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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Okay, are you ready for this? Now, anything is possible: I have now successfully returned to Eve orbit from the surface of Eve!
  2. Yes. Now I feel a need to actually go and build nuclear biplanes now... If only I didn't have lots of homework. I haven't officially mentioned it yet, but in my head they are piecing rockets together out of whatever was laying in the VAB. I assume you're talking about Experiment A. Luckily, I thought to take a screenshot of that. Just goes to show how I'll take 150 screenshots and only 50 of them make it in. Yeah, that won't be coming back for a while. Now, just need to find time for Part 29!
  3. "You are only allowed to give 25 likes per day. You cannot give any more likes today. "
  4. Hmm. I suppose the Kerbals inside the lander would be able to hear a squeak, because the sound would travel directly through the ship. And you have been the first person to reach a 5 digit reputation! Besides @SQUAD, of course.
  5. It's hard to believe, but those two triangles aren't congruent. One bulges out a bit. This statement is false.
  6. I'd like to avert everyone's pessimism for a bit, if that's okay with you. Some say that this will make it to Mars. Some say that it won't. Some say that is will - in several decades time. Nobody can completely accurately predict the future. But I can say - with a high amount of confidence - that whether we make it there with this or not, this is the closest we have ever been to going to Mars. It got real for me when I saw the Raptor static fire. It got realer when I saw a carbon fiber fuel tank bigger than my house. On a slightly unrelated note, I decided to play "The Final Countdown" at the same time as the ITS video (which was muted). I started the latter six later than the former. I had planned for the liftoff to sync perfectly - but the lyrics also synced perfectly. Such as "And maybe we'll come back to Earth who can tell?" at the same time as the booster returning to Earth, "I'm sure that we'll all miss her so" at the same time as the spaceship departing for Mars, "Cause maybe they've seen us" At the same time at the crew of the spaceship would see the refueler, and "And welcome us all" at the time of the refueler docking to (being welcomed by) the spaceship. Definitely the best coincidence I've seen for some time. Now, I wonder what the first words said on Mars will be. Can't wait for that day! EDIT: Hey, that was my 500th post!
  7. Yeah! I don't think I've seen anyone with a dinosaur as an avatar. You'll certainly be recognizable.
  8. Not sure if it "fits," but you might want to add in a little something about Elon's presentation. Or not, if it doesn't really fit.
  9. Oh, look at me! Predicting the future! Although, this isn't really the full part 28. I only used 1.5 out of the 5 albums I uploaded so far. I was a bit short on time. So, here is a somewhat shorter part! Enjoy! Part 28: Sunset on Eve!
  10. I landed one on Moho. Not sure how long it is. This particular one also landed on Minmus, and I am planning to try to land one that is 100 meters long on Gilly soon. EDIT: It might be worthy to note that the crew was stranded. I rescued them, though. And then I sent them to Eve. EDIT 2: And that's how my first Kerbal on Moho became my first Kerbal on Eve.
  11. Hello, just an update. You may not see a new part for a while, just a heads up. The screenshots for the next few parts are ready, but the issue is having a long enough stretch of time to write. Weekends are usually a good time to do this (I've got school during the week) but I spent this weekend working on something else. That being said, I might have a day where I'm doing nothing and part 28 might come tomorrow.
  12. How is it possible to build such intricate contrpations in KSP? First the Rubik's cube, and now this! Hats off to you!
  13. I am having the shaking problem with an only 100m long mothership. I should probably start playing my mission report in 1.2 then. I want to build bigger! (Plus my screenshots folder is at around 2000 now)
  14. Ok. I haven't done anyone else's yet, but I just finished one of my own (albeit at a different angle) but my scanner/printer broke. Until I can borrow someone else's scanner, the camera will have to do. Unfortunately, it won't focus very well... Yes, it's on notebook paper. I got bored at school. Also, just for reference, it's called "Intrepid" because that big ship is called "Intrepid."
  15. @Pine, thanks! I may not get drawings done often, but I'll do my best! (Anyone want me to draw theirs first?)
  16. I like the idea to include more people in this! Hmm. I can sort of draw. With colored pencils, though, not in a computer program... I do draw KSP stuff a lot, though. If I could "join," that would be great, just let me know. EDIT: Hey, you're at 500 rep now!
  17. I've posted here before, but I think I've done something else. I landed a Kerbal on Moho with a giant ship that ran out of fuel. So I send a rescue ship. The rescue ship doesn't have enough fuel for Kerbin, but I have enough fuel for Eve, where I have a flotilla coming to from Kerbin. 200 days later, the craft rendezvous with each other (In the story, that Kerbal steals several spacecraft) and then my first Kerbal on Moho also becomes my first Kerbal on Eve. Without returning to Kerbin. Within 200 days of leaving Moho. I may or may not have been the first person to do this.
  18. I think I've been here 3.5 years. I've landed something on everything except Vall and Eeloo (Plus I've sent stuff into the sun and Jool) and Lerbals have walked everywhere except for Dres, Vall, and Eeloo (excluding the Sun and Jool). I do, however, have kerballed ships en route to Dres, Eeloo, and the Jool system with landers for those. I have long-term plans to make a Jool Ascent Vehicle, even. I think that most KSP players go at least into solar orbit. I'd say most of the people who regularly played before 0.17 visited the planets, and a good portion of the new-ish players. Most probably won't get around to landing Kerbals on another planet. However, >90% of "serious" players probably do.
  19. I've done quite a bit of drawing in KSP. I've got a bunch more, but they are lower quality than this one, and I've already scanned this one, so... A while back I drew a Hype Train. It looks much, MUCH better in person, the scanner sort of made it more edgy and pixelated.
  20. Oops, sorry! Wrong thread! Actually, that's quite an interesting shuttle design. And a funny video.
  21. I remember it happened in Kuzzter's Duna Ore Bust comic. I guess it hasn't been fixed yet.
  22. Wait, there's other KSP players in Iowa? Besides me? Yay! Congrats!
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