I had started this report a few weeks later than I had, then I would have been able to use 1.2's cool new 0.625m heat shield! Well, the KSC would have launched more stuff, but they were sort of busy being attacked by the Flat Kerbin Society. Oh, just wait until I can unleash the TYLO ARMY! (6 Tylo Landers!)
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