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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Coming in at an INCREDBBLY huge 2^1.2
  2. 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
  3. Granted. You never said anything about robots. I wish that SpaceX will get back to flying rockets really soon. My life's grown boring without them.
  4. I do not get the reference. So I do not get bonus points. But I google it. *5 minutes later* I bring more Mighty Mouse rockets. However, most of them miss and hit the next poster...
  5. Hehehehe... Another perfect coincidence. First asteroid I find happens to be a magic boulder. As far as I know, 1.2 is safe. I haven't had very many problems with it at all (except it taking 10 seconds to open up the load save menu - although that is just an issue with the 3-version save file and doesn't happen on any other save file. Actually, I'd really like to know who's save has gone through the most versions. It's probably Brotoro.) but I'd recommend you back up your saves. Most Kerbals to Minmus, Eh? Good luck. That beast was over 500 parts. Would have been 10,000 had autostruts and joint rigidity not been implemented!
  6. *goes to Minmus but doesn't have enough fuel to get to orbit* *goes to Eve and Duna instead* Funny, most of the time it works the opposite way for me: *builds Duna/Eve mission* *low on fuel so I go to Minmus instead* That is certainly a LOT of science!
  7. Now that is a huge station... much more ISS-y than anything I've built. Great job so far!
  8. Hey, that's actually a great idea! Dear future me, I am currently at exactly 656 rep. Only 344 to go! So, here is what I have been doing in KSP lately: I still have not visited Vall or Eeloo, but have ships on the way there. Project intrepid is currently at part 33. I have the pictures done for part 34 and part 35. I still haven't done a proper 1.2 career utilizing CommNet. I recently almost lost Project Intrepid due to a save corruption. And as of 8:59PM CST, this post has been liked 0 times. I predict I will reach the magical four digits, uh, by the end of February. But definitely not before 2016 ends (although that would be a pleasant surprise!) All hail Imaginary Internet Points!
  9. Well, as others have said stick another 10m heat shield on the other side of it for MOAR DRAG! Worked pretty well for me.
  10. Raygun Kerman. I always imagine him carrying around a giant Ray Gun.
  11. I read the article, and it was criticizing SpaceX's plan a lot (or maybe it just seemed that way, I'm biased towards SpaceX) but that wasn't the problem I had with it. The main problem I had with it was that there was no mention of the ITS/MCT anywhere in the article. Although this may have been written before the announcement. On the plus side, on the opposite side of that poster is a map of Mars that I am going to hang up in my room.
  12. Luckily for me, it is only a hologram. With a high powered laser sufficient to melt any material, be it mirrors or tungsten, as its base. So I pick up the base and point the very dangerous laser at the next poster.
  13. Remember when there were these things called "Kraken Drives?" Most recent, in the 1.1 pre release, you could just clip wheels and get infinite acceleration. Before that was deployable gear drives, the 750m/s barrier, and the short lived age of Kraken Drive SSTO's. Before that was this wonderful thing called "Infiniglide" which allowed the circumnavigation of Kerbin in 15 minutes or less. And before that was the pioneer of Kraken Drives, the same glitch which powered it still exists today. Pepperidge Farm remembers the FTL Egg.
  14. Also, this thread is from the previous AMA which was in 2015...
  15. Wait... so trying to dock a small lander with next to no SAS with an inline port to a giant wheel shaped mothership which is currently rotating and bouncing down a hill on Gilly would be considered an 11? Actually happened to me. Took me 30mins. Harder than my first ever docking.
  16. A moon that rotates so the equator is rotating at escape velocity so you can only land on the poles... And a moon that is entirely ocean except for one gigantic mountain that reaches outside of said moon's atmosphere. And a moon of a moon.
  17. You can't fill it in the VAB or SPH. You have to put a pod on it somewhere and crew the pod, then you EVA the Kerbal, right click on the seat and click "board." Then you can jettison the pod. So you weren't doing anything wrong. You just can't put Kerbals in seats directly from the VAB/SPH. However, there is a mod called "Take Command" that allows you to do this. I think it should be stock.
  18. Oh, my. I laughed out loud so hard. Thanks for the laugh! That could be like, a comedy short or something. Actually... AAGH! Now I have to spend the next month working on a comedy short! Too many ideas! If I ever get around to actually doing that, and if I ever finish it, then that will be absolutely awesome. Thanks for the idea.
  19. The terribly slowness might be because the USA has been under a DDoS attack for the past day or so.
  20. Or make up your own story and do a mission report on it!
  21. Aww, thanks. Nice job in the house! Typical of the internet. I finally have all day to do something, and then I start uploading to imgur and then imgur gets hit by a ddos attack... EDIT: AARRGH! Long story short, I had to shuffle over my save to another install because it got corrupted. Except I forgot to change the screenshot key to "p" which is what I'm used to using. The result? Me thinking I'm taking 200 screenshots and my screenshot folder remaining empty. GRR! 5 hours of gameplay, and nothing to show. Oh, well. I guess I'll just hyperedit everything back to get screenshots. I hope you guys don't mind!
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