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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Wait... So, now you've circumnavigated every body in stock KSP? I think you are the first person to ever do that. Hats off to you! What next? OPM? Modding in Jool's Surface? Circumnavigaring a class E asteroid?
  2. Aww Yeah I don't have KSP with me right now, so I'll use Kerbalmaps. The Sun: Lots of fire. Moho: Just north of a crater on the dark plains. Eve: The middle of a small lake. Minmus: Just north of a frozen lake. Dres: Dark plains. Jool: Mostly pea soup. Laythe: Ocean. Bop: A 13KM tall mountain. Eeloo: Near a bit of a small canyon. I'll check for real when I get back to KSP.
  3. *checks Iowa* Middle of the ocean. Darn. Need to build floating island...
  4. Just an update: I am going on vacation and probably won't get any new parts done for the next three weeks. Just so you know.
  5. Well, you could try doing it without the tutorials. It's sort-of simple once you get the hang of it, orbit, get mun encounter, burn retrograde at mun periapsis until you are in orbit. As long as you can make a rocket that can do this, you should be fine without that tutorial. If you really do need a tutorial and none of the in-game ones are working out, I suggest you try this youtube tutorial by Scott Manley. Or anything else by him. Just keep in mind that that tutorial is a bit outdated, but as far as orbiting and encountering, it is up to date. I also suggest you report this as a bug in the console support forum. Hope I helped!
  6. I take it from your previous posts you are playing on a console. I don't have much experience with KSP on the console, but I'll try to help a bit, although none of the following may work. Did the throttle meter actually move? If no, then you aren't throttled up. Are you out of fuel? If so, I can't help you there. Can you control the ship at all? If no, then you might be time warping. Do the engines have a green fuel bar next to them? If no, try activating them by right-click (or however you do that on console) or staging if they are in the next stage. If the fuel bar is all dark green, you may be out of fuel... Also, there is a bit of a bug on console right now that you can lose control of a vessel sometimes. Also, the tutorial might have mistakenly locked the controls. I can't help with either of those last two, but maybe try quiclsaving then loading? Or reloading the game if it comes to that? As I said before, I don't play KSP on the console... I hope I have helped, even though I may not have... The console version has been known to be a bit buggy, but sadly one must learn to deal with it (although if it is the loss of control bug, then it should be fixed soon).
  7. 49 MAMMOTHS?!?!?!?!?!? Wow... Somewhat relevant is that @Kuzzter's original Tylo lander was called Tylo X6... and I actually brought 6 Tylo landers to Tylo...
  8. Also, I just landed 3 things on Duna within 10m of each other. I AM THE PRECISION MASTER!!! Yeah, so what one of them was a plane? And that the base tipped over? And that it took me five tries for the lander? Seriously, though. I should go to Duna more often.
  9. Having a 700+ part 11,000 ton rocket not kill the computer and actually make orbit! And hopefully reach Minmus!
  10. The big one: SQUAD is not a video game company. They are a marketing company. They are shifting away from marketing, but KSP is their first game. So, nobody gets things perfect on their first try. Would it be better if KSP had never been made?
  11. Here's how I would divide them: Inspiration era - HarvestR experiments with model rocketry and writes the kerbo Log. Pre-KSP era - pre 0.1 versions. Early KSP - 0.1-0.7.3. The foundation for the game, and the first public release. Early-Middle KSP - 0.7.3 - 0.13.3. Continues building the foundation for more stuff - saving vessels, symmetry, the Mun, etcetera. Middle KSP - 0.14. Vessel persistence. Very important. The Golden age, early - 0.15. The golden age brings massive updates with awesome stuff. Rotating parts, spaceplanes. The Golden age, middle - 0.16. 2.5m rocket parts and EVA. The Golden age, late - 0.17. IVA and planets, along with an amazing amount of polish. The Last Golden age - 0.18. Arguably the biggest update in KSP in terms of features. Docking, Maneuver nodes, better map mode, probes, electricity, the resources tab, and a ton of other features that would take me half an hour to say. Early modern KSP - 0.19 - 0.21. Rovers, seats, flag planting, and Linux! Completely redesigned space center. Also, the astronaut complex. Modern KSP - 0.22 - 0.90 - Tons of cool stuff! Career and Science modes, 3m parts, and asteroids! Recent KSP - 1.0 - 1.1.3 - KSP continues to grow! 64 bit, destructible stuff, mining, and more! The Future - ????
  12. Yay! I guess I get to do, um... a 5 sub special?!?!?
  13. Found KSP in 0.18. Bought and downloaded a few days later when 0.19 came out. Been through 3 computers, with decreasing lag, and have sent probes to every celestial body except for Eeloo. Landed kerbals everywhere except for Vall, Eeloo, Eve, Dres, and Jool (obviously). I currently have manned missions in progress to Vall, Eeloo, and Dres with plans to go to Eve and ascend from Jool. Actually, I *sort of* do. I've been involved in something called the Hyperstream game design contest. Our team won best animation sequence this year. I also do some programming on Khan Academy, although I never really get far on games. My best game, in my opinion, is Rocket Game 2 (wow, a creative name). Left and right arrows to steer, up and down arrows for throttle, and shift for the parachute.
  14. Okay! Would it be better if there was no KSP at all? I've got my 3 years of enjoyment out of it. As long as it isn't sold to EA or Miniclip or anything, I don't really care what happens next. Sequel? Sure! I can still keep my old versions! Continued development with more bugs? Sure! New features to play with, and I can still keep my old versions! Threads about KSP being shut down? Sure! I can ignore them and I can still keep old versions! I don't want KSP to ever be "dead" or anything. But we can still keep old versions of it. Plus, if it dies, we might be able to get our hands on the source code. *end minirant*
  15. A mobile version would be way more complicated than you would think it would be. The first major hurdle is that most smartphones don't have the processing power required to run KSP. However, this may be fixed in the next decade... The second hurdle is the controls. No buttons, only a touch screen, so you'd have to fit all of the controls on a tiny screen. That means that you'd have 20 tiny buttons scrunched up on the screen. Maybe a "lite" 2D version. If you want that now, try SimpleRockets. As far as the full game, it won't happen any time soon.
  16. What everyone's said before. You can also fire him, I think, by clicking the red "x" by his name in the astronaut complex. Be warned, though, late game the price per kerbal can be well over a million funds, and you'd have to go to another planet to "rescue" one into your space program. Most people find the rescue missions a bonus, though.
  17. *quickly googles Kold war* Actually, no. A long time ago, I got a Kerbal named Doodbro. It was the first name I thought of, so I guess it was a coiencidence. He's both a dude and a bro at once. Potentially the coolest sounding Kerbal name in history.
  18. Try pressing ALT+X. It will reset your trim. If that doesn't work, I can't help you.
  19. Hmm... never seen that before. Try uninstalling mods, and if that doesn't work, maybe re-install the game (or verify the cache if on steam).
  20. Yeah... I burn into discarded stages like @miketheveeg sometimes. However, I've never hit any proper space debris. Although, I was approaching a station once and discarded a stage before I go there... it almost hit the station Although, a while back, there was this one guy who was going to Jool and hit Dres by accident... one in a million chance.
  21. Without going into the details, multiplayer for KSP would be very complicated. There have been a few mods (DMP) That I tried, but I tried to do a community space station and some jerk shot at it with a battleship... But mostly it is the persistence and time warp issues. Though a stable multiplayer would be awesome.
  22. If you DL'd from the store, and you still have the Zip file, you can unzip it again.
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