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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Hmm. I sent 8 to Jool once. BUT as far as total capacity goes... My career mode Minmus/Mun bases could hold 30+, but the largest capacity in a spacefaring vessel would probably be my original Interpid (see my mission report). It can carry 25 not counting landers and such. If you want to get really technical, another ship from my mission report (the same type as the first one) has the 25 Kerbal capacity... BUT it has lots of Jool ships attached to it right now. Doing the math, it can probably hold 50.
  2. You have discovered the great Minmus Rift! I've never seen it myself. Rifts happen when the terrain tiles don't match up properly. There is a huge one on Gilly somewhere, and one near Minmus' poles. They occasionally happen elsewhere, but the two I mentioned happen regularly.
  3. Although, the alt+f4 thing (On windows, it closes the window you're currently in) has killed at least one of my missions. Time to quicksave! *closes window*
  4. Oh, hey! It's a medium spaceship rescuing a giant spaceship from orbit around Moho! (For my mission report)
  5. Part 23: Phew! I'm finally done with all of the pre-vacation screenshots! I can get back to actually playing the game now!
  6. There is a thread somewhere where you can change your username. However, beware, you can only change it once. No exceptions.
  7. AAAAARRRGGHHHHH! IMGUR Y U HATE ME? Okay, the next part is coming soon. However, a few things to know about the new imgur: 1) it will only upload 50 images at a time. 2) if you add more images to the album, they will be in reverse order. 3) For some reason, all of my images were scrambled in order. This next part will be VERY annoying to make. EDIT: Part 22: (Is it just me, or are the images smaller?!?!?) EDIT EDIT: Imgur is just not working for me. None of the pictures are showing up. Is this happening for anyone else? EDIT EDIT EDIT: Okay, that was weird. It's working now. Go and read the chapter!
  8. Africa, Antarctica. However, for me, I always thought that your "Korea" looked like a Spain.
  9. AAAAGH! I was on vacation, and I missed it. Well, better late then never. @Kuzzter, your reputation is now OVER 9000! On a slightly more relevant note, yeah! New pages! Because I've been gone for 3 weeks! Yeah!
  10. I joined in 0.19, and my two earliest screenshots are 1) something exploding and 2) my first mun landing.
  11. I don't want to be THAT GUY, but... It is impossible to please everyone. That is why the developers made it easy to mod the game. (Also, from a practicality standpoint, changing the tech tree system from the ground up would break pretty much everyone's career and science savefiles)
  12. Heh. Heh. Heh. Going back to my recent Moho mission (in my mission report) my giant mothership did not have enough thrust to get off of Moho unless I launched with 10% fuel... I had a very hard time getting to orbit
  13. ^^^What he said. I can play, but the last time I tried to make something in DMP, somebody blew it up with a battleship... Also, beware the glitches.
  14. The image appears to be broken...
  15. @CAKE99 I would like to be in the next round, please! Knowing me, I'd probably die within the first 5 minutes, though...
  16. Granted. You are taken to the biggest library in the world and interesting books you've never heard of start falling off the shelves and burying you. (Although I would recommend anything by Stuart Gibbs) I wish for this post to stay on this thread.
  17. 0_0 Please be within the next few hours... I'm going on vacation for 3 weeks tomorrow morning!
  18. Wait... So, now you've circumnavigated every body in stock KSP? I think you are the first person to ever do that. Hats off to you! What next? OPM? Modding in Jool's Surface? Circumnavigaring a class E asteroid?
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